原帖由 @我爱电玩 于 2022-3-24 15:37 发表 个人喜欢魂的部分首先是它的自由度,是真正的3D银河城,怎么推进你自己去探索,除了魂当下你还真找不到其它3D银河城游戏。其次魂有一个不错的战斗系统,同样很有自由度,通过各种武器、魔法的左右手搭配、不同的玩家都能找到适合自己的战斗风格,而且魂的职业区别完全由玩家通过加点和武器搭配决定,玩家可以实现战士+法师、盗贼+法师、战士+盗贼这样的细分,而不是一半游戏中的预设职业系统,可以培养的出个只属于你独一无二的角色,这点又很像老滚。再次魂有业界独一份的联机系统,建言、召唤、入侵,非常巧妙的把网络元素和PVP融入在单机中,能把网络元素融入单机的RPG游戏凤毛麟角。最后魂有独具一格的整体美术风格,这点当然是拾了剑风的牙慧,但也是业界独一份。 所以总结起来魂系拥有至少3个当下游戏业的独一份: 1、3D银河城弱引导自由探索独一份 2、建言、召唤、入侵网络玩法独一份 3、传承自三浦大神的日式暗黑剑与魔法中世纪美术风格独一份 最后我想说魂系骨子里其实很有任天堂游戏的风格,没什么剧情动画,从头到尾都是游戏性轰炸,玩家操控时间最大化,这个风格有没有点似曾相识?就是塞尔达啦~,我N年前写过个帖子说的就是魂1和时之笛内在理念有多么相似,魂就是去除解谜、强化关卡战斗设计的变种暗黑版塞尔达传说。
原帖由 @11点下线 于 2022-3-24 13:09 发表 有人脑子本来就空空的,拿点垃圾填充挺好
原帖由 九零后 于 2022-3-24 09:02 发表 就不能辩证的看待问题吗,动不动就以偏概全,得出一些简单粗暴的结论,然后停止了思考
原帖由 dolless 于 2022-3-24 12:00 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 这游戏治好了好多人的游戏ed症,每天白天都想着回家玩环
This game is way too easy for even a casual gamer like myself. Where to begin? You can summon multiple NPCs to help you for almost every encounter. On top of that, you can also summon other players, pretty much at any time, AT THE SAME TIME as NPC summons. Over-powered much? This makes every fight one-sided in favor of the player. You can only be invaded when you've summoned a co-operator, so basically every random PVP encounter favors the one invaded. At every site of grace, there's a giant golden band in the sky that points you in the exact direction you're supposed to go. There are also statues scattered around that show you the exact path toward the "hidden" dungeons. The starting map shows you exactly where to pick up the other map fragments. Even the tutorial has a ghost in a chair pointing exactly at the spot where it begins. How am I supposed to feel like I have the freedom to explore anything, when the game is telling me exactly where to go and what to do ALL THE TIME? Also, I began as a Lvl 1 Wretch and was easily able to obtain a full armor set and several thousand souls at the first enemy encampment. Two extremely overpowered weapons were literally just sitting in chests on either side of this encampment. Upgrading weapons doesn't even require a blacksmith anymore, you can do it pretty much right away. You also get access to the horse pretty early on, which lets you literally just run away from every fight. If that's too slow for you, you can fast travel from anywhere in the overworld. Ridiculous. Where is the challenge? This game defaults to "VERY EASY" mode, and "EASY" mode only unlocks AFTER you beat the game, and go to NG+. WHY DON'T WE HAVE THE OPTION TO HAVE HARD OR EVEN NORMAL MODE IN THIS GAME? It's literally the current year, and this developer is making video games that don't have basic challenging features like weapon durability and survival management. Absolutely NOT for any gamer seeking a challenge, maybe give it to your three year old as his first video game. Way too easy. Any adult would have to have literal negative IQ to even marginally struggle with any aspect of this game.
原帖由 Dogfight 于 2022-3-24 12:12 发表 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ba411x7vv 随便找个视频,打到满月没升级骨灰很正常,1级狼追着满月放不出魔法
原帖由 @柴门派我来战斗 于 2022-3-24 09:45 发表 老头环相当于一个大号的自助餐,还是最豪华的那档。 然后网上大量的攻略都在教你怎么最快吃饱吃好。这其实对于自助餐的美食体验是很大的破坏。 然后你说自助餐也能算美食?可别吹了。我什么刺身牛排九转大肠没吃过…… 实际上自助餐也确实算不得什么太高级的美食,但一定是服务人群最多的一种餐饮形式之一。
原帖由 @11点下线 于 2022-3-24 11:24 发表 我并不是完全反感高难度,但是这游戏大量需求的是记忆强度,这一点根本无法接受 人脑容量其实极为有限,体现在记忆上就是不断遗忘,新的记忆顶掉旧的记忆.年轻人而言就是不断扩展,但是中年之后就应该开始考虑优化记忆,并不是什么垃圾都应该记住 玩游戏最重要是开心,但是宫崎英高的游戏逼迫你记住一堆东西,这些东西出了游戏毫无用处之能在小圈子自high,最后你得到的快乐是大量自己的意识成本换来的,血亏 我发这个贴目的很简单,大部分人就是不适合玩这个,千万别被好评如潮煽动 轻松就能上手不看攻略就能玩,不止意味着时间成本的降低,同时也意味着你能留出大脑的内存来处理其他更需要用脑的事务,并没什么不好,游戏里菜并不是问题,投入过大才是问题