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标题: 星战-原力释放通关心得(第2页更新Holocrons方位) [打印本页]

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-20 18:04     标题: 星战-原力释放通关心得(第2页更新Holocrons方位)

3下午入手,连续3个晚上沉迷,把Sith Lord难度通了。不知是我对星战太过有爱,抑或是最近情绪低迷,总之如今能让我如此沉迷的游戏也不多了。当然,这游戏的素质是不错的,让我们再次诅咒IGNGS的脑残编辑吧。如果让我打分,此游戏大概会在8.5分左右。游戏画面很出色,拖慢的地方很少,可以看出美工花了不少力气。而游戏的音乐也非常赞,与场景内容结合的非常好。虽然标榜的是ACT游戏,不过我在玩的时候总无意的把它当成ARPG了。由于星战大背景的限制,游戏主角最终的归宿总是可以预见的,虽然此作也摆脱不了这个限制,但又并非完全受限。游戏的副标题是“原力释放”,在游戏中你可以深切体会到此作主角原力的强大。原力的黑暗与光明面共同造就了Starkiller这个主角,这是个矛盾的存在,然而最终投靠光明面还是黑暗面的选择权却在你手里……没错,游戏有2个结局。

游戏自然是以章节的形式展开,每章都会有一个次要任务可以完成,以及达到X万点force point,和一个收集holocrons的目标,这3个完成后过关会有一些奖励,例如主角的装扮和解锁原力能力,光剑的水晶颜色等。
游戏最主要的方面是原力(废话……),原力能力分三个部分:原力能量(Force Powers),原力天赋(Force Talents),原力战技(Force Combo)。
原力推倒Force Push):就是把前方的敌人和物品推开,也可以用来打开一些门。威力不是很高,但范围挺大,2级后可以蓄力,3级提升威力。此技能用来清杂兵效果不错,boss一般对此能力免疫。默认键是B,蓄力则是按住B
原力支配Force Grip):将物品或敌人抬起到空中,之后扔、摔随你。我最爱的技能,不论是对杂兵还是boss都好用,摔出去的威力很大,对不少小兵都能秒杀,更可以利用地形把杂兵直接扔到悬崖、外太空之类的地方。大部分boss虽然可以防住此技能,但并非每次都成功,只要抓起来一次摔出去就能打掉不少血,当然,用地上那些物品砸向对方也能造成不少伤害。按住RT抓取目标,用右摇杆可将目标上下移动,左摇杆左右前后移动,放开RT键可将目标释放,放开的同时配合摇杆则可将目标向指定方向扔出,一般只要大致方向差不多,扔出去的目标都能砸到敌人身上。2级后可以一次抓取2个目标,33个目标,抓取多个目标需要先按LT再按RT。感觉此能力升级作用不大,一般很少有敌人靠的很近的,所以一次抓取多个目标不太现实。
原力闪电Force Lightning):发出一道闪电击向目标,造成伤害,并有可能短时间麻痹对方。该技能对付一些机械类敌人不错,对付普通敌人也很好,强烈建议升到3级。2级时按住Y可以持续对目标进行伤害,目标被电时一般无法动作,3级时候可以一次电到一定范围内多名敌人。你可以在跳起来的时候使用该能力,持续电击会让你静止在空中。
原力爆破Force Repulse):将你周围的敌人全部击退,2级时可蓄力。按住LT后按B使用。被包围的时候使用效果不错。
光剑投掷(Lightsaber Throw):把光剑丢向目标,直接造成伤害,光剑飞行途中的敌人也会收到伤害。2级时可蓄力,3级时增加爆炸效果。此技能威力较高,对付血多的敌人效果不错。按LT+X
闪电护盾Lightning Shield):减少伤害,增加光剑威力。护盾存在时间原力使用不能。此技能的用处不是很大,持续时间也比较短。LT+Y


3原力战技:一些与光剑相关的连击招数,类似DMC,还有些关于原力能量的组合技。详情可以打开Force Upgrades菜单按Y键查看。

每击败一个敌人都会获得原力点(就是经验),到一定程度即可升级,升级时会获得能量、天赋、战绩点各一,可在Force Upgrades菜单里对相应能力进行升级,有些能力升级需要不止一点的点数。升级不会为角色直接带来任何能力的提升,只是奖励升级点数。

