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skyline 雷了:( imdb 4.7

Went to see 'Skyline' which premiered here last night. Worst sci-fi movie ever. Bad casting, bad acting, no plot, no ending, even bad CGI.

Don't go. Don't rent. Don't even download or copy.

Next time: wait for reviews, never get excited by trailers & cool posters again. . . .

What you see in the trailers is the first few minutes of the movie. That's it. there is no more substance than that.

This review I am writing (which is forcing me to write a minimum of 10 lines) has more content and thought than the movie script.

bad bad bad bad

This is easily the worst movie I've seen this year. It's saying something when the writing is so bad that even an end-of-the-world alien invasion can't stop boring you senseless.

The characters are passive participants to the events around them. Sure they scream on cue, but their lives and struggles are devoid of feeling and emotions. The film lacks the frantic pace of the somewhat similar Cloverfield where the characters and their environment felt desperate and chaotic. Instead we get destruction without fear and survival without passion.

I'm a big sci-fi fan, but I honestly can't remember the last time I was this bored in the theater despite a few moments of great special effects. Avoid this movie at all costs.






4.7 看来不是一般的雷

