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» 《神秘海域2》101个宝藏全攻略!(IGN)
490 度
发表于 2009-10-14 21:47
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TREASURE ONE | Wrathful Deity Statue (1/5 & 1/101): The Wrathful Deity Statue can be found immediately upon gaining control of Drake atop the snowy cliff right after you watch the cutscene introducing Chloe and Harry. From your starting position, walk to your right. You'll see the telltale shimmer of a treasure in the snow just to the right of the tree there. An on-screen prompt should appear to pick up said treasure as soon as you're in its vicinity.
TREASURE TWO | Saraswati Statue (2/5 & 2/101): This statue, the second treasure you'll encounter in the game, can be found shortly after you've found the initial treasure in the game. More specifically, this treasure can be found immediately after claiming your very first firearm. From the corpse you claimed your 92FS 9mm pistol from, look forward towards a corner in the wreckage, and keep an eye out for that telltale glimmer. This is an easy one to spot, and a hard one to miss.
TREASURE THREE | Tibetan Snuff Bottle (3/5 & 3/101): As soon as you emerge from the previously-locked door discussed in the last paragraph, don't move. In fact, keep that gun armed that you used to break through the lock in the first place. Nestled in the corner of the wreckage, you'll find this extremely well-hidden treasure. However, to find it, you'll need to look up. The corpse of a thug hangs precariously above, and the telltale flashing of a treasure can be found on his person. Shoot it down with your firearm, and then claim the snuff bottle in the powdery snow.
TREASURE FOUR | Bhutanese Lime Box (4/5 & 4/101): There's a point before the flashback where you're hoisting yourself up into a train car. Believe it or not, the train car itself, the first one you really get to explore (horizontally, that is) contains nothing of interest. It's the area down below the train car before you lift yourself up into it that's key. Covered in a thin lair of snow at the train car's entrance is a silver box-like structure below; likely some sort of storage car. If you jump onto it, and then jump behind it into the little alcove there, you'll no doubt run into this treasure. It's almost impossible to miss, so long as you jump down there to begin with.
TREASURE FIVE | Ghau Amulet Thogchag (5/5 & 5/101): As soon as you hoist yourself up into this train car following the previous flashback, don't go to the left (forward) to proceed with the chapter. Not before you turn back around and hoist yourself up to the far side of the train car, where you'll clearly see a shimmering object waiting for you to acquire it. Claim the Ghau Amulet Thogchag here, and then turn back around and continue on your way.
TREASURE SIX | Byzantine Gold Coin (1/10 & 6/101): Once you've emerged from the sewer, don't make a move. Next to you, you should see some wooden crates stacked next to each other so that they form some sort of L-shape, more like the Tetris shape than the letter itself. In the corner of the room nearest those crates is another crate. If you stare at it, you'll no doubt spot the glimmer of the treasure hidden there. Simply walk around the Tetris piece-shaped obstruction and claim your prize before continuing onward.
TREASURE SEVEN | Glass Evil Eye (2/10 & 7/101): Before you turn off that steam, why not grab another treasure nearby? The short staircase that leads up to the ladder on your right and the steam pipes on your left isn't the key. Rather, it's the platform before the staircase. If you turn around so that your back is facing said staircase, you'll see an isolated yellow, metal platform ahead and on your right. Jump over to it, and claim your Glass Evil Eye (whatever that is) before proceeding.
TREASURE EIGHT | Ottoman Ring (3/10 & 8/101): It should come as no surprise that you'd find Ottoman artifacts in Turkey, and one of them is around you directly after the brief cutscene discussed in the previous paragraph. Move forward and go up a short staircase to your left. You're now in what appears to be some sort of supply room, with unused artifacts and exhibits all around you. If you think there just has to be a treasure around here somewhere, then you'd be right. Swing rightward and move towards the large wooden door you'll need to use to continue. When you reach it, swing rightward, down the dimly-lit corridor. You'll see the telltale glimmer of a treasure there, so run down and grab it before proceeding through that door.
TREASURE NINE | Silver Amulet Box (4/10 & 9/101): You know where that metal roof-like structure was that you just dropped down onto the guard from above? Well, with your back facing that structure, look slightly ahead and to your right. There's a rectangular flower box there, along the rightmost wall. If you keep an eye on it for a few moments, you will see a glimmer of a treasure. Simply walk up to the side of the flower box and claim your prize before running back to visit with Harry in front of the next door.
TREASURE TEN | SILVER BELT BUCKLE (5/10 & 10/101): Before venturing forth, why not deviate briefly to acquire another treasure? One can be found in that fountain we worked our way around earlier in this vast, guard-filled room. Getting the treasure is rather easy, since all you have to do is jump over the fountain's outer wall, and run through the extremely shallow water until the on-screen prompt shows up, indicating that there's a treasure nearby. If you want more specifics, search the section of the fountain closest to the center of the room.
TREASURE ELEVEN | Ivory Chess Knight (6/10 & 11/101): Before using those support beams to walk and climb to the staircase at the top end of the room, over where you came from, you'll first want to go to the right end of those beams, and climb up to what appear to be isolated and useless horizontal beams on that end of the room. However, when you climb up atop those beams and keep an eye on the windows, you'll no doubt spot the telltale glimmer of a treasure there. Simply walk over to it to grab it, and then drop back down to the previous beams, and work your way forward to the stairs.