游戏的关卡和场景设置非常赞,从机械化十足的飞船内部,到长满巨大奇特植物的星球,还有宇宙垃圾到处飞的废物站等,无论你何时何地都能感受到游戏美工所下的一番功夫。游戏中你不仅需要用原力击败敌人,还要利用原力为你开辟一条前进的道路。巧妙的利用地形会让你更轻松的击败敌人,还有,不要忘记搜索地图上的每一个角落,包括你的头顶,Holocrons往往就在一些出其不意的地方。黄色立方体的是Jedi Holocrons,一般都是奖励10000点原力点,但有的却包含着特殊物品,如改变光剑颜色用的水晶石,附加能力的水晶,服装等,有的直接奖励升级技能的点数,每一关都有收集Jedi Holocrons的任务,但是要收集齐是很困难的(我好几关都是只差12个……没一关收集齐的),于是成就也有关于收集的。当你接触到Jedi Holocrons时,你的生命值即会回复满。红色金字塔型的是Sith Holocrons,其方位一般都比较显眼,且很有可能出现在一些较难区域中,一般提供一些短暂的增益效果,使你更容易打败敌人。总之,巧妙利用原力和你的聪明才智,才会让你畅行无阻。

一上来扮演Darth Vader那关的就不用提了,直接虐就好。
第一关General Kota):没什么好说的,抓地上的东西丢他就行了,注意回避他丢东西的原力,他会先蓄力,身体周围被原力围绕,此时攻击对他无效,被他砸中会很痛。当然你也可以用光剑去砍,由于对方总爱防御,建议用挑起来后按住X的向下攻击技能破防然后去砍。对方损失一定生命值后场景改变,注意别踩到地上红色的地方,最后终结行动干掉他。
第二关Kazdan):这只的近战能力很高,光剑攻击范围也大,尽量不要上去砍。有个简单的方法,就是电他,1级的电其实就足够,若被他抵抗了则继续电,遇到对抗就在红色区域按Y。他被电了以后会麻痹,此时用Grip举起来往外扔,若不麻痹直接用Grip会很难成功。扔出去他会再爬回来,注意他回来的时候落地那一下会损血,远离。用dash不断拉开距离重复就可以。他会召唤2次Junk Titan,其间他消失。打Titan比较简单,不要靠太近,一直电就行了,没原力了就来回Dash边躲边等原力回复。若Titan用红色锤子敲地,你的下方会出现一个红色区域,此时立刻远离该区域,否则爆炸会伤很多血。如此重复,最后终结行动干掉。(Junk Titan之前还会出现2次,真是阴魂不散)
第三关Shaak Ti):这关的Boss战地形极度恶心。第一个场景是一片平地,地上有几个会爆炸的烂泥地,走上去会掉很多血,注意躲避。一上来就直接光剑砍吧,多用跳+按住X的技能破防后砍,她会召唤小兵,每次3个,而她不会像第2boss那样消失。小兵出来尽量解决小兵,因为小兵的攻击力很凶猛,抓起来往boss身上丢吧。打掉一定HP后切换场景。第2场景是一个弧形场地,上方中央空缺处是一个巨大的植物,左右两边有很大一片爆炸烂泥地,看似恶心的地形其实很好。在两边烂泥地中央的空地处尽量不要停留,巨型植物会时不时的对这片区域进行猛烈的拍打,被拍到基本就是死。小兵会不断刷新,一般是3-4只。最简单的打法是站在左右两边烂泥地的最里面,那里是安全的,敌人不会直接闯过烂泥地,而是绕进来,而且巨型植物的攻击不会打到这2个地方。站在里面一直对boss使用Grip吧,成功抓取的话就直接扔到植物那边,她掉下去一次会伤不少血。若有小兵靠近先解决小兵,还能顺便补充HP,注意在2边切换阵地。Boss不会被植物拍到,但小兵会。不断扔boss到死就行了。期间注意躲避Boss的蓄力攻击。
第五关(黑暗武士):说这是最恶心的一个Boss战估计人人都同意,因为自动记录的地方太早,而boss出来后没记录,死掉要重新干掉一群小兵,2个大机器人……Boss出来后还会刷新一批小兵,最好先拉开与Boss的距离,干掉杂兵,因为杂兵的攻击力都很高,尤其是若被狙击手射中一下基本就去了1/3 HP。至于Boss,你的原力对他基本都没效果,而他的对你都有。用Grip抓取场地上的东西往boss身上砸吧,若他被砸倒则立刻过去电或者用刀砍,所有boss在倒地状态下用电击都可以直接伤血……他起来后就Dash远离,然后继续砸,如此往复,这是比较安全的打法……毕竟死了以后清小兵就要10分钟。
第六关(废物机器人):依靠地形,吃个增加伤害的Sith Holocrons,往他身上丢3个爆炸物就空血了……最废的一个,无伤轻松过。。。注意小兵就行了
第八关战1Proxy):Proxy会变来变去,之前都是你打过的敌人,具体战法见上。一定HP后他会变身Darth Maul,拿双头剑,此时最好别跟他近战,不然被他砍中一轮基本就废了。用Grip对付他,不论是对他丢东西还是直接抓他都有效,倒地后赶快去电或者砍就行了。
第九关战1Darth Vader):第一个场景是狭小的走廊,没什么注意的,上去一直砍吧,若被他grip了快速按B解除。第二场景,Vader一开始先站在最中央,向你丢东西。你赶在他前面丢就行了,丢到他他就不会动作了……这里如果你跳到中间去砍他会很容易被他Grip,所以还是用东西丢吧。再打掉一定HP他会把地板掀起来,红色区域危险,站在实地上跟他砍吧,若他倒地赶快占便宜。最后终结行动,你将Vader的维生面罩打掉,将其身体打的破烂不堪,你击败了你的师傅,以及背叛你的人。
第九关战2Darth Sidious):Vader被你击败后,Emperor会怂恿你去杀掉他,他自己干掉那些Jedirebles。这时若你听他的跳下去杀掉Vader则是黑暗结局,若你去救Jedi则是光明结局。黑暗结局未知,光明结局需要打Emperor,最强大的敌人。他会一直闪来闪去,唯一有效的攻击方式只有光剑和Grip抓物后砸他。追着他砍吧,在他身上被紫电包围住时候别靠近,此状态他免疫所有攻击,此时他会浮起,然后召唤小兵或者用Grip抓物砸你,若被砸到会掉很多血。有个简单的方法可以避免被砸,就是判断东西飞来的方向,然后躲到桌子后面就行了,他一般就砸到桌子上了……召唤的小兵就是用来补血的,随意虐。他丢的东西你也可以用来在他护盾消失后砸他。没东西丢就追着他砍吧,虽然看起来简单,但实际上打起来很困难。

