posted by wap, platform: Android
当年是ms多事之秋,据说是频繁人事异动导致这个问题,现在不知道又在搞什么。微软在改名和天天换技术栈上是出了名的。XSX版鬼泣5 SE连首发光追更新都没有,还要等后续补丁
数毛社的Richard Leadbetter在直播中透露的,部分开发者对xsx开发套件的意见
speaking to developers the development environment they are dealing with some people seem to be extremely happy with it, other people are having problems with it because they've moved away from what was previously the XDK which was specific for the Xbox to the GDK which is a more general environment for PC and for Xbox and even Xbox one is encompassed by the GDK
另外他也提到开发者对ps5评价很高, 与我们交流过的每个开发者都说ps5上容易开发游戏
Every single developer I've spoken to developing for PS5 has been evangelising how easy it is to work for. I can't stress enough how happy developers seem to be with this situation
本帖最后由 bazinga 于 2020-9-20 19:00 通过手机版编辑
[ 本帖最后由 bazinga 于 2020-9-20 20:26 编辑 ]