TREASURE TWELVE | Ottoman Bracelet (7/10 & 12/101): This is certainly one of the better-hidden treasures in Uncharted 2's early-going. Before you use that rope to climb upward, look to your right. You'll see an epic chasm with water cascading down below. You can use the rope to swing your way rightward, but instead of climbing up the cages covering the exhaust fans, look for a ledge that proceeds towards the edge of the building. This will turn a corner, where the treasure can be found. The sewer outlet below will glimmer, letting you know that's where the treasure is. Drop down atop it and hang off of it to successfully grab it.
TREASURE THIRTEEN | Antique Pocket Watch (8/10 & 13/101): After you managed to climb up to the window, and after you navigated across the steel bars underneath the metal balcony, you'll be forced to shoot an enemy below with one of your tranquilizer darts. With that done, you can jump down to the platform he was once occupying and move forward. Jump over the balcony's edge to the copper roof below, and immediately look behind you and to the right. On the wall, alongside a huge tapestry of some sort, you'll see the telltale flash of a treasure. Shoot it down from its perch, and then jump down to the area below to grab it once it's fallen.
TREASURE FOURTEEN | Antique Pipe (9/10 & 14/101): As soon as you gain control of Drake after Harry's betrayal, you can immediately grab another treasure. It makes sense, after all -- you're in a museum exhibit. If you were finding treasures in sewers, you're going to find them here! You'll have to act quick, though, because the guards' lethal weapons will be pointed at you immediately, and their red laser sights mean death for you. The area you're going to want to look in, as indicated by the screenshots, is an alcove on the outer edge of the room with what appears to be a concrete lion's head of some sort. There are multiple lion heads, so you want the one closest to you when you gain control (it should be behind you). Go towards this alcove and quickly acquire your treasure.
TREASURE FIFTEEN | Jeweled Bracelet (10/10 & 15/101): The large chamber you come to in the sewer, where guards are taking shots at you from the yellow catwalks overhead, is the location of this treasure. You're going to need to be quick to get this one, however, and as the screenshots below indicate, you're likely to get shot at, or shot outright, when attempting to grab this item. Run through this area and then, at the tunnel leading into the next location, turn around. You should see the telltale glimmer of a treasure near a pipe angling out of the ground. Dash towards it, claim it quickly, and then run back to safety.
TREASURE SIXTEEN | Yuan Dynasty Coin (1/4 & 16/101): After activating the first of Chloe's explosive devices and gathering the detonation pad she left nearby, you'll be able to proceed forward through the dense, aqueous forest. Almost immediately on your left, you'll find a log leading upward to an isolated section of the path. As you walk up the log, you'll almost certainly see what you're looking for. The glint of the treasure you seek is on a tree branch (no word how that happened). Use Nate's gun to shoot the treasure down, and then run up to it to claim it for yourself.
TREASURE SEVENTEEN | Yuan Dynasty Jade Animal (2/4 & 17/101): The first half of acquiring this treasure will look awfully familiar. What you're looking for is closer to the beginning of the area where you began the firefight than the latter half. You're seeking out a log on the right side of the watery path going up and to your right, where another isolated location can be found. This area will give you the treasure you seek -- it's atop what appears to be an ancient wooden barrel that has somehow found its way into this shallow water.
TREASURE EIGHTEEN | Jade Pei Pendant (3/4 & 18/101): After going over the ridge (which should be lined with dead bodies) and veering rightward, you can climb upward. To continue with the main quest at hand, you'll want to continue along the path on your left, but to find this treasure, veer off to your right during the climb. You may have seen the location of this treasure when you were down on the forest floor. It's located above the waterfall you earlier past. Unable to shoot it down from below, you can grab it from up here. After taking the right path, follow the shallow water to the apex of the waterfall. The telltale glow of the treasure will emanate from atop a severed tree trunk.
TREASURE NINETEEN | Amber Jade Chimera (4/4 & 19/101): This is a fairly tough treasure to locate, though when you know precisely how to go through the motions to get to the treasure's locations, you'll laugh at just how easy it all was. The treasure itself is located above the exit out of the camp with the jeep in it. To get there once you've climbed back up the rope, don't walk forward up the staggered steps ahead, but instead jump to the platform to your right. Follow the pathway as it curves rightward, and keep an eye on the white bricks on the left wall. You can use these to climb upward, and then jump to the horizontal wooden beam behind you. You can swing across a couple of these beams to a large fallen log that bridges the area below. Walk rightward along the log, and then move forward, jumping across a previously-tread pathway below to another platform. The treasure should be sitting near a fallen barrel on your right.
TREASURE TWENTY | Mongol Paiza Passport (1/3 & 20/101): Once you've quelled the wildness around you and all enemies are killed, you'll have the opportunity to grab the chapter's first of three treasures before running up to meet with Sully. What you're looking for is a mast of one of the beached ships around you. Masts on ships hold the ship's sails, so you're looking for an extremely tall piece of timber sticking out from the wreckage, close to where Sully waits for you to join him after the fray concludes. You can use a firearm of your choosing to knock down the glimmering dot from atop the mast, and then run to the aqueous location where the treasure falls back to Earth in order to claim it.
