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[业评] [数毛社] 刺客信条:英灵殿 PS5 vs XboxS(转自A9 kidddddd1984)

posted by wap, platform: Android
英文原版:https://www.eurogamer.net/articl ... -vs-xbox-series-x-s


First of all, before we tackle the Series X vs PS5 main event, let's talk about Xbox Series S. We'll be **ing a fair amount of Xbox issues in this piece, but the Series S rendition of Valhalla sits in a rather tricky position. Microsoft's marketing places Series S as a lower resolution Xbox that should otherwise mirror the Series X experience, but the key cutback here is a drop from 60fps down to 30fps, firmly pegging it with last-gen versions of the game. Not only that, dynamic resolution is rather elastic, operating from 1188p to around 1656p, often settling at 1296p - lower than Series X, and also delivering reductions in shadow resolution, alongside pulled in level of detail settings for trees and terrain. It's a perfectly serviceable game, but not quite as fully featured as users might hope. Series S can match up fairly well in resolution terms, but the cut in feature and frame-rate is disappointing.

首先,在我们进入讨论Series X与PS5的正题之前,我们先来谈谈Xbox Series S,我们会在这篇报道中讨论相当多Xbox Series X的问题,但Series S 所展现的《英灵殿》更是处在一个相当诡异尴尬的位置上。微软的营销将Series S定位为分辨率更低的Xbox,也就是除了分辨率其他完全对等Xbox Series X,但在这个游戏里最关键的削减是从60fps降到30fps,彻彻底底地将其对标了上世代版本的游戏。不仅如此,动态分辨率的变化范围也非常大,从1188p到1656p左右,经常停留在1296p--比Series X还低(即削了帧数,也降了分辨率),而且还减少了阴影分辨率,同时还拉低了树木和地形的LOD设置水平。这是一个相当不错的游戏,但并不像用户想象的那样尽善尽美。Series S在分辨率方面可以说差强人意,但画面细节和帧率的削减令人失望。

Differences in game's visual make-up essentially disappear completely once we move onto PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, where Ubisoft aims for total platform parity and basically delivers that. After a range of tests, there's simply nothing to separate the two in terms of what the game is rendering: level of detail transitions in character quality, tessellation distance and trees and terrain are identical, while shadow resolution is similarly the same. We couldn't find any differences at all in fully matched scenarios.Both of the premium next generation consoles also use a dynamic resolution scaling system. The lowest measured pixel count is 1440p (67 per cent of native 4K on either axis) while the maximum is 1728p (80 per cent native) and in almost all scenarios, measuring pixel counts in like-for-like scenes produces the same DRS result on both systems.

当我们进入游戏后,PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X在视觉构成上的差异基本完全没有,育碧的目标是全平台一致,并且基本做到了这一点。经过一系列的测试,在游戏渲染的内容上,两者根本就没有任何区别:人物质量的多细节层次水平、曲面细分变化距离,树木和地形都是一样的,甚至阴影分辨率也是一样的。在所有对比场景中,我们完全找不到任何的差异。两款次世代游戏机都采用了动态分辨率缩放系统。最低的测量像素数是1440p(原生4K的67%),而最高的是1728p(原生4K的80%),在几乎所有的场景中,像素数在两个系统上都会拥有相同的缩放质量。

While there are problems on both systems, Xbox Series X obviously fares worse. To put things into context, Valhalla targets 60 frames per second, but when the engine is under heavy load and can't render a new frame within the 16.7ms target, it'll present the new frame when it's good and ready, while your screen is updating. This causes screen tearing. Both systems can have issues here, especially in cutscenes, and sometimes in gameplay. However, the key takeaway is that PlayStation 5 is much closer to the 60fps target more of the time, while Xbox Series X can struggle. In fact, at its worst, we noted PS5 delivering a 15 per cent performance advantage over its Microsoft equivalent in identical scenarios.

虽然两个主机(在维持60帧上)都有些问题,但Xbox Series X显然表现得更糟糕。让我们来把这个事情说的更明白些,《英灵殿》的设计目标是每秒60帧,但当引擎处于过载状态,无法在16.7ms的时间内渲染一帧新画面时,它会在准备好后在下一帧新画面在输出出来,但你的屏幕并不会等待画面的更新,这就会导致屏幕撕裂。两种系统都会在这里出现问题,尤其是在剪接场景中,有时在游戏中也会出现问题。然而,PlayStation 5在更多的时间里更接近60fps的目标,而Xbox Series X却比较挣扎,这点很重要。事实上,在最糟糕的情况下,我们注意到PS5在相同的场景下比Xbox Series X帧数高了15%。

Beyond performance matters, it's pretty clear that Assassin's Creed Valhalla still needs a lot of work - especially on Xbox platforms. We encountered plenty of bugs playing this game: in addition to some weird performance bottlenecks on Series consoles, we also noted that camera motion doesn't update with a linear relationship to frame-rate during cutscenes, meaning some ugly looking stutter even with the engine actually running flat-out at 60fps (PS5 is fine here).


