原帖由 silverhoof 于 2007-3-16 14:39 发表
另外要说CryEngine 2比Unreal 3 Engine来的先进,这点我完全同意,for次世代平台的CryEngine 2还没有出现。目前来说官方的口径还是:"Nextgen consoles are too weak for crysis."
原帖由 RestlessDream 于 2007-3-16 21:44 发表
http://www.proxyhub.co.uk/index. ... FPelRATVAR2#_note-0
Technical details
1. CryENGINE Sandb ...
原帖由 silverhoof 于 2007-3-16 22:07 发表
嗯...好吧,可以用在次世代主机上...,其实我也觊觎用XO先顶一下玩玩缩水移植的Crysis ^^
Planet Gears of War: In terms of pure hardware horsepower, how much of the 360’s power does Gears use? Are we seeing the limits of what the console’s capable of?
Cliff: The games that leverage the most of any console are always later in the cycle of the system’s life. This is the first Xbox 360 game that Epic Games has shipped. I somehow suspect that future Epic and Unreal Engine titles will be even more beautiful and compelling on the platform.
Mark: I think we pushed the 360 as hard as we knew how to push it during the development of Gears but, even as principle tech development on Gears finished this fall, we’ve already identified areas of improvement and further optimization we can make on Xbox360 so, as Cliff points out, we’ll get better and better throughout the entire generation.
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