TREASURE TWENTY-ONE | Jade Belt Slide (2/3 & 21/101): Before you go ahead and grab the aforementioned blue stone, you'll first want to search for a hidden treasure in this subterranean chamber. Indeed, this is a fairly easy treasure to find, and chances are you'll spot it on your own. As soon as you drop through the hole in the ground, proceed forward with your back facing the way you came. A large statue built into the left wall ahead is the key. Use your firearm and aim at the statue, searching its outstretched arm for a glimmering spot. Shoot at this glimmering spot, and when it falls to the ground, walk up to it and acquire it. Easy.
TREASURE TWENTY-TWO | Yuan Dynasty Helmet (3/3 & 22/101): As soon as you gain control after the cutscene runs its course, resist the urge to immediately move forward, backtracking over the path you initially took into this room. Instead, turn around and face the location where the map and dagger were just found. While looking at that location, look up and to the right, and you'll no doubt see what you're looking for -- a shimmering dot on the wall. Shoot it down now that your weapons are free (you weren't able to draw them while holding the torch), and then walk up to it while it sits on the ground, and scoop it up.
TREASURE TWENTY THREE | Strange Relic (1/1 & 23/101): The Strange Relic is back in Uncharted 2, and it's nearby. The Strange Relic isn't a treasure per se, though it does count as one. Instead, it's a standalone item that, once found, will net you a bronze trophy. At the aforementioned intersection, where you can't continue forward and are forced to go either right or left, go rightward (with your back facing the crashed bus). You'll find a couple of rickshaws down an otherwise inconspicuous alleyway. However, it's the open manhole at the end of the alley that's the key. Drop into this isolated part of the sewer, and in a corner, you'll find the Strange Relic sitting on a pile of debris.
TREASURE TWENTY-FOUR | Brass Bird Lamp (1/6 & 24/101): The first of six treasures found on this chapter can be acquired in a rather difficult way. The key is the large, sign-strewn electrical pole in front of the truck where the RPG-wielding enemy was stationed. If you're facing the church, it'll be to your right. From ground-level, you'll no doubt see a glimmer of a treasure on an object at the very top of the tall pole. However, you can't shoot it down. Instead, you have to use the signs and other objects around the lamppost as a makeshift ladder leading upward. Once you get to the top, you can obtain this treasure rather easily. It's initially spotting it and climbing up to it that's the difficult part.
TREASURE TWENTY-FIVE | Silver Dress Clasp (2/6 & 25/101): The second treasure is located extremely nearby the first treasure. Once you've acquired the first treasure and made it back to ground-level, search the facade of the building in front of you, the church-like structure where enemies were pouring out of during the previous firefight. Above the main door, you'll see some sort of design (seemingly like two fish) with a gem in the middle of them. That gem is actually the treasure you seek. Use a gun of your choosing to knock the treasure down, and then run up to it and grab it. Just like with the last treasure, though, you'll want to wait until the firefight ends before grabbing it.
TREASURE TWENTY-SIX | Copper Rice Measure (3/6 & 26/101): This artifact can be found in a pretty bizarre place, and lord only knows how it actually got there. Once you're on the semi-circular rooftop discussed in the previous paragraph, you can jump into the second floor window to continue your quest. However, if you instead head to the far right end of the semi-circle, at the place it ends, you can find this treasure sitting alongside the building. It's easy enough to grab once you know precisely where it is.
TREASURE TWENTY-SEVEN | Yuan Dynasty Urn (4/6 & 27/101): This is a fairly well-hidden treasure, though acquiring it should be all that hard. The idea is to head up to the very top of this stairwell. The stairs will eventually break off, and it'll appear as if you'll be unable to continue. However, this couldn't be farther from the truth. Jump from the break in the stairs towards the extra small elevator shaft running vertically down the middle of the stairs. When you're hanging from the top of it, all you have to do is pull yourself over the cage so that you land atop the elevator car itself. This is where the treasure can be found.
TREASURE TWENTY-EIGHT | Enameled Snuff Bottle (5/6 & 28/101): Another treasure is located nearby. It's actually in a rather obvious location, especially if you think back to the mission's very first treasure. When you're on the semi-circular patio with the gigantic fallen concrete pillar laying over it, head to the left, and jump over the railing so that you're standing atop the orange roof. Follow this roof forward and leftward, and in the distance, you'll see an open suitcase that must have fallen earlier. You'll see a shimmering dot in the suitcase as you approach it. Acquire the treasure from there.
TREASURE TWENTY-NINE | Incense Burner (6/6 & 29/101): Finding the Incense Burner isn't too hard, though you're going to need to know precisely where to look, because seeing the usual telltale glint of the treasure in an outdoor area such as this is quite difficult. To find the Incense Burner, cross the roof-to-roof bridge and first deal with the enemies on the roof below you and to the left. Then, walk up to what appears to be some sort of raised doorway back into the building, with an air conditioning unit and water tank atop it. Climb up to this area, and you should see the treasure icon appear on-screen. Press Triangle!