[ 本帖最后由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-22 12:04 编辑 ]
作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-20 18:04


Apprentice 75 Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.

Sith Warrior 100 Complete Game - Sith Warrior difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.

Sith Lord 100 Complete Game - Sith Lord difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.

Sith Master 100 Complete Game - Sith Master difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.---此难度貌似只有用Sith Lord难度通了以后才可以进入

Pushed5 Defeat 100 enemies with Force Push

Gripped 5 Defeat 100 enemies with Force Grip

Shocked 5 Defeat 100 enemies with Force Lightning

Repulsed 5 Defeat 100 enemies with Force Repulse

Impaled 5 Defeat 100 enemies with Saber Throw

Stormed 5 Defeat 100 enemies with Lightning Shield

Grappled 15 Defeat 100 enemies with a grapple move

Launched 20 Defeat 100 enemies with Aerial Ambush juggle combos

PROXY Won't Be Happy 15 Destroy 35 droids

Rebel Leader 15 Defeat 500 Imperials

Bossk 15 Defeat 200 Wookiees on Kashyyyk Prologue

Bully 15 Defeat 25 Ugnaughts or Jawas

Skilled 5 Earn 250,000 Force Points on a single level

Expert 10 Earn 500,000 Force Points on a single level

Legend 25 Earn 600,000 Force Points on a single level

Frenzy 5 Get a Frenzy x4 bonus

Sith Frenzy 10 Get a Frenzy x8 bonus

Sith Lord Frenzy 15 Get a Frenzy x12 bonus

Holocron Collector 75 Collect all Jedi holocrons in the game

Corellian Star 10 Complete all bonus objectives on one level

Force Push Mastery 20 Defeat 500 enemies with Force Push

Force Grip Mastery 20 Defeat 500 enemies with Force Grip

Force Lightning Mastery 20 Defeat 500 enemies with Force Lightning

Force Repulse Mastery 20 Defeat 500 enemies with Repulse

Lightsaber Throw Mastery 20 Defeat 500 enemies with Saber Throw

Lightning Shield Mastery 20 Defeat 500 enemies with Lightning Shield

The Bigger They Are 15 Defeat 6 Rancors

The Harder They Fall 15 Defeat 10 AT-STs or AT-KTs

Cannon Fodder 15 Defeat 150 Stormtroopers

Sith Trials 20 Complete all Training Room challenges and Combat Modules

Sith Training 20 Complete all Training Room lessons

Secret Achievements

Invasion 10 Complete Level – Prologue

Insurrection 10 Complete Level - TIE Factory, act 1

Junkyard 10 Complete Level - Raxus Prime, act 1

Jedi Hunt 10 Complete Level - Felucia, act 1

Empirical 10 Complete Level - Empirical, act 2

Vapor Room 10 Complete Level - Cloud City, act 2

Skyhook 10 Complete Level - Kashyyyk, act 2

Infestation 10 Complete Level - Felucia, act 2

Destroyer 10 Complete Level - Raxus Prime, act 2

Redemption 20 Complete Game - Light Side

Revenge 20 Complete Game - Dark Side

Worst Day-Shift Manager Ever 10 Kill 12 Stormtroopers as Vader during the Prologue

最大的问题就是锁定,经常是明明能看到目标却不出锁定框,导致所有原力都作用不能 。锁定的速度也有些问题,更主要是的切换锁定目标很麻烦,只能靠移动视角。
原理能力还是有些少了……好吧,我承认我又当成RPG玩了,怀念D20 System里的Force Feats啊!
成就:有些成就设置不是很好,比如用XX技能 灭掉几千个敌人……

Cheat Codes
Complete the first mission to unlock Rogue Shadow. Then access the Enter Code option in the Extras menu and enter the codes.

