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[其他] 黑暗之魂世界观研究

posted by wap, platform: iPhone

@blizzardhenry mark






[ 本帖最后由 弟姐马克思 于 2011-10-31 07:08 编辑 ]

  • Jonsoncao 发贴积分 +42 违规内容 2011-10-31 12:46


posted by wap, platform: UC
原帖由 @弟姐马克思  于 2011-10-31 06:24 发表

目前最不清楚的线还是混沌的苗床,这货似乎有7个还是9个女儿?目前只有卖咒术的,守黑金 ...

  • Jonsoncao 激骚 +5 感谢分享 2011-10-31 12:46




posted by wap, platform: iOS






Dark Souls Bibliography Version 3

What this is: Much of the information available about the plot and setting of Dark Souls is scattered throughout the game and communicated through item descriptions and conversations with NPCs. Much of this information is easily missed by the player. This list is an attempt to summarize as much of this information as possible into a single convenient reference. Information is organized by character, and is presented as a list of facts with accompanying references to where in the game the information can be found so that it can be independently verified. I attempt to minimize commentary or interpretation on my part, and to preserve the game's own phrasing when summarizing. In some cases I have done some extrapolation based on in-game sources, and in these cases I have provided a footnote explaining the rationale behind their inclusion. It is not intended to be a comprehensive explanation or interpretation of the game's plot and setting, rather it is intended as a resource to be used for individual players to arrive at their own conclusions.

What's new in this version: Numerous new characters have been added, the Witch of Izalith section has been significantly expanded and existing information revised and rephrased, the Seath the Scaleless section has gotten bigger yet again, the formatting has been improved, additional references have been added for some information, reference formatting has been standardized, several existing sections have had one or two additions, the Sealers of New Londo section has been split off from the Four Kings section and expanded after it became long enough to warrant being an entry of its own, Havel the Rock's footnote has been excised because I decided it was more a piece of trivia than a clarification, and several facts have been rephrased either to more closely conform to the game's own verbiage or because I thought they were too ambiguous.

This list contains massive spoilers.

- Referred to as both Lord of Sunlight and Lord of Cinder. [Opening cinematic narration, final boss fight]
- Has three known children: an unnamed eldest son, Gwynevere*, and Gwyndolin. [Ring of the Sun's Firstborn, Darkmoon Blade Covenant Ring, Darkmoon Seance Ring item descriptions]
- Led a group of knights. [Opening cinematic narration]
- Some of his knights fought the demons unleashed by the Witch of Izalith. [Black Knight Shield item description]
- Amongst the knights he led were 4 special knights who are specifically named: Artorias the Abysswalker, Hawkeye Gough, Lord's Blade Ciaran, and Ornstein the Dragonslayer. [Wolf Ring, Hawk Ring, Hornet Ring, Leo Ring item descriptions]
- Approximately 1000 years before the beginning of the game he left Anor Londo for the Kiln of the First Flame, taking some of his knights with him and leaving some in Anor Londo as guards. Those who went with him burned to ash when he lit the flame and were reduced to living suits of armor. [Conversation with Kingseeker Frampt, Silver Knight Armor, Black Knight Armor item descriptions]
- Before leaving to link the flame, he gave part of his Lord Soul to the Four Kings of New Londo and part of his Lord Soul to Seath the Scaleless. [Bequeathed Lord Soul item descriptions]
- Divided his power amongst his children before leaving to link the flame, taking only his sword with him. [Great Lord Greatsword item description]
- There is a tomb dedicated to him in Anor Londo. [Conversation with Gwyndolin]
- Havel the Rock was his compatriot. [Great Magic Barrier Miracle description]

Gravelord Nito
- Referred to as the First of the Dead. [Opening cinematic narration, Gravelord Sword item description]
- Pinwheel stole his power. [Mask of the Father, Mother, and Child item descriptions]
- Quietly oversees all death and waits for his servants to usher in the Eye of Death. [Gravelord Sword Dance Miracle description]

The Witch of Izalith
- Is never referred to by name in any capacity to the best of my knowledge.
- She found her Lord Soul near the First Flame. [Conversation with Quelana of Izalith]
- Attempted to create a copy of the First Flame, and in so doing lost control of her Lord Soul and created the Bed of Chaos and unleashed demons on the world. [Bed of Chaos Lord Soul item description, Conversation with Quelana of Izalith, Chaos Storm Pyromancy description]
- When she lost control of her Lord Soul she and her daughters were engulfed by the Flame of Chaos and moulded into deformed creatures. [Conversation with Quelana of Izalith]
- Created Pyromancy when she was engulfed by Chaos. [Demon's Catalyst item description]
- Did not herself use Pyromancy, but rather a form of flame sorcery that has since vanished. [Izalith Catalyst item description]
- The Demon Firesage is the last practitioner of her flame sorcery. [Demon's Catalyst item description]
- Has four known daughters: Quelana, Quelaag, the Chaos Covenant leader, and the enemy wearing Gold-Hemmed Robes outside the entrance to the Bed of Chaos boss fight**. [Conversation with Quelana, Quelaag's Furysword item description, conversation with Chaos Covenant leader with Old Witch's Ring equipped, Chaos Fire Whip Pyromancy description]

