* 800 x 480 3.5-inch (resistive) touchscreen display!
* 800X480 3.5寸触摸屏
* 1GB internal storage, mini-USB
* 内置1GB储存空间,mini-USB
* 1.3 megapixel camera, 802.11b/g, colored info-LEDs
* 130W摄像头,802.11b/g,彩色信息LED
* WMA / PlaysForSure DRM, MP3, AAC, ATRAC, and MPEG-4 codec support
* Flash Lite 3 (capable of playing back YouTube videos, for example)
* Netfront-based browser, AIM / Gtalk / Yahoo IM support
* Skype support, podcast and RSS aggregator (!), and an expandable widget panel with access to Google, YouTube, Facebook and other web 2.0 sites
* Attachable face plates ($20) and cradle ($30) options
* Free Wayport WiFi access at your local participating McDonald's until December 31, 2010
* 免费麦当劳WIFI上网,起码到2010年12月31日
* 5.1 x 2.5 x 0.8-inch footprint