> 40 unique Microbadges for every player to collect.
Earn them for a wide variety of accomplishments and show them off to every other racer online! 增加了四十个不同小徽标,会显示在在线比赛的时候。如上图所示,相当于游戏内的奖杯,我看了这四十个小徽标,多数和奖杯达成条件不同。
> Sugar Rush short-cut removed.
The short-cut which by-passes the sugar field was not intentionally included and has been removed. Sugar Rush赛道的某个捷径被移除
> Sugar Rush respawn point fixed.
Crashing at a certain point on the track no longer respawns the vehicle in a generous position. Sugar Rush赛道的一个bug被解决
> Additional fixes and improvements to gameplay.
Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback on MotorStorm Pacific Rift so far: we are still investigating the other issues that have been brought to our attention.
Please let us know your thoughts on this update, and on the game in general, by visiting the VIP.MotorStorm.com forums.