Seath the Scaleless
- Is a dragon who betrayed his own kind. [Opening cinematic narration]
- Was a close confidante of Gwyn and was given the Duke's Archive by him. [Conversation with Anor Londo Firekeeper]
- Obsessed with researching the Scales of Immortality. [Conversation with Anor Londo Firekeeper]
- He was able to become immortal through the Primordial Crystal, which he pillaged when he turned against the ancient dragons. [Conversation with Big Hat Logan in Duke's Archive]
- He is a true Undead, unlike the player character and other Undead like Big Hat Logan. [Conversation with Big Hat Logan in Duke's Archive]
- Conducts experiments on human subjects with the aim of creating new sorceries. [Conversation with Big Hat Logan in Duke's Archive]
- Employs the Channelers to kidnap victims for his experiments. [Channeler's Trident item description]
- Specifically captures maidens for his experiments. [Archive Tower Giant Cell Key item description]
- The creatures in the basement of the Duke's Archive are the mistakes from his experiments. [Archive Tower Cell Key item description]
- Received a part of a Lord Soul from Gwyn. [Bequeathed Lord Soul item description]
- As of the time of the game he has gone mad. [Conversation with Anor Londo Firekeeper, Robe of the Channelers item description]
- Is blind. [Six-Eyed Helm of the Channelers item description]
- Created the Moonlight Butterfly. [Crystal Ring Shield item description]
- Is called the grandfather of sorcery. [Moonlight Greatsword item description]
- Havel the Rock was his sworn enemy. [Great Magic Barrier Miracle description]

- Last born child of Gwyn. [Darkmoon Seance Ring item description]
- Is repulsive and frail, and so created an illusion of Gwynevere to help him guard Anor Londo. [Darkmoon Blade Covenant Ring item description]
- The Anor Londo Firekeeper is one of his followers, and he gave her the Brass Armor to hide her hideous form. [Brass Armor item description]
- The power of the moon was strong with him, and so he was raised as a daughter. [Moonlight Robe item description]
- Personally guards Gwyn's tomb in Anor Londo. [Cutscene prior to boss fight with Gwyndolin]
- In addition to being a god, he is also a Moon sorcerer. [Tin Darkmoon Catalyst item description]

- At some point prior to the start of the game she left Anor Londo along with many other deities and later became wife to Flame God Flann. [Ring of the Sun Princess item description]
- Known as the princess cherished by all. [Soothing Sunlight, Bountiful Sunlight Miracle descriptions]
- The Gwynevere the player interacts with in Anor Londo is an illusion created by Gwyndolin. [Darkmoon Blade Covenant Ring item description]

Gwyn's Firstborn
- First born child of Gwyn. [Ring of the Sun's Firstborn item description]
- Inherited the sunlight from Gwyn. [Ring of the Sun's Firstborn item description]
- Was a god of war. [Ring of the Sun's Firstborn item description]
- His foolishness led to a loss of the annals, and his status as a deity was rescinded. [Ring of the Sun's Firstborn item description]
- His name is unknown. [Ring of the Sun's Firstborn item description]
- When he was stripped of his deific status, he left the Sunlight Blade Miracle on his father's coffin. [Sunlight Blade Miracle description]
- The Great Lightning Spear was his weapon. [Great Lightning Spear Miracle description]
- He had respect only for arms, and nothing else. [Great Lightning Spear Miracle description]

- Is a cross between a dragon and something else. [Priscilla's Dagger item description]
- The Gods feared her lifehunt ability. [Lifehunt Scythe item description]
- Is referred to as a crossbreed bastard and antithesis to all life. [Soul of Priscilla item description]

The Four Kings
- Were the rulers of New Londo***. [Bequeathed Lord Soul item description]
- Received a part of a Lord Soul from Gwyn. [Bequeathed Lord Soul item description]
- At some point they fell to the Dark. [Key to the Seal item description]
- The knights who served them who fell to the Dark became the Darkwraiths. [Dark Armor item description]
- New Londo was flooded to banish them and the Darkwraiths. At the time New Londo was flooded it had a robust culture. [Key to the Seal item description]

