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[新闻] 《永远的毁灭公爵》发售日又被推迟

IGN 消息* e& R# I+ M. ~0 ?
英国时间 2011年 三月24日
; I" h* O, q; N6 G# d1 u. O《永远的毁灭公爵》被延迟发售
& j1 X9 B, p$ \: P$ y《永远的毁灭公爵》, 它, 可以说是一如往常的, 再次跳票了。 其发售日又被往后推了整整一个月。
* a  o: W+ Z1 z+ Z8 [在惊人之长的14年的开发过程之后,本被定下来于五月3日在美国发售,并在五月6推向全球的《永远的毁灭公爵》竟然又被推迟了。
" y  `) p7 c7 @4 P3 }' Z毁灭公爵的开发商Gearbox的老总Randy Pitchford在Youtube上发布了这个消息,声名这款游戏将会于六月14日在北美面市,但其它区域发售日将会比北美要早几天,在六月10日。8 @( O( [' V- b
让我们等了这么长时间的毁灭公爵究竟是否值得我们的期待?可能不值,但是谁又能抗拒这款游戏里面的那些“邪恶元素”呢?; _- S7 Q; u& q: a+ O

: z9 ^& @: I4 W$ Q原文:
% t/ m" l+ r1 D6 \( c! {0 L6 Ehttp://xbox360.ign.com/articles/115/1157410p1.html4 N/ x& d, o: C6 n

; @) c2 a  u( J7 [- QAfter an incredibly protracted development period – 14 years and counting now – Duke Nukem Forever had been slated for a release on May 3 in the US with the rest of the world getting the game on May 6. 7 y, V4 d9 o% G- }/ k

; R9 c2 Z! U) n$ [9 I5 r; pGearbox's Randy Pitchford announced the delay on YouTube, and Duke Nukem Forever's now coming to North America on June 14 while the rest of the world will be doing the unthinkable four days earlier as they get their hands on the game on June 10.
; m* {5 M: T! x$ b. ~% N9 N; d- Q5 J
Will it be worth the wait? Probably not, but who can pass up on a decent dick gag when it comes their way?
" S9 W( L3 B' A" |4 u7 }! A# D5 @/ N0 B' j4 y2 M
% C* N. |  U/ C) r6 I6 J$ m% Fhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VFFR-5a-Ko&feature=youtu.be



