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标题: [业评] PS vs X360:冷酷而确凿的事实 [打印本页]

作者: 狂风007    时间: 2008-3-6 12:21     标题: PS vs X360:冷酷而确凿的事实

前不久,Gamepro刊载了一篇标题为“PS vs X360:冷酷而确凿的事实”的评论文章,通过对《使命召唤4》、《鬼泣4》、《火暴狂飙 天堂》和《刺客 信条》这4款北美热销游戏在游戏画面、基本操作、读盘时间、网络对战等几个指标的对比和综合分析后得出结论,认为在次世代跨平台大作的整体素质方面PS3要略胜于X360(除《刺客 信条》外的3款游戏,PS3版评价均高于X360版)。
Control: The Xbox 360 excels with first-person shooters, but third-person action games...not so much. As such, the Sixaxis is better suited for free running about the ancient domains of Assassin's Creed. Both versions are responsive, yet the control scheme makes more sense on a Sixaxis versus an Xbox 360 controller. For example, free running is done by holding down R1 on PlayStation 3, whereas you need to pull on the right trigger when playing on an Xbox 360. Using R1 feels better than having to depress the trigger-it's an easy kill for the PlayStation 3.

Graphics: At first glance, you might not see anything that separates the two versions of Assassin's Creed visually. Both exude an impressive amount of detail in their environments and characters, along with gorgeous animations. Switching between the two on the same display, however, shows noticeably differences in the lighting and slight variations in framerate. Xbox 360 fares well under Altair's blade, boasting better lighting and a smoother performance. This isn't to say the game's a stuttering mess on PlayStation 3; on the contrary, it still looks fantastic. But you'll notice minor slowdown when moving the camera in crowded areas and the lighting isn't nearly as appealing. Overall, the Xbox 360 version just looks better.

Wii's Internet Channel has more online features than Assassin's Creed.
Load times: Despite being an open-world game, Assassin's Creed is a hodge-podge of loading times. Booting up the game on PlayStation 3 takes longer than on Xbox 360, but loading up some levels takes noticeably longer on the latter. It's essentially a wash since both systems have a mix of short and long loading times.

Online integration: Assassin's Creed sticks stubbornly to its solo experience, offering no online features of any kind on either platform. We're going to call this one for Wii since it's the only system that allows you to read this article using the console's web browser while simultaneously playing Assassin's Creed on either PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.

EDGE: Xbox 360 version
Control: Differences in control between the two versions of Burnout Paradise largely come down to preference. The game is incredibly responsive and tight with its controls. The Xbox 360 controller's triggers feel better for acceleration than the L2/R2 buttons on a Sixaxis, but really, it's a subjective point. You simply won't find any gaps between the two games here.

Graphics: As with the controls, you'll be hard-pressed to denote any significant graphical distinctions between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Burnout Paradise. EA Criterion has done a bang up job keeping the two games even visually. Both consoles squeeze out a fantastic 60 frames-per-second and the detailing on vehicles, buildings, and environment in general is superb.

Load times: Burnout Paradise begins to show favor for PlayStation 3 when clocking its loading times. Both versions require a lengthy initial boot up upon entering the disc into either console, but it's slightly longer on Xbox 360. Even more, there's a split second longer of a wait on Xbox 360 between hitting the triggers to enter an event and it actually beginning. To be certain, we're nitpicking because the game does well in keeping things seamless. But in the end, the PlayStation 3 version is just a bit snappier.

Online integration: Surprisingly, the PlayStation 3 version of Burnout Paradise leads its Xbox 360 counterpart. How is that possible given the might of Xbox Live? A cleaner interface, easier access to online features, and smoother performance online afford PlayStation 3 the edge. Dedicated servers ensure stability during multiplayer races; moreover, the game was optimized for the console, so it just runs better on it when playing online. Alex Ward, head of EA Criterion, has long touted the company's love affair with the open-ended PlayStation Network and it definitely shows.

The PS3 version plays like a shark--fast, furious, and out for blood.
EDGE: PlayStation 3
With controls, graphics, and loading times nearly identical between the two consoles, Burnout Paradise flips a bitch with superior online integration on PlayStation 3. It's a shock, to be sure, given the dominance of Xbox Live over online gameplay; however, dedicated servers and generally smoother online performance means the PlayStation 3 takes pole position.

Control: Whereas the Sixaxis is better suited to Assassin's Creed, the Xbox 360 controller fits perfectly with the first-person shooting of Call of Duty 4. Beyond the feel of the controller, camera movement appears smoother and faster on the Xbox 360. Even with the look sensitivity set to identical levels, the camera on PlayStation 3 moved at a rate that's a fraction slower than on Microsoft's system.

Graphics: You don't need night-vision or infrared goggles to see how gorgeous Call of Duty 4 runs on both systems. Infinity Ward clearly wanted both PS3 and Xbox 360 owners to have identical visual experiences. As such, neither version experiences framerate hiccups, and there's no substantive differences in visual quality. Your terrorist killing experience looks just as good on PlayStation 3 as it does on Xbox 360. Enjoy.

Load times: Extensive optimization by the Infinity Ward team leaves the loading times virtually identical between the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. During the campaign, most loading occurs in the background of cutscenes so you don't notice it. Since the cinematics are exactly the same between the two games, we can infer that the loading times are the same or that the difference is negligible. In multiplayer, there's no discernible difference in loading times for matches.

