原帖由 slowargo 于 2017-12-13 19:22 发表 抖动4k是什么鬼 抖动不是提升颜色数的么 提升分辨率不是叫插值么...
在展会主楼层之外一个私人会议室,Texas Instruments德州仪器软性公布了一枚令人神往的全新0.7英寸“4K”DLP芯片,用于大众消费产品。该芯片拥有415万微镜,是标准1080p芯片像素的两倍,传统的原生4K器件像素的一半。然而,有一个让人着迷的小插曲。通过一些未曾公布的私有黑科技,TI能够利用闪电般快速的DMD反应时间,让器件上的每个微镜在银幕上定义两个单独的像素。因此简而言之,虽然这个器件只有415万微镜,但投射的图像拥有830万个独立像素,或者说原生4K。
Texas Instruments was off the main floor in a private meeting room doing a soft unveiling of a fascinating all-new 0.7" diagonal "4K" DLP chip that is intended for mass consumer products. This chip has 4.15 million mirrors, which is twice the pixels of a standard 1080p chip, and half the pixels of a traditional native 4K device. However, in this case there is a fascinating new wrinkle. Through some undisclosed proprietary magic, TI is able to take advantage of the lightning quick DMD response times by enabling each mirror on the device to define two discrete pixels on the screen. So in short, though the device has 4.15 million mirrors, the projected image has 8.3 million discrete pixels, or native 4K.
但是新的4K DLP芯片真的是原生4K芯片吗?毕竟,它只有415万微镜,而不是原生4K 3840x2160显示所需要的830万。难道它是在以Epson和JVC对3LCD 4K增强投影机所做的那样,以同样的方式进行了像素偏移?答案既是Yes,又是No。相似之处在于:它们都依赖于顺序刷新中的像素的光学对角线偏移,使得第二次刷新时,像素的一部分被重叠。因此,对于每一帧,基本图像和偏移后的图像都被显示出来。这发生得如此之快以至于眼睛将它们融合成一幅图像。当你在看电影时,不会意识到这个处理过程。
But is the new 4K DLP chip really a genuine native 4K chip? After all, it has only 4.15 million mirrors, not the 8.3 million that is required for native 4K 3840x2160 display. Is it doing pixel shift in the same way that the 3LCD 4K enhanced projectors from Epson and JVC are doing? The answer is yes and no. The similarities are these: They both rely upon an optical diagonal off-shifting of the pixels on sequential refreshes so that there is a partial overlapping of the pixels on the second pass. So a base image and an off-shifted image are both displayed for each frame. This happens so fast that the eye blends them into one image. As you are watching a movie there is no awareness that this is going on.
原帖由 lostcup 于 2017-12-13 20:24 发表 和插值不一样 http://www.reviewtranslations.co ... nslations.com/post/ ...
原帖由 干八爹 于 2017-12-13 19:22 发表 Posted by: HUAWEI MHA-AL00 268前些天有团购2.4w 现在大概2.5 2.6的样子
原帖由 iceliking 于 2017-12-13 18:34 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 268吧
原帖由 @iceliking 于 2017-12-13 08:53 发表 京东在预购,送线和眼镜,价格也有些出人意料的便宜,关注pj都知道,当前无论真假4K,都在2万以上,就算是明基自家的1080旗舰w3000也在1万以上,问世两年了都没降价。 投影这个东西现在是越来越小众的,导致投影目标人群就是发烧友,根本不考虑降价。这款廉价4k出来意义还是很重大的,我们普通穷玩终于可以换机了。 本来打算直接拍,不过还是等等评测出来再说,有可能是抖动4K,而且三月份还有一款更高端的W6000发布,看看再说 本人玩pj也十年以上的,说良心话,如果有条件(主要是居住条件),热爱观影(不包括游戏和TV),哪怕5k的最低端pj观影效果也是秒杀什么OLED、4K、HDR电视的。一个是大,一个是光影的效果,更接近影厅体验
原帖由 坚定的左派 于 2017-12-13 21:25 发表 posted by wap, platform: Samsung 买不起70寸以上的电视,就不要说什么pj比电视好不好的行么?
原帖由 Davidsesd 于 2017-12-13 17:29 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 家用级1寸以下投影芯片的上到索尼的VW5000ES这种差不多就到顶了,但是有些豪是买1寸以上芯片的商用级拿来家用