KATARN - Max Force Powers
EXARKUN - Max Force push
JOCASTA - Max Force Talents
DATHOMIR - Max Force Repulse
ADEGAN - Max Saber Throw
COUNTDOOKU - Max Combo Level
LIGHTSABER - Additional Saber damage
HURRIKANE - All Saber Crystals


[ 本帖最后由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-30 18:41 编辑 ]
作者: 我想握着你的手    时间: 2008-9-20 21:13

作者: johnnyf    时间: 2008-9-20 21:27

今天打了2关 感觉手感不佳啊
作者: tx6600    时间: 2008-9-20 22:17

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-20 23:18

原帖由 johnnyf 于 2008-9-20 21:27 发表
今天打了2关 感觉手感不佳啊
我2周目玩Sith Master难度中……光剑上去砍就是找死啊
作者: sniperm82    时间: 2008-9-20 23:49

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-20 23:50

原帖由 sniperm82 于 2008-9-20 23:49 发表
作者: sniperm82    时间: 2008-9-21 00:01

原帖由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-20 23:50 发表

作者: hanzo    时间: 2008-9-21 00:14

作者: tianshicon    时间: 2008-9-21 00:25

[posted by wap]

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-21 00:32

[posted by wap]

原帖由 sniperm82 于 2008-9-21 00:01 发表 ----------------------引用:原帖由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-20 23:50 发表   那个Y,RB的? 我也用不出来…… ---------------------- 切,我还以为你多牛X呢
作者: sniperm82    时间: 2008-9-21 09:54

原帖由 hanzo 于 2008-9-21 00:14 发表
作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-21 13:19

原帖由 sniperm82 于 2008-9-21 09:54 发表

作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-21 13:31

作者: Jonsoncao    时间: 2008-9-21 13:34

作者: 咸蛋小朋友    时间: 2008-9-21 14:04

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-21 15:31

原帖由 咸蛋小朋友 于 2008-9-21 14:04 发表
作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-21 15:31

原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2008-9-21 13:34 发表

[ 本帖最后由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-21 15:39 编辑 ]
作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-21 20:30

搜到了所有Jedi Holocrons的位置表

Star Wars The Force Unleashed

                               Jedi Holocron Crap

This file may only be published at FAQS.IGN.COM through IGN Entertainment.

Jedi Vs. Sith - Who'd kill who

There are two different types of holocron, although in the Barf Wars mini-
verse, they're pretty much USB Memory Sticks with fancy 3D graphics. Sith
holocrons are power-ups and don't get collected. Jedi holocrons are large
yellow TRON cubes that disappear when collected. The game rewards you new shit
when Jedi holocrons are collected in the form of rank spheres, Force Points
(experience points), saber crystals (color and attribute), and two costumes.

All stages have 15 holocrons, except the two short ones (Bespin and research
vessel Empirical) which only have five. Now for Duffe -- from Sweden. Goal.

Note that if you used a cheat code to unlock and save the costume you normally
earn from a holocron, that holocron will be missing from the game.

TIE Factory - 15 holocrons

Holocron 1 -- TIE Hangar. One of the second level walkways has this easy one.
Doubel jump from the sloped supports on the ground to get there.

Holocron 2 -- TIE Hangar. This is on the middle walkway -- the one above the
center TIE launch rail. Use the tail fin of the crashed shuttle to get the
height you need.

Holocron 3 -- Corridor to flight tower. Shortly leaving the TIE hangar, you
encnouter two sets of doors you can Force Push (employ DMM) right next to one
another. A look at your mini-map shows that one door is essentially a dead
end. That's the one with the holocron you want. If Juno contacts you about a
TIE squadron being scrambled, you've gone too far ahead.

Holocron 4 -- Flight tower. The lower level of the flight tower has a holocron
buried amidst the cargo crates. Check the area around the central tower (and
the lift that takes you up one level) for the goodie. Can't miss a giant
floating boullion cube that glows in the dark.

Holocron 5 -- Flight tower. The upper level. After taking the lift, one door
leads to the control room area, the other to a platform leading nowhere. Opt
for the dead and examine cargo boxes for the holocron.

Holocron 6 -- Flight tower, upper gantry. Having taken the lift to the upper
gantry, (and fetched #4 and #5), you'll cross over a second broken bridge to
leave this zone. There is a holocron from where the enemy spawns (monster
closet) just past the break in the bridge.

Holocron 7 -- Wing Assembly (moving). The upper catwalk of this zone has an
easily seen holocron.

Holocron 8 -- Wing Assembly (moving). Above the small control room of this
zone. Again, easily seen if you move high enough (using the lift).

