还有战神制作人David Jaffe 有个作了7个月的游戏,类似于TWISTED METAL and Bomberman.发售日在11月~1月,是那个神秘首发?
David Jaf在GAF上说的?
1- it is NOT a TWISTED METAL game.
2- it is NOT a massive, epic PS3 blu-ray action game. We've been in production for 7 months and will ship around December. So the scope is more in line with that kind of title.
It's not that it's a mini game and it's not a full blown game done in a short time.
It's DESIGNED to be a smaller title and- I assume- the price will reflect that.
It shares more- scope wise- with a game like Bomberman or an arcade game than it does a full blown retail title. 作者: Jonsoncao 时间: 2006-9-28 12:17