Ultimately, Assassin's Creed Valhalla is in a very strange place at the moment - by and large, it works as a 60 frames per second experience on PlayStation 5, but with some intrusive tearing. Perhaps some tweaks to the dynamic resolution scaler are required - dropping lower than 1440p would be preferable to the tearing. Meanwhile, there are clear issues on the Xbox side that clearly need addressing: the frame-pacing on cutscenes along with the bizarre performance drops are disappointing. We'd also like to see a 60fps mode on Series S, even if this does incur a resolution penalty. The big triumph of the franchise shift to next-gen is the move to 60fps - to have that option removed on Series S doesn't quite live up to the system's ideals.

整的来说,《英灵殿》目前处于一个非常奇怪的状态上--它在PlayStation 5上大体实现了每秒60帧的游戏体验,但仍有一些干扰性的撕裂。也许需要对动态分辨率缩放算法进行一些调整,甚至降到1440p以下也会比撕裂更理想。另一边,Xbox方面要解决的问题就比较明显了:过场动画的帧数以及诡异的性能下降都令人感到失望。同时,我们也希望在Series S上看到60fps的模式,即使这样会带来更严重的分辨率下降。次世代的一个最大胜利就是可以上60fps,在Series S上剥夺这个权利看起来有些背离初衷。


1. 两台主机大部分时间都能保持60帧
2. SS的30帧模式比XS的60帧模式更稳
3. X主机上的画面撕裂问题,在实际观感上并没有那么明显


本帖最后由 wyp 于 2020-11-20 20:05 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: Samsung


搞半天还是1440p 60P 而且只是PC的High配置 、看来 Native 4K Highest 60P 要等换新机了...


posted by wap, platform: Android
nx gamer数完就完事了,数毛又不是什么高端技术


posted by wap, platform: Chrome




posted by wap, platform: iPhone
我来洗,最佳电视是LG CX,所以默认大家都是这个电视,xsx VRR赢了!(至于之前说什么美国土逼都在用1080p电视xss必胜这里先不用管
至于画质没有差距,可以找一下什么德国野鸡媒体视频说XSX 远景渲染和水面表现比ps5好的精准截图
再不行,sdk dx12u xva(不管啥意思反正英文缩写堆上去就牛逼,赢在未来


posted by wap, platform: iPhone


posted by wap, platform: Android
原帖由 @Grally  于 2020-11-19 11:05 发表
我来洗,最佳电视是LG CX,所以默认大家都是这个电视,xsx VRR赢了!(至于之前说什么美国土逼都在用1080p电视xss必胜这里先不用管
至于画质没有差距,可以找一下什么德国野鸡媒体视频说XSX 远景渲染和水面表现比ps5好的精准截图
再不行,sdk dx12u xva(不管啥意思反正英文缩写堆上去就牛逼,赢在未来


原帖由 wyp 于 2020-11-19 11:11 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android


posted by wap, platform: Android

本帖最后由 wyp 于 2020-11-19 11:20 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: iPhone
我比较好奇,当初还没发售时候,ubi专门通稿写ps5版本拉伸4k60,xsx full4k60
这成品咋没了full 4k,杠神能不能帮忙解答一下?


原帖由 Grally 于 2020-11-19 11:20 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
我比较好奇,当初还没发售时候,ubi专门通稿写ps5版本拉伸4k60,xsx full4k60
这成品咋没了full 4k,杠神能不能帮忙解答一下?




posted by wap, platform: Android
【DF数毛社分析解读:PS5 的峰值频率并不能带来性能提升,与XSX实际帧数差距在12帧以上】


根据数毛社的测试,在PC平台用和 PS5 GPU芯片同一Navi核心的 Radeon 5700XT 做超频测试显示:在超频过 2GHz 之后,性能表现几乎没有提升,帧数只会提升1帧左右。所以强行将峰值频率超到惊人的 2.23GHz,不仅不能持续,实际上也并不能给游戏带来实际的帧数表现提升,只是让 TF 数字看起来「更接近」XSX 而已。

通过数毛社的多种频率测试【图3】可以看到,多出的 4个CU只带来 4帧的提升,额外的 400MHz 频率也只带来4帧提升。两者的增益都是线性的。所以理论上,XSX 多出的 16CU,应该带来额外的 16帧提升。而 PS5 多出400MHz 只能带来 4帧提升——两相比较,PS5 的超频并不能弥补 CU 数量上的差距,PS5理论值为 48帧,而 XSX 则是跑满 60帧,两者的差距至少在 12帧以上。

而 PS5 也明确了不可能始终跑满 2.23GHz。恰恰就是2019年的爆料指出的 2.0GHz,算力在 9.2TF——才是性能与表现的平衡点,也应该是 PS5 这颗GPU原本应有的设计规格。

这还不算 PS5 GPU 目前都没有确认带有 VRS 等 RDNA2 架构特性。这也进一步证实,PS5 的GPU核心可能是 RDNA1 架构加上光追特性;或削弱简化版的 RDNA2 架构。目前一系列的证据链都显示,PS5 这块 GPU 并不支持 XSX 那样完整的 RDNA2 特性。



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