原帖由 无忧的烦恼 于 2006-10-19 23:48 发表
原帖由 猛男乙 于 2006-10-19 23:50 发表
原帖由 蒙其D路飞 于 2006-10-20 11:20 发表
原帖由 猛男乙 于 2006-10-20 11:23 发表
原帖由 REC 于 2006-10-20 09:47 发表
淫民日报迅:近日某九岁玩家使用经黑客破解的体感仪,连续69小时玩《超湿AV女优历代记》导致精尽人亡。愤怒的家长和有良知的权威痛心疾呼救救孩子,剩大公司与相关部门联手开展创建一个健康和谐游戏环境的活动。 ...
原帖由 parpar 于 2006-10-19 23:56 发表
原帖由 蒙其D路飞 于 2006-10-20 11:29 发表
原帖由 液体蜘蛛(涅磐) 于 2006-10-20 17:25 发表
那年纪大了,反应自然会慢,会不会很容易GAME OVER ,格斗也打不过年轻人。
原帖由 猛男乙 于 2006-10-20 12:53 发表
原帖由 hnaaa 于 2006-10-19 23:43 发表
图很 湿 !
原帖由 飞坦 于 2007-5-7 17:20 发表
2.人的思想,记忆可以通过数据的方式从肉体转移到计算机中, ...
原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2006-10-1 01:17 发表
The Advent of Humanity on the Galactic Stage
Hostile Entity: the Geth敌对方:客西族(注3)
The geth are a bi-pedal, humanoid race of networked AIs that resides in the Terminus Systems. The geth were created nearly 300 years ago by the quarians as laborers and tools of war. When the geth began to question their masters, the quarians attempted to exterminate them. The geth won the resulting war. The example of the geth has led to legal, systematic repression of artificial intelligences in galactic society.客西是两足行走,具有人类特征的种族。他们是由联网化的AI所组成,住在终端系统之中。客西于300多年前由夸族人创造出来,作为夸族人的劳动力和战争的工具。但当客西开始质疑他们的主人之后,夸族人开始试图消灭客西。最终客西赢得了战争的胜利。这之后,客西反抗的事例导致了官方立法的对银河系社会中的AI的有系统的镇压
The geth can learn and grow intellectually, but they progress far more slowly than an organic being. Still, the story of the geth's creation and evolution serves as a warning to the rest of the galaxy of the potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence.客西可以学习并且在知性上成长,但他们个体的进步过程还是远远比有机生物的学习过程缓慢。不过,客西的创造和进化的故事还是给银河系其他地方可能存在的AI的危险提供了预警
The closer geth physically are to each other, the more intelligent each one becomes. Effectively, they "share" brain power. An individual geth has only a basic intelligence on par with animal instincts, but in groups they can reason, analyze situations, and use tactics as well as any of the organic races.客西的个体之间靠的越近,那么他们就会变得更加聪明。他们可以非常有效的”共享“思维的能力。一个客西的个体只有同等于动物本能的基本智力水平,但是在群体单位中,他们可以像任何其他的有机生命的种族群体那样思辨,分析情况,并且制定方略
Over time the geth have evolved into numerous sub-forms - from the diminutive but highly agile hoppers, to the gigantic, lumbering geth armatures. It should be stressed, however, that in all forms the geth are to be approached with extreme caution as they are universally violent creatures.光阴荏苒,客西已经进化出了数种衍生体,从微小的但是极度敏捷的跳蚤,到巨大行动缓慢的客西厚甲生物。然而这里要强调的是,所有客西的衍生体都极具攻击性,接近都需要十二分的小心。
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