2009-10-14 22:05
10660 小时
490 度
发表于 2009-10-14 21:47
TREASURE THIRTY | Worn Pendant (1/4 & 30/101): The very first treasure of the chapter can be found at any time as soon as you gain control here, but we recommend waiting until the firefight has concluded before searching. You want to head towards the entrance point of the chapter. Once there, turn around and enter the courtyard again as if you were starting the chapter anew. As you go, keep an eye out for a blown out building immediately on your right. This treasure will be sitting atop a cardboard box in the corner of this building, underneath the window looking out onto the street.
TREASURE THIRTY-ONE | Nine Jewel Ring (2/4 & 31/101): The second of four treasures found throughout this chapter can be acquired as soon as the initial firefight is quelled. When things are quiet, head to the ornate fountain at the far side of the courtyard. In the middle of the fountain is a tall pillar, at the top of which is a statue and some other decorations. Hanging next to the statue, even higher, is some sort of concrete bell. If you maneuver yourself so that you can see underneath the bell, you'll see the telltale glimmer of a treasure. Shoot it down with a weapon of your choice, and claim it on the ground before continuing.
TREASURE THIRTY-TWO | Ankhora Water Vessel (3/4 & 32/101): If you thought that there must be a treasure around here somewhere, then you thought correctly. It's a well-hidden one, though. Climb down the stairs on the near side of the screen, and instead of using the cars you nudged free to cross the other side of the river, go leftward and jump onto a pile of rubble. From here, you can cross over to the front of the rubble pile in the middle of the river (though the current won't let you actually climb atop it), and you can continue to cross to another pile of rocks and rubble in the far corner. En route, you'll see the glimmer of what you're looking for, as there is a treasure sitting atop the last-mentioned pile of rubble. Grab it, and then backtrack across the river towards the cars to proceed.
TREASURE THIRTY-THREE | Silver Shiva Amulet (4/4 & 33/101): Once you're in the awesome-looking courtyard in front of the temple you've been running around the city to find, don't dash wantonly toward the grand entrance to the structure, for you will catalyze a chapter-ending cutscene. Instead, explore the courtyard, because that's where this treasure is located. More specifically, with your back facing the way you came in, you should search the left side of the courtyard. You're seeking out a little open-air trailer, as shown in the screenshot below. Simply hoist yourself into the bed of the small trailer, and you can claim your treasure easily enough.
TREASURE THIRTY-FOUR | Bronze Altar Spoon (1/2 & 34/101): As soon as you gain control in this chapter, you can immediately find the first of two treasures found here. Immediately turn to your right and go through the doorway. On your left, you'll find a place where a staircase once led upward. You can't obviously climb stairs that aren't there, but you can use the wooden remnants along the wall to hoist yourself upward to the second floor. Up here, in front of the gate, you can grab this treasure. You can actually see this treasure's glimmer from the room ahead of you, but you can't grab it from there. Instead, grab it from here before you proceed, and save yourself the headache of having to backtrack.
TREASURE THIRTY-FIVE: Bronze Varaha Statue (2/2 & 35/101): There's no doubt that you're in dire straits as soon as you drop into this chamber, and you need to act quickly to get out of dodge before it's too late. But there's also a treasure down here, the second of two found during this chapter, and you need to act equally as quickly if you want to get it. Your best bet here is to simply run around until you see the icon appear on-screen letting you know that a treasure is at your feet. You can also look for the glimmer of the treasure on the ground, though you may not have enough time to spot it. This is an easy treasure to acquire, so long as you know that you should be looking for one. Otherwise, it's just as easy to miss this treasure all together.
TREASURE THIRTY-SIX | Copper Lakhe Mask (1/3 & 36/101): As soon as you've shimmied rightward and landed atop the semi-circular pathway to the right of the gigantic statue face, you can acquire the first of three treasures on this chapter. Simply run to the far end of this completely linear corridor, completely devoid of enemies or traps, and you can claim the treasure at the darkened dead end. Easy enough.
TREASURE THIRTY-SEVEN | Carved Jade Figurine (2/3 & 37/101): While atop that copper birdcage-like structure (for the complete lack of a better term), you're in a great position to get another treasure. You need to jump from the birdcage to the adjacent corridor to proceed, but don't do that just yet. Instead, look along the ceiling above the corridor you're about to jump to, and you should spot the glimmer of a treasure. Use your firearm and shoot it down from its perch. Then, make your jump to the corridor and easily claim your prize.
TREASURE THIRTY-EIGHT | Bronze Ganesh Statue (3/3 & 38/101): The third and final treasure found during this brief chapter will be found after solving the massive puzzle and descending through the open mouth of the ground-based statue. You'll end up in a circular room. Simply walk around the far end of the circle, along its circumference between the support pillars and the outer wall. When you do, you'll eventually run into this treasure. Simply keep an eye on your screen for the treasure icon to appear, though you may see the treasure glimmer on the ground as you approach it as well.