The Sealers of New Londo
- New Londo was sealed by three sorcerers. Two of them eventually tired of their duty and left New Londo. [Mask of the Sealer item description]
- When they sealed New Londo many people were sacrificed. [Mask of the Sealer item description]
- They were once known as healers. [Crimson Robe item description]
- Ingward is the last remaining Sealer of New Londo. [Conversation with Ingward, Mask of the Sealer item description]
- One of the Sealers was Yulva, who abandoned New Londo to take her healing arts back to Blighttown. [Remedy Sorcery description]

Ornstein the Dragonslayer
- Is one of the four knights of Gwyn. [Leo Ring item description]
- He is said to have once sliced a boulder in two with his spear. [Leo Ring item description]
- He is believed to be the captain of the four knights. [Ornstein's Armor item description]
- Guards the cathedral in Anor Londo. [Ornstein's Armor item description]

Artorias the Abysswalker
- Was one of the four knights of Gwyn. [Wolf Ring item description]
- Was known for having an unbendable will and for being unmatched with a greatsword. [Wolf Ring item description]
- He was capable of traversing the Abyss. [Covenant of Artorias item description]
- He hunted the Darkwraiths. [Greatsword of Artorias iten description]
- He entered into a covenant with the creatures of the Abyss. [Covenant of Artorias, Greatsword of Artorias item descriptions]
- His grave is in Darkroot Basin, and is guarded by the great grey wolf Sif. [Greatshield of Artorias, Greatsword of Artorias item descriptions]
- Many adventurers travel to his grave but are killed by bandits. [Crest of Artorias item description]

Hawkeye Gough
- Was one of the four knights of Gwyn. [Hawk Ring item description]
- Led a group called the Greatarchers****. [Hawk Ring item description]
- Wielded a great bow, with which he took down high-flying dragons. [Hawk Ring item description]

Lord's Blade Ciaran
- Was one of the four knights of Gwyn. [Hornet Ring item description]
- Wielded a dagger with which he laid waste to Gwyn's enemies. [Hornet Ring item description]

Kingseeker Frampt
- Is a friend of Gwyn. [Conversation with Kingseeker Frampt, Conversation with Darkstalker Kaathe]
- Wants the player to kindle the First Flame, succeed Gwyn, and perpetuate the Age of Fire. [Conversation with Kingseeker Frampt]
- Is fond of humans. [Conversation with Kingseeker Frampt after filling the Lordvessel]

Darkstalker Kaathe
- Incited the Darkwraiths to use the power of the dark soul***** to absorb humanity. [Dark Hand item description]
- Considers Frampt a traitor. [Conversation with Darkstalker Kaathe]
- Claims that the Pygmy possessed the Dark Soul and is the progenitor of the player character. [Conversation with Darkstalker Kaathe]
- Wants the player to extinguish the First Flame to usher in the Age of Dark. [Conversation with Darkstalker Kaathe]
- Allows the player to join the Darkwraith Covenant, giving the player the Dark Hand upon joining as well as the Red Eye Orb and the sword and armor of a Darkwraith as successive ranks are attained. [Result of joining and advancing in rank in Darkwraith Covenant]

Big Hat Logan
- Attempted to reach Anor Londo by way of Sen's Fortress, but failed and was captured. [Conversation with Sen's Fortress merchant, Conversation with Big Hat Logan in Sen's Fortress]
- Developed the Soul Spear spell, a legendary sorcery which is said to be on par with Gwyn's lightning. [Soul Spear Sorcery description]
- Griggs of Vinheim is his student. [Conversation with Griggs of Vinheim]
- Holds no antipathy for Seath the Scaleless even after learning of his experiments. [Conversation with Big Hat Logan in the Duke's Archive]
- His hat has no special powers. He wears it because he's antisocial and it blocks out external sights and sounds. [Big Hat item description]
- His catalyst was originally a standard catalyst of the Vinheim Dragon School, but after a long period of use by Logan it has become more powerful. [Logan's Catalyst item description]
- Uses Seath's research to create more powerful versions of sorceries. [Conversation with Big Hat Logan in Duke's Archive, Homing Crystal Soulmass, Crystal Soul Spear, Crystal Magic Weapon, White Dragon Breath Sorcery descriptions]

Havel the Rock
- Was a battlefield compatriot of Gwyn. [Great Magic Barrier Miracle description]
- Was a bishop. [Great Magic Barrier Miracle description]
- Hated magic and was the sworn enemy of Seath the Scaleless, and devised means to combat them. [Great Magic Barrier Miracle description]
- Was proficient at countering magic. [Magic Barrier Miracle description]
- Leader of a group of warriors who were equipped similarly to himself. [Havel's Armor item description]

- Referred to as both Lautrec of Carim and Lautrec the Embraced. [Conversation with Lautrec, Embraced Armor of Favor item description]
- Follower of the goddess Fina. [Embraced Armor of Favor item description]
- At some point prior to the start of the game he forsook everything because he believed in Fina's love for him. [Helm of Favor item description]

