楼主电影没有仔细看啊,一开始不就打出了“改编于真人真事”么,具体电来说也是改编自美国记者Greg Campbell根据亲身采访所整理的,于2002年出版的《血钻:追踪世界最贵宝石的死亡之路》(Blood Diamonds:Tracing the Deadly Path of the World′ s Most Precious Stones)一书。楼上说的the insider也是根据真实事件改编的。相类似的还有《失控陪审团》《狗仔队》什么的,至于政治丑闻的电影则太多了
Amnesty International accuses China being among the world's most irresponsible exporters of weapons. Amnesty says Chinese made arms to be used to sustain brutal conflicts in such countries as Sudan and Burma,but Beijing insists it has a strict safeguard in place, with more details here is Paul Adams.
China describes itself as cautious and responsible when it comes to selling arms, Amnesity International prefers to call it reckless and dangerous.it's reports says China is fast becoming one of the world's biggest ,most secret and irresponsible arms exporters with it's weapons helping to sustain brutal conflicts criminal violence and human rights violations in countries such as Sudan Napal Burma and South Aferica,which much has been said about it's record in the transfer of nuclear and long range missile technology, and Amnesty International says that it is in the routin transfer of conventional weapons but it contributes most to the human rights violations. 作者: Hihiiiii 时间: 2007-4-21 19:33