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[数码手机] iPhone OS 3.2新功能陆续被发现,包含Safari文件上传功能

据Engadget 报道,iPhone jailbreak dev 的Ryan Petrich 发现了iPhone OS 3.2的诸多新特性,其中包括Safari的文件上传功能。


New features I've uncovered:
• CoreGraphics to PDF API for sure, printer API is being prototyped
• Spell checker in text fields and web views using AppleSpell
- multiple languages
- grammar checking (English-only so far)
- address book integration
- user added words
- SDK access
- Included dictionaries: Apple Dictionary, New Oxford American Dictionary, Oxford American Writer's Thesaurus, Shogakukan Daijisen, Shogakukan Progressive English-Japanese Japanese-English Dictionary, and Shogakukan Ruigo Reikai Jiten (may also be used for a Dictionary app perhaps?)
• USB Host support or expanded Bluetooth support
- PTP support for transferring images
- MobileStorageMounter (perhaps used for PTP; perhaps used to mount external USB storage?)
- Hardware keyboard: USBKeyboardLayouts.plist
• Much richer text API including low-level access to font data and highlevel support for drawing formatted text
• Support for querying attached screens and choosing which screen a window draws on (App Store approved?)
The beginnings of file upload in Safari
• Location-sensitive ads are being prototyped in integrated Maps application (and applications that use the maps framework)
• Ability for applications to modify the standard cut/copy/paste menu
• "Handwriting keyboard" is being prototyped.

看了这堆新功能,我觉得苹果是要把iPhone OS逐渐进化成Mac OS,只不过现在还没有都做出来。

[ 本帖最后由 z0406 于 2010-1-31 12:07 编辑 ]


[posted by wap, platform: Nokia (E72)]

本来就是mac os的底子,只是简化了跑在iphone上。


iPhone OS现在面临一个很大的转折,如果要放开文件管理的话,Apple需要对整个思路做转变

