在2007游戏开发者大会上[Game Developers Conference 2007],一个五人专家小组提出了史上最具历史和文化意义的10款游戏,此举是模仿美国国家电影目录的做法,以期推动保存游戏杰作的设想。纽约时报以“这不仅是游戏,而且是文物”[Is That Just Some Game? No, It’s a Cultural Artifact]为题进行了报道。文中也谈到了保存游戏面临的挑战,例如游戏所需硬件频繁更新导致许多游戏只能使用模拟器来运行,但模拟器从技术上来说触犯了版权法律。这十款殿堂级游戏是:
Spacewar! (1962)[太空大战],Star Raiders (1979)[星际奇兵],Zork (1980)[魔域],Tetris (1985)[俄罗斯方块],SimCity (1989)[模拟城市],Super Mario Bros. 3 (1990)[超级马利3],Civilization I/II (1991)[文明]I/II,Doom (1993)[毁灭战士],Warcraft series (beginning 1994) [魔兽争霸系列],Sensible World of Soccer (1994)[感官足球世界]。
GameSpy也作了报道并对游戏进行了简要介绍,包括游戏截图。点击这里查看:GDC '07: The Digital Game Canon, 10 Games You Must Play。
Sensible World of Soccer (1994)[感官足球世界]。
Sensible World of Soccer
Not a game that many would consider, but Bittanti said the game was what true soccer was all about, giving players the opportunity to play the game and manage their teams without the hooliganism, the underhanded bribes and the other distractions that have dragged the real game down to a parody. He also cited the original song created for the game as an anthem for soccer fans everywhere.