TREASURE THIRTY-NINE | Nepali Bronze Lion (1/5 & 39/101): Once you've killed all five enemies after arming yourself, you'll be free to explore the little courtyard you now occupy. This treasure is located on the ground level of the courtyard, down a short, dark little alleyway. Look along a locked gate to find its telltale glimmer, and then simply walk up to it and claim it as your own.
TREASURE FORTY | Yuan Dynasty Lotus Jar (2/5 & 40/101): Before you make that jump to your right, however, why not grab yet another treasure? That's right, the first two treasures (of five total) in this chapter are located this near each other, and this near the outset of the chapter. To get this one, it's simple. Once you're on the fire escape, don't follow Elena's lead and jump to your right. Instead, seek out a staircase that leads up to a higher tier of fire escape, directly above you. If you scour this fire escape, you'll easily find the treasure you seek.
TREASURE FORTY-ONE | Cham Lion Mask (3/5 & 41/101): Before continuing onward, be sure to take the time to acquire yet another treasure. This one is located on the far side of the previously-locked door, the one you had to shoot the wooden beams from off of. Instead of proceeding to the right and going along with the main quest, jump back to the left and grab the treasure from the little alcove next to the now-open door. Simple.
TREASURE FORTY-TWO | Jeweled Statue Crown (4/5 & 42/101): This is an extremely easy treasure to find, and that's saying something, since you haven't exactly had to strain yourself in finding the other three treasures on this chapter so far. To find it, simply take the aforementioned zipline down. Once you land, walk leftward and you'll see the on-screen prompt indicating a treasure is nearby before very long. Yes, it's really that easy to obtain, and yes, it's virtually impossible to miss it.
TREASURE FORTY-THREE | Three-Stone Coral Ring (5/5 & 43/101): The fifth and final treasure of this chapter is no doubt the most obscurely-hidden. It's located in the warehouse, and you absolutely, positively don't want to hit the lever on the train car before you obtain it. The idea is to get to the second of the three train cars in the warehouse, the one in the middle that you have to jump and shimmy over to. Once you're on top of this train car and begin walking back towards the entrance to the warehouse, keep an eye on the wall above and to the left. There's a small obtrusion there with the treasure on it; you should be able to see the glimmer from afar. However, to get it down, you need to use the red pipes leading towards it, shimmying over to it and claiming it in the flesh.
TREASURE FORTY-FOUR | Miniature Bronze Stupa (1/3 & 44/101): This treasure is easy to find, though it's also easy to miss if you keep moving forward without looking behind you. This treasure is located at the rear of the last train car, but to get to it, you're going to need to work your way to the roof of said train car, drop down in between it and the next train car, and then physically walk through the first train car towards the rear. You'll see the glimmer of the treasure at the back end of the train car, so go pick it up.
TREASURE FORTY-FIVE | Yama and Buffalo Statue (2/3 & 45/101): This statue is actually cleverly hidden, and it's in a strange place, too. When you jump out of the window the way the thug you just killed came in, you'll have to go rightward to proceed with the mission. But why not first scurry over to your left, using the ladder you find there to climb up to the roof of the train car? You'll find this treasure sitting on the roof, and it's easy enough to acquire. What's confusing, of course, is just how this treasure got here in the first place, nonetheless stayed in this position atop a fast-moving train. C'est la vie.
TREASURE FORTY-SIX | Newari Bronze Figures (3/3 & 46/101): During the early-going through this section fraught with danger, you're going to want to hang off of the side of the train cars you encounter. More specifically, the train car with the two enemies that get killed by the horizontal metal bar is the train car you're looking for. You can hang, and then jump into the otherwise isolated train car. Within, you'll find plenty of crates and boxes, but what you're searching for is that telltale glimmer of a nearby treasure, tucked neatly in the corner of the train car you're currently occupying.
TREASURE FORTY-SEVEN | Gilded Bodhisattva Statue (1/2 & 47/101): This treasure is found within a train car that you are walking over. In other words, you don't have to ever enter this train car, meaning you're going to have to keep an eye out for this treasure's location, or pass by it all together. After sniping the aforementioned enemies, begin to run forward. The train car next to the train car holding a haul of coal is the key. Work your way to the side of the car and drop down. You'll see an entrance into the train car from there. Launch yourself inside and walk to the far end of the train car's exterior (towards the way the train is going) to claim your treasure.
TREASURE FORTY-EIGHT | Tibetan Saddle Ring (2/2 & 48/101): The second and final treasure found in this chapter can be found in this very train car. More specifically, you can find this treasure at the far end of the locked train car. Once you've breached the train car, it's as simple as walking up to the treasure and grabbing it. Just try to grab it before poking your head out of the ceiling, which will catalyze a necessary gunfight, but one that might otherwise distract you from grabbing this treasure in the first place.
TREASURE FORTY-NINE | Tibetan Knife (1/3 & 49/101): The first of three treasures can be found amongst the train wreckage, though you'll absolutely want to wait until all four waves of enemies are felled before searching for it. Head to the far end of this area, along the fiery train car. If you press up on the d-pad to see where you need to go next, it will show this train car, so you should have a good idea of where you need to go. At the far right end of the train car, away from the fire, the treasure can be found. Look alongside the train where the snowy terrain ends and a gaping chasm begins. Keep an eye on your screen for the treasure icon to appear, since the glimmer of the treasure is difficult to spot in the snow.
