SEGA's Virtua Tennis 3, which ships to PS3 and Xbox 360 next week, is
one of those games that's hard to drastically improve because it's
already so good. They really nailed the controls, the feel, and the
animations in the first game back in the arcades and on Drreamcast.
Still, SEGA's development team has pushed for more mini-games, a
greater single-player campaign, and now, for the first time, online
play. One of the big differences between the Xbox 360 and the PS3
versions is that the Xbox 360 version supports online. That is, it's
fully Xbox Live compatible with various modes of play, leaderboards,
Achievements and GamerScore points. The PS3 isn't online. Simple as
Overall, Virtua Tennis 3's Xbox Live support is solid stuff. The game
looks good online, it plays well, and the human-on-human competition
is absolutely fantastic (when there is no lag), especially when you
have smack-talking friends with whom to play.