Holocron 9 -- Wing Assembly (broken). Atop one of the many bent TIE wings in
this zone.

Holocron 10 -- Wing Assembly (broken). On the highest catwalk, above the exit
from this zone. You will need to employ Force Grip to insert at least one TIE
wing from the floor into one of the wing support slots to be able to cover
that double jump distance.

Holocron 11 -- Cockpit assembly. Before you reach the laser field in this
zone, there are some enemy spawn rooms lining the sides of the bottom level.
Check out the ones in the middle (halfway between the save point and the laser
field) for a holocron.

Holocron 12 -- Cockpit assembly. Disable the laser field midway through the
cockpit assembly zone. There is one holocron hidden amidst the power coils in
the laser field generator's room.

Holocron 13 -- Cockpit assembly. Disable the laser field midway through the
cockpit assembly zone. There is one holocron in one of the monster closets in
the laser field generator's room.

Holocron 14 -- Cockpit assembly. Past the laser field, the second half of the
assembly zone has more enemy spawn rooms on the lower level of the assembly
line. Like #11, check those small rooms for this holocron.

Holocron 15 -- Cockpit assembly. Right by the exit ramp from this zone. If
Juno chats about Kota being "right above you", you've gone too far ahead.

Raxus Prime - 15 holocrons

Holocron 1 -- Insertion zone (before entering the hyperdrive coil). After
igniting the first jet engine (and before encountering the second engine),
you're forced to go left, raise a platform and cross over to start ripping off
the faces of Rodian scavenger bastards. A holocron will be floating just above
some hyperdrive coolant, under a small square foothold. Froce Grip the
platform out of the acidic coolant, then air dash to get the holocron.

Holocron 2 -- Hyperdrive coil interior. Inside, head up until you can see the
exit tunnel. You can make a double jump to the center coil (a ledge lets you
land), go around, and then up to get to the holocron. If you hit the save
point (outside the Hy-Dee coil), you went too far ahead.

Holocron 3 -- At the Corellian Corvette. Before hopping down to fight the
droids and Rodians, there is a holocron in plain sight at the end of the
tunnel from the previous zone.

Holocron 4 -- At the Corellian Corvette, but before jumping the hole (in the
palace if you go .... hahahaha). Check out the circular assembly at the side
of the corvette (it is one of its many airlocks). Use Force Push or Repulse to
break the barrier for the holocron.

Holocron 5 -- At the Corellian Corvette, outside after you jumped through its
upper interior. Before entering the lower hallway of the corvette, Starkiller
detours outside for a bit -- there should be a holocron in plain sight before
he goes back into the Corellian wreck. It should be near the edge of the cliff.

Holocron 6 -- Inside the Corellian Corvette. Before exiting to a new map,
there is a hall-hatch that can be Force Pushed (DMM'ed). Shiny holocron get.

Holocron 7 -- Scavengers' camp. The upper level (with the laser field). There
is a holocron at the end of a starship dock hanging over a chasm. Can't miss
it if you're looking for glow.

Holocron 8 -- Scavengers' camp. Upper level. Between the lift entrance and the
grav-portal where the stream of junk is coming out from, check out the junk
structures for a holocron.

Holocron 9 -- Scavengers' camp. Lower level. Check to the right of the lift's
exit. Again, between the lift portal and the grav-portal, explore the
buildings for a holocron.

Holocron 10 -- Check directly under the platform the force field generator is
on for this holocron.

Holocron 11 -- Hyperdrive coolant river. The start of the coolant river
requires you to fight your first Junk Titan (and cross over to the junk temple
by making your own scrap bridge). The holocron will be in plain sight, and
within attack range of the Junk Titan.

Holocron 12 -- Past the makeshift bridge, there are a few short hops to be
made over the coolant river of death. At the end of the river, you can go
right to go onward, or use Force Push and DMM a bunch of metal bars leading to
another holocron. Use Force Grip to adjust the platforms and make the jump.
Because of the checkpoint, you can simply take the holocron, fall off/die, and
you'll have the holocron (as long as you save the game after getting the
holocron and dying).

Holocron 13 -- Junk temple entrance. In plain sight, lower level. Easy.

Holocron 14 -- Junk temple entrance. In plain sight, but in mid-air. Use one
of the AT-ST crew modules to get your height or you can air dash. Pick your

Holocron 15 -- Junk temple entrance. In plain sight and on the upper level.

Felucia - 15 holocrons

Holocron 1 -- Insertion zone. Check the mini-map and head off the main path to
explore the very suspicious side. A holocron is hidden amongst the vegetation.

Holocron 2 -- Mushroom Ascent. Lowest level of the fungus tower.

Holocron 3 -- Mushroom Ascent. Mid-level, in plain sight and along the side of
the fungus tower.

Holocron 4 -- Mushroom Ascent. On a small platform half-way up.