TREASURE FIFTY | Tibetan Prayer Wheel (2/3 & 50/101): Another treasure can be found in this snowy landscape littered with train wreckage, and just like the aforementioned treasure, you'll probably want to wait until the firefight around you ceases before you go searching for it. This one is just as easy to find as the last one, granted you know precisely where to look. Head to the point where you initially gained control, and search the little nook behind you. The telltale glint of the treasure is difficult to spot in the snow, so you're going to need to walk around there and keep an eye for the screen to prompt you that a treasure is nearby. Simple.
TREASURE FIFTY-ONE | Tibetan Silver Vase (3/3 & 51/101): The third and final treasure of the chapter can also be found in the snowy area with all of the train wreckage, and once more, you'll want to wait until all four enemy waves are felled before you go after it. Out of the three pieces of treasure here, this one is the most frustrating one to find. If you're facing the fiery wreckage, the treasure can be found on the left side of this area. You should see a fairly intact train car on the left side towards the beginning of the area. On the side of the train car facing the rock face barrier of the area, you will see a flashing light sitting along the top end of the train. From the snow below, shoot it down, and then gather it up when it falls. It should land atop a gray crate.
TREASURE FIFTY-TWO | Ram's Head Thogchag (1/3 & 52/101): As soon as you gain control during this chapter, you can find the very first of three treasures found here. Sure, this kindly old Nepalese man saved you in the frigid blizzard, healed your wounds and kept you warm and fed when you recovered. But now, you're going to rob him. Leave his house, and turn right, and then right again, until you reach the back end of his house. Keep an eye out for the treasure's glimmer on the ground next to some tables.
TREASURE FIFTY-THREE | Bronze Buddha Statue (2/3 & 53/101): The second of three treasures found in this calm chapter is in a rather obscure place. When you run into the kids playing soccer, you'll know you're in the right area. Moving forward, those kids are on your left, but you'll actually want to go to the right. Move across to the other side of the street and climb the ladder you find there. Then, vault over the green wall on your left, and search the ground along the building on your left. Here, you'll run into this treasure.
TREASURE FIFTY-FOUR | Singing Bowl (3/3 & 54/101): The third and final treasure is found adjacent to the elder's home. Be certain that you don't walk up to the stairs leading to the elder's front door, or you're going to catalyze a cutscene and will be forced to replay the chapter (not that that's really a big deal or anything). Simply look along the side of the elder's home. The treasure should be sitting next to a tree, securely in the tree's gigantic shadow.
TREASURE FIFTY-FIVE | Tibetan Ritual Blade (1/6 & 55/101): The first of six treasures here can be found as soon as you descend the ladder after crossing the chasm with your guide's rope. Instead of going through the tunnel in pursuit of your guide, turn around and head in the other direction. You'll quickly run into a dead end, but you'll see the glimmer of a treasure along the edge of the dead end pathway that you can easily grab before continuing.
TREASURE FIFTY-SIX | Clay Deity Head (2/6 & 56/101): Your guide will find a rope in the remnants of the campsite at this location, at which point Drake and he can climb back up to the same snowy platform you originally entered the area via. The ability to swing across the campsite to a platform on the other side is now given, but first, why not jump on that rope and simply hang around for a while? Instead of swinging across, the change the rope's momentum so that it swings in the other direction, rightward to leftward and back again. You'll be able to swing to the right side of the room in this way, where an isolated platform containing this treasure can be found. Swing and jump, hang off of this platform, and grab your prize.
TREASURE FIFTY-SEVEN | Bronze Chenrezig Statue (3/6 & 57/101): You'll need to hoist yourself up to a higher platform nearby to continue. You'll see some ropes leading up to a platform even higher up. Ignore them for the time being and drop down to the lower platform adjacent to you on the left. It's here that you can easily find this treasure. Be sure not to miss its location before proceeding!
TREASURE FIFTY-EIGHT | Skull Cap Drum (4/6 & 58/101): When you reach the end of the river of flowing water careening down the ice, you'll see a small waterfall where the water drops off of a cliff to an area below. To continue onward with the chapter, you're going to need to head leftward. But first, head rightward from the waterfall. This little alcove contains the treasure you seek, and is easy enough to obtain. Just keep an eye for the on-screen prompt letting you know a treasure is nearby, since seeing the treasure's glint in the ice is a difficult proposition.
TREASURE FIFTY-NINE | Silver Needle Case (5/6 & 59/101): This is an easy treasure to get, though if you miss it, you can't backtrack to get it. Before jumping down the hole towards the corpse with the Luger sitting next to him, simply work your way leftward along the snowy, semi-circular pathway. You'll run into this treasure there, and can grab it and then jump down to claim your firearm.
TREASURE SIXTY | Bronze Stupa Ornament (6/6 & 60/101): ...there's a treasure nearby that you'll want to grab. The crate and the way forward is to your right, but instead, go leftward, passing the corpse with the ammunition near it. You can squeeze through a thin passageway and reach an isolated cavern within the mountain. Simply jump across the gap to the only other platform here, and the on-screen treasure prompt should show up. This is an easy treasure to get in premise, but it's also an easy location to miss all together.
