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【Halo 4】Game Informer 杂志图(4月8日)

[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2012-4-8 09:09 编辑 ]
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本期 Game Informer 杂志有十四页的 Halo 4 专题,官方 Halo 论坛有玩家总结了内容如下(原帖已被删除):http://gamingbolt.com/tons-of-new-halo-4-gi-details-revealed

斯巴达点数|Spartan Points

Halo 4 的积分/货币系统称为『斯巴达点数』,替代 Reach 目前使用的 cR 系统。点数可以用来购买盔甲、护甲能力、斯巴达行动任务(Spartan Ops,下面会提到)和其它解锁内容。

斯巴达行动|Spartan Ops

Spartan Ops 看上去有点像《现代战争》系列的 Spec Ops 模式,玩家可在这个模式合作完成一些有故事情节的特别任务。343 计划在几个月内分别发布,以持续吸引玩家回来玩 Halo 4。这些特别任务的游戏长度和规模与战役故事大致相同。

红蓝对抗|Reds Fights Blues

Halo 系列的对战传统是斯巴达红队vs斯巴达蓝队,这次给出了一个符合 Halo 世界观的设定。红蓝对抗是在一艘名为『UNSC Infinity』的三千米长战舰上进行,指挥部派遣它到太空执行一项任务。战舰上有一个训练区,为斯巴达战士提供虚拟现实的战斗训练。红蓝对抗由此而来。


Reach的其中一项护甲能力,疾跑 (Sprint) 在 Halo 4 中成为所有斯巴达的标准配置。这也是让 MLG 方面反对声音很大的一个改动。

先行者视觉|Forerunner Vision

『先行者视觉|Forerunner Vision』是一种新的护甲能力,就像X光一样可以看透障碍物。Halo 4 中引入这项设置,除了平衡性调整外,可能也会让蹲点党大量减少。

护甲能力|Returning Armor Abilities


多人对战没有精英|Elites Not Returning to Multiplayer

Halo 4 对战模式双方都是斯巴达-4,精英不能选用。




文章称 343 不打算加入持久战模式。多人合作除了战役,就是斯巴达行动:Halo 4's campaign is still playable with four players online (in reference to Sparan Ops, ensuring players that Spartan Ops will not replace the campaign coop experience). 343 Industries has no plans to include a dedicated Firefight mode.


Halo 4 对战模式的独狼混战称为弑君 (Regicide),类似单人 VIP。比分领先者称为王 (King),他每杀敌一次,悬赏奖金就会提高,杀死王的玩家就能得到这份赏金。

梦游勋章|Distraction Medal

一局下来都杀不死一个对手?Halo 4 奖励你一枚 Distraction 勋章,以表彰你在战场上的精神涣散、心不在焉。

重武器随机重生|No More Weapon Camping

Halo 系列的对战,老鸟和菜鸟的其中一个区别就是对地图上重武器的重生时间的熟练。Halo 4 为了减少这种差距,武器重生使用空降舱在地图的随机位置投放。

即时复活|No More Respawn Delay

Halo 4 对战时,角色重生不再有倒数,被杀后按下 X 键即可马上在战场上复活,不过原文没提到重生点。这样的设定真不知道影响有多大、是否合适。你杀死对手后,护甲都还没恢复,有可能就马上碰上他复活在你前面。

即时加入对战|Joining In-Progress Games

Halo 4 为了解决玩家中途退出的问题,采用即时补充另外一名玩家的设定。目前不知道是否可以设置,不知道细节。相信很多人都不愿意在战斗进行到尾段时被加入到一局比赛。

Spartan Points

-Spartan Points is the new currency system in Halo 4. They will buy things such as armor, armor abilities, Spartan Ops missions (see below), and some

Spartan Ops

-This was probably my most favorite addition I saw. From how it was described, think fo Spartan Ops like Spec Ops from Modern Warfare but with a storyline. They will span out over several months, encouraging players to return to the game. Game Informer said that Spartan Ops will be comparable in scope and size to the in single-player storyline.

Why Reds Fight Blues

-I think most of us probably guessed this, but reds fight blues and blues fight reds for training purposes. They fight in something called the UNSC Infinity. The UNSC Infinity is a 3km long ship sent into deep space on a mission. It contains a virtual reality sector that creates the multiplayer experience.


-So not only is sprint in the game, but it is a standard armor ability. You do not need to pick it up, it will always be available. You do not need to buy it with your Spartan Points, you will always have it equipped no matter what. So essentially, you can have two armor abilities.

Forerunner Vision

-Ever wanted to be super man? Now you can! See through walls with your x-ray vision! I can’t say I hate this armor ability, I haven’t used it yet. I’m hoping it comes with its weaknesses and it discourages camping. Sorry guys, but camping in Halo 4 will not be a legitimate tactic.
Returning Armor Abilities

-The hologram, jetpack, and active camo will make a return in Halo 4. It didn’t elaborate on the abilities, but you can probably assume they’ll be about the same.

Elites Not Returning to Multiplayer

-Not much detail was given as to why elites will not see multiplayer combat, it was stated in a picture caption. The caption reads, “Competitive multiplayer focues on the Spartan IVs. Elites will not be playable.


-Now the article itself did not talk about grenades, but I noticed in the picture the Spartan had 4 grenade options. I assume the plasma grenade will return as seen from an explosion in the picture and the frag grenade will most definitely return as seen by the Halo 4 first look video.


-Once again, no explanation why aside from a picture caption. The caption read, “Halo 4′s campaign is still playable with four players online (in reference to Sparan Ops, ensuring players that Spartan Ops will not replace the campaign coop experience). 343 Industries has no plans to include a dedicated Firefight mode. I’m torn on this, I don’t normally play firefight, but I feel like it is a standard necessary feature in the game after Halo 3: ODST introduced it.


-Regicide is a variation of free for all. I think it’s similar to VIP. Regicide, as stated by the article, “sets the leading scorer as the king. Every opponent that the king kills raises his bounty; other players have to kill the king to claim the reward.”

Distraction and Revenge Medals

-Don’t feel bad anymore for not killing a single person in the game, you can get a medal for being a distraction! Oh, you just got killed and now you’re raging at that player? Calm down and get rewarded for hunting down the guy that just killed you!

Let me make it clear that I do not necessarily see these medals as bad. They just may reward people that don’t actually deserve one.

No More Weapon Camping

-One the skills that separated veteran players from inexperienced players was the ability to time power weapons’ spawns. In Halo 4, this will be near impossible. Weapons drop down in drop pods at random locations around the map. Quoted from the article, “This gives the matches other focal points, and it also helps alleviate the advantage longtime players always used to have over newer recruits; the best weapons are not always going to be found at the same spawn locations.” Unless there is a distinguishable skill gap between players, I most definitely do not like this idea.

No More Respawn Delay

-Immediately after you die, by tapping the X button you are sent back into the match. Now let’s contemplate why this might be bad. Let’s say Halo spawns are… not so great. A skilled player out BRs/DMRs/whatevers a unskilled player. Now that unskilled player can immediately respawn and find you before your shields even regenerate! I understand 343 is trying to speed up the game, but they must understand the consequences of instant spawns.

Joining In-Progress Games

-So to solve the quitting problem, 343 implemented the ability to join games that are in-progress. My question is are we going to have the ability to search for games starting up instead? It infuriates me to join a game at the last possible second, not even offering me the chance to play.

We will update the page as we get more info, so stay tuned to GB. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.