Holocron 5 -- Mushroom Ascent. At the top-most platform. You need to locate a
good platform to start your jump to reach this particular holocron, but it
shouldn't be that hard.

Holocron 6 -- After leaving the fungus tower, turn left and find a hidden spur
next to the zone's exit. this path leads to a holocron.

Holocron 7 -- After leaving the fungus tower, turn right and go to a dead end.
The holocron is near a Sarlaac's nail.

Holocron 8 -- After leaving the fungus tower, it is inside a Sarlaac nail in
the clearing (near the zone exit). Force Grip, tear it it out and claim the

Holocron 9 -- In the tunnel to the first (small) rancor pit, there is a
formation of rock bathed in sunlight. The holocron's bloom lets it hide well
in bright light.

Holocron 10 -- At the first rancor pit, when Proxy mentions something
about "large creatures". Can't miss it.

Holocron 11 -- The tunnel after the first rancor has a side area with this
holocron. Easy to see and not hard to find.

Holocron 12, 13, 14, 15 -- Large rancor pit, right before the boss' map. The
four holocrons here are easy to see, if tedious to get to. Kill all the
Felucian bastards (proof that a good alien is a dead or enslaved one) and get
what you're entitled to.

Empirical - 5 holocrons

Holocron 1 -- In plain sight upon leaving your convalescent chamber.

Holocron 2 -- In the large room with test tubes, check the enemy spawn
directly under where you entered this zone.

Holocron 3 -- In the large room with test tubes, break the test tube and shiny
holocron get!

Holocron 4 -- Escape pod room. Move or destroy one of the lifepods near the
zone exit to see the holocron.

Holocron 5 -- After the scape pod room, but before you attack the Purge
Trooper, check all the cargo boxes in the hallway.

Bespin - 5 holocrons

Holocron 1 -- Cantina. Above the bar. Double jump air dash from the second
carbonite center to get there.

Holocron 2 -- Cantina. Inside the second carbonite center. Dastardly indeed.
Note that Starkiller won't die if exposed to the freezing process, but you
will take a helluva lotta damage.

Holocron 3 -- Edge of the first landing area (outside the cantina). It's on
ground level, so it should be easy to locate.

Holocron 4 -- In the air above the first landing area. A double jump from the
higher platform is better than relying on the weather vane fan to get your

Holocron 5 -- Between the first and second landing area, there is a tram rail.
Hop onto the rail and get the holocron before the tram-car slides back.

Imp. Kashyyyk - 15 holocrons

Holocron 1 -- Insertion zone. This is in an area before the cut-scene. If you
already triggered the cut-scene, then restart the level to get back to this
zone. The holocron will be to Starkiller's left when the mission starts.

Holocron 2 -- On the path leading to the first gate (and right after the cut-
scene), check the wreckage (tree) near where you start.

Holocron 3 -- The path leading to the first gate, in mid-air.

Holocron 4 -- Past the first gate, on the same level as the Scout Trooper on
the high ledge. It's on a precarious pipe, but should not pose a problem.

Holocron 5 -- Past the first gate, near the comms tower's upper generator. It
will be rather high up and on some thin railing over the pit of death.

Holocron 6 -- Past the first gate, behind a big pipe near the upper generator
of the comms tower.

Holocron 7 -- Go to the ramp leading to the second gate. Head back up and at
the first forcefield, look around for a holocron floating near a big pipe (it
is above the lower generator of the comms tower). Air dash time.

Holocron 8 -- Inside the trophy gallery, check the displays.

Holocron 9 -- Wookiee hunting ground. The first observation post.

Holocron 10 -- Wookiee hunting ground. The third observation post.

Holocron 11 -- Wookiee hunting ground. Inside one of the prisoner containers.
Use a lightsaber strike to open them.

Holocron 12 -- Wookiee prison. Inside one of the cells.

Holocron 13 -- Wookiee prison. A second holocron inside one of the cells.

Holocron 14 -- Skyhook tractor beam. On top of one of the support structures.
In plain sight but requires a double jump to get to.

Holocron 15 -- Skyhook tractor beam. Atop a tree at the edge of the zone.

Imp. Felucia - 15 holocrons

Holocron 1 -- Below insertion point (Imeperial campsite). The entrance is
along the right side once you drop down from your starting point, next to the
tree the Felucians keep respawning down from.

Holocron 2 -- Imperial camp near insertion. Above the very large Sarlaac tooth-
nail. Stack a few pieces of junk to get the height required.

Holocron 3 -- Imperial bridgehead. Near the bridgehead, look for the
conspicuously thick (and glowing) Sarlaac nail. Rip it out and claim the

Holocron 4 -- Imperial bridge end. At the end of the bridge, prop Starkiller
against the support strut and the rocky wall. You can double jump and grab the
holocron at the bridge head before dropping down.