Peer-to-peer multiplayer is the Devil.
Online integration: Impressively, there aren't that many differences between the two versions of the game when it comes to online play. Call of Duty 4 essentially plays the same on both, but it's important to note the technical differences. First, Xbox Live displays the number of players logged into the game, ala Halo 3, whereas that information isn't available on the PlayStation 3 version. Second, getting into a match takes practically no time at all on PlayStation 3 and they're remarkably stable. Peer-to-peer networking over Xbox Live can yield unstable matches, although the experience was pretty good overall. It is worth noting that patches are required before heading online with the PlayStation 3 version that aren't needed when playing on an Xbox 360.

EDGE: PlayStation 3 version

Control: Even though it lacks the vibration of an Xbox 360 controller, there's no question the Sixaxis is better for playing Devil May Cry 4. Much of this is due to the series' history as a PlayStation 2 exclusive, so it naturally works well with the layout of the controller. The face buttons are simply easier to use for combos and the shoulder buttons, particularly R1, are superior for targeting over the right bumper on Xbox 360. In terms of responsiveness, both versions fare just fine but there's no doubt that the Sixaxis enables better control of the action.

Graphics: You'll be hard-pressed to find any significant advantage to the presentation in either the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 versions of Devil May Cry 4. Even after putting on our Coke-bottle glasses we couldn't find any substantive differences in the two games. This is definitely a surprise, mainly because the game was originally a PlayStation 3 exclusive and we expected it to out-class its Xbox 360 sibling. Instead, they're identical.

To Capcom, With Love: Make me a sammich.
Load times: What's impressive about Devil May Cry 4 is that there are few moments when you're waiting for the game to load in either version. Capcom has done a great job of minimizing loading times within the game. Whenever you move from one area or room to the next, a black screen will flash for a second or two. On PlayStation 3 that time is cut in half, but only due to a lengthy install process when you first boot up the game. As has been reported, Devil May Cry 4 spools 5 GB of data onto your hard drive in an obscene 20+ minute install. The fact that it's mandatory makes it utterly ridiculous. Capcom went so far as to urge gamers to "grab a sandwich" to pass the time during the install. How about they make me a sandwich to make up for the wait? Absolutely no contest here: the Xbox 360 crosses the finish line before PlayStation 3 can even load it up.

Online integration: Since Devil May Cry 4 doesn't pack in multiplayer of any kind, it's all about leaderboards for tracking your end mission rankings. Both versions support them so there's no definitive advantage for one console or the other.

EDGE: PlayStation 3

OVERALL EDGE: PlayStation 3 ... atures/164668.shtml
作者: 猛男乙    时间: 2008-3-6 12:23

Gamepro who ??
作者: 上海恐龙    时间: 2008-3-6 12:24

原帖由 猛男乙 于 2008-3-6 12:23 发表
Gamepro who ??
作者: 村上春樹    时间: 2008-3-6 12:31

可以發現這裡英文文盲的不少。火星新聞貼了這麼多次,是要不斷血淚控訴神機3跨平台開噴了嗎:D :D

作者: slaimlin    时间: 2008-3-6 12:42

EDGE: PlayStation 3

OVERALL EDGE: PlayStation 3
:D :D :D
作者: 爱你一棒陲    时间: 2008-3-6 12:50

作者: zhangjingy    时间: 2008-3-6 13:19

作者: 高达八成    时间: 2008-3-6 13:49

作者: 西山一根柴    时间: 2008-3-6 13:58

作者: 神之右手    时间: 2008-3-6 14:49

作者: jump    时间: 2008-3-6 15:10


burnout胜出原因:画面一样,操作同等,读取时间貌似稍快,网战进游戏的方式更直接(作者嫌xbox live麻烦)

作者: Virtue    时间: 2008-3-6 15:19


作者: 先知    时间: 2008-3-6 15:22

作者: silverhoof    时间: 2008-3-6 15:35

原帖由 jump 于 2008-3-6 15:10 发表

burnout胜出原因:画面一样,操作同等,读取时间貌似稍快,网战进游戏的方式更直接(作者嫌xbox live麻烦)
COD4胜出原因:我看不懂。。。因为作者说画面操作网战读取时间都tm”差不多“,xo版的 ...

作者: hnaaa    时间: 2008-3-6 15:40

ps vs x360?关公战秦琼么?
作者: WhinStone    时间: 2008-3-6 15:53

作者: 狗娃    时间: 2008-3-6 16:07


作者: zhangjingy    时间: 2008-3-6 16:30

原帖由 jump 于 2008-3-6 15:10 发表

burnout胜出原因:画面一样,操作同等,读取时间貌似稍快,网战进游戏的方式更直接(作者嫌xbox live麻烦)
COD4胜出原因:我看不懂。。。因为作者说画面操作网战读取时间都tm”差不多“,xo版的 ...
作者: jump    时间: 2008-3-6 16:48

原帖由 zhangjingy 于 2008-3-6 16:30 发表

DMC4:PS系手柄更适合DMC4是公认的(尤其是R1按键,文中有提到),文中的Sixaxis特指手柄,而不是六轴操作方式。另外读盘时间PS3版本安装后快1倍 ...

重看原文后the sixaxis应当是指手柄。DMC4传统上就是PS系的游戏,手柄问题只能解释为传统和习惯。ps3玩之前要花半个小时来安装5g的文件,如此带来的速度提升早就讨论过了。

作者: zhangjingy    时间: 2008-3-6 16:59

原帖由 jump 于 2008-3-6 16:48 发表

那么 ...


[ 本帖最后由 zhangjingy 于 2008-3-6 17:00 编辑 ]
作者: tianxianbaobao    时间: 2008-3-6 18:37


作者: sonic4747    时间: 2008-3-6 19:58

作者: carnon    时间: 2008-3-6 20:35

作者: 保暖内衣    时间: 2008-3-6 21:19

原帖由 carnon 于 2008-3-6 20:35 发表
作者: 狂风007    时间: 2008-3-7 09:58


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