OPM杂志(Official Playstation Magzine)编辑在昨天拿到索尼送来的两台60G版的PS3、游戏Resistance以及最新的Bravia X系液晶电视。小编的初步感受是,PS3体积超大,完全媲美第一代的Xbox,机器相当安静,噪音极小,通风口和光驱只发出很微弱的声音。吸入式光驱“吃盘”速度超快,光盘的吞入几乎就是一眨眼的功夫。PS3运行一段时间后底部较热,显然不适合放在地毯上。
One of the many problems with covering a new piece of hardware within the confines of a show like E3 or TGS is that you don't really get a feel for what it would be like if that system was sitting in your entertainment center at home. Fortunately, I and other members of OPM recently got some sweet, delicious donuts alone time with the PlayStation 3 far from the crowds and the noisy convention halls, and I've come away thinking only one thing--I want a PS3 really, really bad. November 17th can't come soon enough.
Just a few nuts and bolts--the system is quite large, easily matching (if not surpassing) the girth of the 360 and the original XBox, but oh man, is it quiet. The cooling fan emits a pretty subtle noise and the disc access noise is equally subdued. Before you say, "who f'n cares how loud it is,"my 360 is a tad on the loud side, to the point that it sounds like a wheelchair with rusty breaks, storming out of control down a ramp. It's nice to know that I won't have to crank up my speakers to drown it out. Also, as was pointed out by some colleagues across the pond, it does indeed "eat" the discs quickly.
As for the overheating issue, I'd say that the problems reported at TGS were because of the conditions within the convention center (it gets pretty damn warm in some areas) and our recent experience with the system seems to go along with that. The PS3 does get a little toasty under its belly, but not so much that it will instantly vaporize your cat, dog, or some other animal if it were to venture a little too close. But I will say that it's probably not a good idea to set this thing on a carpet.
There's so much more to say, but that's about it for now. You'll have to check out our December issue or listen to upcoming episodes of RadiOPM where we'll discuss some of the other details. 作者: killmesoftly 时间: 2006-10-5 23:01