19.等治疗完之后提醒别人注意下自己有可能被怪打,不加延时的话,就没这个效果了。 /p healing %T, need 3s, don"t run away /cast heal (rank 1) /in 4 p cured %T 300HP,please notice the enemies turn on me^_^
色MANA值的调用,恐怖吧?还有这个查找spell的宏: function GetSpellIdByItsName(myWantedSpell, myWantedRank) local spellId = 1; local spellBook = "spell"; local spellName, rankName; spellName, rankName = GetSpellName(spellId, spellBook); while (spellName ) do if ( ( spellName == myWantedSpell ) and ( ( not myWantedRank ) or ( rankName = myWantedRank
) ) ) then return spellId; end spellName, rankName = GetSpellName(spellId, spellBook); end return -1; end