《新彩虹岛 手风琴大冒险》(NEWレインボーアイランド ハーディガーディ大冒険!!)(NEW RAINBOW ISLAND HURDY GURDY DAIBOUKEN)
游戏名称:新彩虹岛 手风琴大冒险!! / 新彩虹岛 摇炫琴大冒险!! / 新彩虹岛 哈迪嘎迪大冒险!! / New彩虹岛大冒险!!
日文原名:Newレインボーアイランド ハーディガーディ大冒険!!
英文名称:New Rainbow Island : Hurdy Gurdy Daibouken!!
代理发行:Marvelous Interactive Inc.
对应主机:Play Station Portable(プレイステーション·ポータブル)
官方网站: http://www.mmv.co.jp/special/game/psp/rainbow/ http://www.mmv.co.jp/game/p_search/detail/1661 http://www.jp.playstation.com/shopping/Item/2/6179765.html
《彩虹岛》(Rainbow Island )是TAITO于1987年在大型电玩上所推出的益智动作游戏,游戏承袭经典名作《泡泡龙》的风格,具备可爱逗趣且鲜艳的画面,以及简单的游戏规则,获得相当多玩家的喜爱,玩家在游戏中将化身为巴比和波比,为拯救陷入危机的彩虹岛而进行冒险。玩家们需要收集虹的乐器架桥,将一个个浮在空中的小岛连接在一起,在整个地图中的七个岛上把敌人一个一个打倒,最后直指敌人的大本营。在危机的时候,玩家可以使用“彩虹增幅器”发出彩虹波,将敌人一扫而光!作为一款传统的动作游戏,对过去游戏优点的继承和各种新要素的追加即将为玩家们带来无限的游戏乐趣!
目前代理公司 MMV 也公布了PSP 版的名称为:《新彩虹岛 手风琴大冒险!! 》,游戏预定2007年2月8日发售,售价约为5,040日元(含税),游戏人数对应1~2人!喜欢这款经典名作游戏的玩家不要错过。
| : - L I G H T F O R C E -
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`----- .
Proudly Presents:- | |
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New Rainbow Island: Hurdy Gurdy Daibouken (c] Marvelous Entertainment
<--( Release Information )------------------------------------- ----- -->
Console System.: Sony磗 PSP - Country.......: JAPAN
Game Type......: Jump磏 Run - Languages.....: Japanese
Backup Format..: ISO (227 MB) - Sizes.........: 9 x 20 MB
Release Date...: 09.02.2007 - Filenames.....: lfc-nrir.xxx
Orginal........: UMD (THX CARAVAN)
Tested.with....: PSP Firmware 3.02 OE-B , Memstick Sony DuoPro 2GB
<--( Game Info )----------------------------------------------- ----- -->
Set once again in Rainbow Islands, Bub and Bob (from the Bubble Bobble
franchise) are now under the shadow of an evil record company who is
polluting the ecosystem with a constant, mass-produced musical dirge.
With this cacophony causing the flora to wilt and the fauna to mutate
into aggressive enemies, only Bub and Bob have the experience to take
on the record company and its seven bosses, setting the stage for a
new adventure. The strict vertical ascents of the original have been
expanded and extrapolated into three dimensions, with each level's
building-block platforms now following perspective and disappearing
into the distance. As Bub and Bob negotiate the levels, these
platforms will scroll to the forefront as they become accessible.
- F A S T E R - T H A N - L I G H T - S I N C E - 1 9 8 7 -
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Ascii & Design by: Rotox! / Art Productions 2oo1.