Holocron 5 -- Ambush valley (with first AT-ST). On the high ledge that has two
E-Web turrets. You have to double back towards the direction of the bridge
after triggering the first AT-ST.

Holocron 6 -- Ambush valley (with first AT-ST). At the start of the tunnel
embedded into the cliffside where the rock wall is (after the first AT-ST drop-
pods in).

Holocron 7 -- Sarlaac Pit (top). Behind one of the Imperial construction
crawlers (you have to drop back to the ground after getting aboard).

Holocron 8 -- Sarlaac Pit (top). Atop one of the Imperial construction cranes.
Do some wire walking.

Holocron 9 -- Sarlaac Pit (top). Atop one of the three skybridges to the
Sarlaac's central elevator.

Holocron 10 -- Inside the Sarlaac. Exit the lift and explore the first room.

Holocron 11 -- Inside the Sarlaac. In the Sarlaac's big "stomach". Okay, okay,
so some reading into the Force Combo menu got simalcrum thinking abour aerial
moves (and all the bullshit it encompasses). Buy the Dashing Push move (one
where you can dash and Force Push at once). Essentially, you do a double jump,
air-dash, and then Dash Push to get the extra distance you need for this
bullshit XP holocron. This means with the same move, you can do the later
Imperial Raxus Prime holocron (the one across the ore processing chasm)
without Aerial Strike (and a Scout Trooper).

Holocron 12 -- Inside the Sarlaac. In plain sight inside the wind chamber.

Holocron 13 -- Jungle after leaving the Sarlaac. Check out the first clearing
for this holocron. You may need to do some platforming to get to it.

Holocron 14 -- Jungle after leaving the Sarlaac. Above the cliff/stairs
leading up and out of the rancor pit to the tunnel.

Holocron 15 -- Jungle after leaving the Sarlaac -- the stage nears the tunnel
(and the map transition). Around the clearing of the second rancor. Check
behind the bulbous alien vegetation.

Imp. Raxus Prime - 15 holocrons

Holocron 1 -- Insertion zone. Before dropping to the ground from where you
start, there are two ledges you can double jump / dash to. Look hard enough
around and you should find some flat ground Starkiller won't goddamn slide off
of. The second ledge will lead to a drop with the holocron.

Holocron 2 -- Insertion zone. A penis like dead end to the left will have a
holocron. Check the mini-map.

Holocron 3 -- Wide area, complete with bottomless death. After the first
broken metal bridge in this wide expanse, there is a suspicious brown metal
door before you pass through a blue gravity ring. DMM/Push that door for the

Holocron 4, 5, 6, 7 -- All four of these holocrons are in the second clearing
where Rodians and Imperials are engaging in Mortal Kombat. Three of the
holocrons should be plain sight (although some are in high areas). The fourth
holocron is in the Rodians' ambush tunnel. After the cut-scene showing the
junk wall exploding, head inside and get that holocron.

Holocron 8 -- This is in the tunnel from the second clearing to the Imperial
Drop Base. It's in plain sight.

Holocron 9 -- Imperial Drop Base exterior. Atop one of the junk spires.

Holocron 10 -- Imperial Drop Base interior. On the second level of the Drop
Base. Get it before leaving this map.

Holocron 11 -- Ore processing facility (outside). Once the new map loads (from
the Drop Base), get to the second level and nab the holocron.

Holocron 12 -- Ore processing facility, tractor tower room. Go to the upper
level and start electrocuting or pushing boxes. Eventually, you'll blow a hole
in a wall and reveal a secret space.

Holocron 13 -- Ore processing. This is the room where you need to Force Grip
and bring up two wheel-locks to open a door to a large circular control room.
There is a holocron on one of the side walkways and it is almost impossible to
double-jump / dash to get there. In fact, you can't unless you use the Dashing
Rush (Sarlaac stomach holocron), or try instead, the Aerial Strike. It's the
move reminiscent of Shinobi (PS2 version) where your dude ninjas through the
air while locked onto an enemy. This move lets you "warp" to the Scout Trooper
on the side walkway, nab the holocron, die, and restart at the save point
without fuss.

Holocron 14 -- In the circular control room, this one holocron is in plain
sight if you go right from the starting/save point.

Holocron 15 -- In the circular control room, this one holocron is near one of
the enemy spawning rooms. Head left (instead of right) once you enter this
room and you'll come across it quickly.

Imp. Death Star - 15 holocrons

Holocron 1 -- The Hangar (of death). The upper walkway, left side from start.
Use boxes to reach the upper level.

Holocron 2 -- The Hangar (of death). The upper walkway, right side from start.
Use boxes to reach the upper level.

Holocron 3 -- Firing tube. Destroy the first set of green laser lenses and
proceed down the tube. The holocron is past the green lens, and inside one of
the enemy spawn rooms in the next section. Check the mini-map for details.