- Is a Pyromancer who is considered a heretic in the Great Swamp. [Toxic Mist Pyromancy description]
- He was driven from the Great Swamp for crafting the Toxic Mist Pyromancy, which is considered a perverse diversion from the art of fire. [Toxic Mist Pyromancy description]
- Is indebted to Quelaag's sister because she was kind to him and consumed the Blightpus against Quelaag's orders. [Conversation with Eingyi after getting infected with an egg]

Quelana of Izalith
- Is a daughter of the Witch of Izalith. [Conversation with Quelana of Izalith]
- Most people cannot see her. [Conversation with Quelana of Izalith, Conversation with Eingyi]
- At some point she abandoned her mother and sisters and fled to Blighttown. [Conversation with Quelana of Izalith]
- Is the only daughter of the Witch of Izalith to escape being engulfed by the Flame of Chaos. [Conversation with Quelana of Izalith]
- Salaman the Master Pyromancer was her pupil. [Conversation with Quelana of Izalith]
- Salaman in turn trained Carmina, who harnessed the power of Pyromancy to actualize the inner self. [Flash Sweat Pyromancy description, Iron Flesh Pyromancy description, Power Within Pyromancy description]

- Fire Keeper at Firelink Shrine. [Dingy Robe item description]
- Her tongue was cut out so she could not use it to profane the gods. [Conversation with warrior in chainmail at Firelink Shrine]
- Her clothing has signs that she might have been maimed to prevent escape. [Blood-Stained Skirt item description]
- Wishes for the player to kindle the First Flame so the curse of the Undead will end and she can die as a human. [Conversation with Anastacia after filling the Lordvessel]

Velka, Goddess of Sin
- Is a rogue deity. [Vow of Silence Miracle description]
- She is considered to have a great range of influence even as gods are concerned. [Vow of Silence Miracle description]

Paladin Leeroy
- Was the first member of the Way of White to turn Undead. [Paladin's Armor item description]
- After turning undead he was given the legendary weapon and shield Grant and Sanctus and was sent on a mission to Lordran. This was the first mission the Way of White had ever given to an undead. [Paladin's Armor, Grant item descriptions]

Witch Beatrice
- Unlike almost all other users of sorcery she did not study at the Vinheim Dragon School. [Witch Cloak item description]
- At some point she entered the Abyss but did not survive. [Witch Cloak item description]
- Her catalyst has signs of being used for age-old sorceries, and has been passed down through many generations. [Beatrice's Catalyst item description]

Xanthous King Jeremiah
- He is known as the legendary exile, and no one knows where his armor came from. [Xanthous Crown item description]

Black Iron Tarkus
- He was known for his great strength. [Black Iron Armor item description]
- He journeyed to Anor Londo by way of Sen's Fortress, but ultimately failed in his objective. [Conversation with Sen's Fortress merchant]

Kirk, Knight of Thorns
- He is an infamous member of the Darkwraiths. [Barbed Straight Sword item description]
- He is called the Knight of Thorns because of the gnarly spikes on his favorite weapon. [Barbed Straight Sword item description]

Maneater Mildred
- There does not appear to be a single direct reference to her in any item descriptions or conversations.

The Pygmy
- Possessed the Dark Soul, is the progenitor of the player character. [Conversation with Darkstalker Kaathe]
- Is furtive and easily forgotten. [Opening cinematic narration]

* Gwynevere is included because Gwyndolin refers to her as Sister Gwynevere and we know he is a child of Gwyn. She doesn't seem to be outright stated to be Gwyn's daughter at any point, however.
** I am uncertain if the game uses daughter in the literal or metaphorical sense in this case. The Chaos Covenant leader is included owing to the fact that she is stated to be Quelaag's sister and Quelaag is stated to be a daughter of the Witch of Izalith. The enemy outside the door to the Bed of Chaos is included because she uses the Chaos Fire Whip Pyromancy, the description of which states that it was wielded by the eldest of the Daughters of Chaos. Thanks to JVIDICAN for pointing out the Chaos Fire Whip description.
*** The phrasing of the description implies that they were concurrent -- not successive -- rulers of New Londo.
**** In the Hawk Ring item description they are called the Greatarchers, but in the Dragonslayer Greatbow item description they are called the Dragonslayers. I'm operating on the assumption that the Hawk Ring is correct, since Dragonslayer is Ornstein's title, not Gough's, though Gough is referenced as having killed dragons as well.
***** Capitalization in the original. The dark soul is not rendered as a proper noun in the item description.


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posted by wap, platform: iPhone









posted by wap, platform: Galaxy Nexus


本帖最后由 Wuhaok 于 2012-11-26 16:05 通过手机版编辑