本帖最后由 STRIFE 于 2009-10-14 22:07 编辑
10660 小时
490 度
发表于 2009-10-14 21:49
TREASURE SIXTY-ONE | Mandala Thogchag (1/6 & 61/101): This treasure is pretty well-hidden. The key to grabbing it is the third and final spinning cylinder you come across when you're crossing the aforementioned gap. When you reach the third cylinder, climb up to the very top of it and begin to rotate along with it. Attached to one of the wooden boards that serve to knock you down if you run into them is this treasure. You'll see its glint pretty clearly, but to actually grab it successfully, you'll have to rotate just underneath the wooden board and grab it as the on-screen prompt indicating a treasure is nearby shows up.
TREASURE SIXTY-TWO | Dipa Oil Lamp (2/6 & 62/101): This treasure can be a bit complicated to acquire. When you're on the platform looking over the chasm towards your guide's location, you'll need to turn around, so that your back is facing that very same chasm. You'll be able to spot a rope in the middle of the numerous gears surrounding you. Getting this treasure requires you to swing on that rope towards one of the severed wooden beams. You'll need to grab this treasure as you swing -- there's no landing, and no other real way to acquire it. Thus, you'll need to keep your eye out for the on-screen prompt that will indicate that the treasure is within grabbing distance. The time will be extremely brief, so be quick about it! You need to use the rope to cross over to a platform that will break in a brief cutscene anyway. The platform will break and you won't have access to the rope after it does, so be sure to grab the treasure before letting go of the rope.
TREASURE SIXTY-THREE | Tibetan Flint Lighter (3/6 & 63/101): Acquiring the Tibetan Flint Lighter is as easy as dropping down off of the rope, and ultimately ending up on a rotating gear below you. This hard-to-spot but easy-to-acquire treasure hangs off of the side of the flat gear, and will require you to hang off of it in order to grab it. Admittedly, this treasure is precariously placed, and will require you to, amongst other things, grab it quickly before the gear spins you straight into oblivion.
TREASURE SIXTY-FOUR | Bronze Dorje (4/6 & 64/101): You know the gear that you ride twice? You ride its outer surface up once, jump over to the left, and then ride its outer edge up once more. This is to allow you access to an area you'll need to traverse to proceed with the chapter. However, if you ride the outer edge of this gear up to the very top, you'll be able to jump to a horizontal wooden beam. Once you've pulled yourself up, you can begin to jump rightward. Jump to the right, and keep moving forward, jumping from beam to beam. You'll eventually come to an isolated, completely out-of-the-way platform where this treasure is hiding. It may be one of the hardest treasures to come across in the entire game.
TREASURE SIXTY-FIVE | Tibetan Ceremonial Axe (5/6 & 65/101): If you want treasure, you're in the right location to collect another piece and add it to your collection. Instead of pulling yourself up when hanging off of the aforementioned ledge, shimmy over to the right. You'll see, clear-as-day, a statue with a glowing eye. That glowing eye is a treasure. Pull yourself up in front of that statue, shoot the treasure down at point-blank range, and claim your prize.
TREASURE SIXTY-SIX | Trigram Thogchag (6/6 & 66/101): This treasure is in a pretty obvious place, though you'll need to actually look in the proper direction to find it. The key is the gigantic, evil-looking statue at the top end of the room. If you take a look at its head, and in particular its crown, you'll see the gleaming of a treasure up there. Wield your Luger and knock that treasure down, and then walk forward to claim the treasure once it's fallen to the ground.
TREASURE SIXTY-SEVEN | Amber Skull Bead (1/3 & 67/101): When the firefight around you has ceased and you've deemed the area safe, it's time to rush the location of the first treasure, which is in a raised barn on the opposite side of the street from the machinegun nest. More specifically, this area has an RPG that you can acquire (though we recommend against it), and plenty of hay in the background. Along the hay is the treasure in question, so you can simply walk up to it and grab it before proceeding onward.
TREASURE SIXTY-EIGHT | Antique Ghau (2/3 & 68/101): As soon as you emerge outside, you'll be able to grab this treasure. From where you climbed up the ladder onto the roof, face leftward, and then jump down off of the roof to your left. There should be a building lining this part of the screen, with a tree growing nearby. Along the base of the tree is this treasure, so be sure to keep an eye out for its telltale glimmer!
TREASURE SIXTY-NINE | Bell Thogchag (3/3 & 69/101): About halfway down the slope, you'll see a small stone structure off of the main wooden pathway. This stone structure has a staircase leading up to it, and is surrounded by some aged wood, colored both red and blue. The treasure sits within this small wooden structure, and is rather easy to get to. Just be sure not to neglect grabbing this treasure en route down the slope, because the never ending firefight ensuing around you could prove to be quite the distraction.
TREASURE SEVENTY | Yak Horn Carving (1/4 & 70/101): As soon as you round the corner and deal with the enemies on the rooftop, you're in the vicinity of an easy-to-get treasure. If you look to your right from the corner of the building where you were hiding from the enemies on the rooftop, you'll see some flashing ammunition. One of the things you see flashing in the corner, near the crux of some wood and the rocky wall, is a treasure. Simply walk up to it to grab it.