Holocron 4, 5 -- Firing tube (fire control station). At the H-shaped fire
control station (before you open the door that transitions the map), there is
a lift to the second level. Take it and use the added height to jump on the
support atop of the death beam. From there, you can get two holocrons.

Holocron 6, 7 -- Firing tube (maintenance corridor). Past the fire control
station, you will be in a maintence tunnel running along the side of the death
beam. There are two enemy spawn (or just plain side) rooms. Check out both for
holocrons. Note that this is the same tunnel where two Purge Troopers decided
it was an awesome idea to do a Star Wars WWF tag-team event on your deluded
Force-using ass in a tight area.

Holocron 8 -- Firing tube, just before the amplification chambers. In plain
sight. Cross over when the beam is off and fetchy, fetchy.

Holocron 9 -- First amplification chamber. On its bottom floor. Check behind
the supports.

Holocron 10 -- Second amplification chamber. Hovering over its bridge. Grab
this when dashing over the gap.

Holocron 11 -- Convergence array. Lowest placed death beam. This holocron is
in the beam's path, so you need to time your air dash to grab it. If you need
the extra airspace, you can use Force Grip to dismantle some of the beam
support rings (you have to target the bottom of the ring).

Holocron 12 -- Convergence array. There are four floors of the array
(including the floor where the grav-lift generator was). Check out both sides
on the third (second-highest) level of the room (where enemies appear) for
this holocron. Don't forget the monster closets.

Holocron 13 -- Convergence array. There are four floors of the array
(including the floor where the grav-lift generator was). Check out both sides
on the fourth (highest) level of the room (where enemies appear) for this
holocron. Don't forget the monster closets.

Holocron 14 -- Convergence array. On the platform to the Emperor's observation
chamber (where you fight all the Royal Guards).

Holocron 15 -- Convergence array. At the very top of the array, look for the
large focusing dish. There should be a gray metal support arch with a holocron
on top. Although finicky, a double jump / air dash will get you there.
Naturally, if you fall, steer clear of the beams.

               simalcrum is always right; you are always wrong.
作者: sweden    时间: 2008-9-21 22:16

原帖由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-21 15:31 发表

作者: Raven    时间: 2008-9-21 22:27

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-21 22:31

原帖由 sweden 于 2008-9-21 22:16 发表

作者: sweden    时间: 2008-9-21 22:58

作者: 甲是这样马的    时间: 2008-9-22 06:44

原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2008-9-21 13:31 发表
作者: veryend    时间: 2008-9-22 10:53

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-22 12:06

原帖由 veryend 于 2008-9-22 10:53 发表

[ 本帖最后由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-22 12:08 编辑 ]
作者: Shinku    时间: 2008-9-23 10:20

Dark side
作者: 流风    时间: 2008-9-27 21:10

作者: Andy    时间: 2008-9-29 21:27

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-29 21:29

补充下vader的打法吧。。。我操作烂,不知道什么闪光西斯剑法……都是绕来绕去grip+lightsaber throw搞定的。。
作者: 流风    时间: 2008-9-29 22:57

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-30 09:38

原帖由 流风 于 2008-9-29 22:57 发表
先把杂兵清的差不多,再把boss引到场景边上,然后用X+X+B这招,基本有75%的几率把他震下去,减血还是很明显的.(被挡住就继续,最多被反击下)我这 ...
作者: 火彩    时间: 2008-9-30 19:30

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-30 20:24


麻痹,training room里的push challenge太恶心了,我所有都过了就剩这一个
作者: 火彩    时间: 2008-9-30 20:42

原帖由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-30 20:24 发表

麻痹,training room里的push challenge太恶心了,我所有都过了就剩这一个
warning! activating this cheat code will disable some unlockables, and you will be unable to save your progress

作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-30 21:05

作者: 火彩    时间: 2008-9-30 22:03

原帖由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-30 21:05 发表
莫名其妙 囧
作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-9-30 22:48

原帖由 火彩 于 2008-9-30 22:03 发表

莫名其妙 囧
作者: 火彩    时间: 2008-9-30 23:18

原帖由 zafm0861 于 2008-9-30 22:48 发表


作者: zafm0861    时间: 2008-10-1 09:03

作者: 流风    时间: 2008-10-2 10:59

作者: realsquall    时间: 2008-11-2 16:16

作者: xuhuamao    时间: 2008-11-18 15:58

作者: coohuang    时间: 2008-12-2 23:35

作者: hyftt    时间: 2008-12-21 21:30

作者: 風使い    时间: 2009-6-29 23:02

作者: fthepress    时间: 2009-12-25 13:28

星球大战:原力释放 终极西斯版 (2cd)

作者: OMFG    时间: 2009-12-25 14:42

[posted by wap, platform: iPhone+UCWEB]
fthepress 发表于 2009-12-25 13:28
星球大战:原力释放 终极西斯版 (2cd)


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