TREASURE SEVENTY-ONE | Bronze Tsongkhapa Statue (2/4 & 71/101): As soon as you break through the wooden barricade with your partner, you will have to jump out of the door, swing on a rail, and perform some other acrobatic feats in order to get away from the ever-vigilant tank. Once you land on a pathway with a wall on your left, temporarily blocking the tank from reaching you, simply go up the path and keep an eye out for a nook on your left. Within this nook is a treasure, so be sure to grab it. Keep your gun at the ready, though, 'cause enemies will be concurrently coming down the path ahead and to your right, which will no doubt frustrate your advance.
TREASURE SEVENTY-TWO | Tibetan Trumpet (3/4 & 72/101): This treasure is easy enough to find, since you'll quite literally stumble over it as you move forward. Once you've crossed the chasm with the tank smashing the wall above you, you'll find yourself on the roof of a manmade stone structure. Move along to the next building from there. It should be a drop down for you, with some wood jutting out from the next building. The treasure is down here, and when you drop down, the treasure icon should appear on-screen. As long as you're thorough, this treasure is virtually impossible to miss.
TREASURE SEVENTY-THREE | Gilt Tara Statue (4/4 & 73/101): Midway through the endgame, you'll encounter a hatch on the ground that you can easily jump over or walk around, as it's not at all integral to the overarching mission at hand. However, when you encounter said hatch (as shown in the accompanying screenshots), be sure to drop down into it. You'll land atop an isolated, mossy area underneath the building you were currently walking over. The treasure is located here, but grab it quick and scurry back up through the hatch before the tank tears you apart, since you're partially exposed while down there.
TREASURE SEVENTY-FOUR | Tibetan Silver Earring (1/8 & 74/101): The first of eight treasures found during this chapter can be acquired by approaching the sealed door to the left, near all of the gathered trucks. If you look at the top of the sealed door, you'll see a flashing beacon, which indicates a treasure is there. Use your pistol to shoot the treasure down from its perch, and then walk up to the front of the door to grab it. Since the treasure doesn't contrast well with the snowy ground, it's best to look for the on-screen prompt letting you know a treasure is nearby.
TREASURE SEVENTY-FIVE | Silver Official Seal (2/8 & 75/101): There are a couple of treasures to grab once all of the enemies and their endless reinforcements are downed. The first treasure we'll bring you to is actually near the stationary machinegun. Head forward from the gun and towards the broken stone wall to your right. Drop down towards the gap in the wall along the water, and hang from the edge of the dock there. On the far side of the broken wall are some red pieces of wood you can grab onto. Pull yourself upward towards the glowing orb hanging off of one of the red pieces of wood, and claim your treasure while hanging there.
TREASURE SEVENTY-SIX | Ritual Crown (3/8 & 76/101): Another treasure can be found closer to your starting point, once you've breached the monastery walls. Specifically, you're going to want to enter the small building directly in front of and to the right of the door through the wall (if your back is facing said door). Once you enter the room, head to the open area along the huge chasm adjacent to the monastery, and look rightward. You should see a horizontal red wooden beam sticking out from underneath a stone platform. At the very end of the wood is a gleaming treasure for you to acquire. You'll have to get over to the wooden beam using the pieces of red wood along the adjacent wall, and then shimmy to the edge of the beam to grab the treasure.
TREASURE SEVENTY-SEVEN | Silver Offering Pot (4/8 & 77/101): Elena will dash off automatically following the cutscene, so you should chase after her. It's in that direction that you'll find not only the way forward, after Schaffer, but another treasure as well. After jumping over the severed bridge, you'll have to pull yourself upward in order to continue. But before doing that, drop down off of the platform you're on so that you're hanging off of the right side of it. Adjacent to you should be a red-colored wooden beam that you can move over while hanging, granting you access to a little alcove containing this treasure.
TREASURE SEVENTY-EIGHT | Tibetan Turquoise Ring (5/8 & 78/101): This is a fairly well-hidden treasure, but one that's easy to obtain once you know precisely where to look. When you're climbing up to the area above the locked door, don't go rightward. Instead, use the bricks to swing around to the left side of the building. You'll see an overhang below, one that you can drop down on. From there, drop down on the balcony below that the overhang rests over, and look up. You can shoot the treasure down from its perch here and grab it once it falls. Then, use the debris and bricks on the left to lift yourself back up and over to where you need to be to continue.
TREASURE SEVENTY-NINE | Carved Wooden Ghurra (6/8 & 79/101): This a fairly obscurely-hidden treasure. Once you've crossed the previous bridge, the one you gain access to after the locked door blows open and you've killed a bunch of enemies, look down and to the right. Instead of going forward into the next tower, the one where you have to boost Elena upward to she can knock down a ladder for you, you can drop down onto a series of bricks below. Hanging from each, you can work your way lower and lower until you reach the actual location of the treasure, sitting on a brick next to one of the bridge's support beams.
TREASURE EIGHTY | Bronze Tiger Bell (7/8 & 80/101): Talk about obscurely-hidden treasures; this may be one of the best-hidden ones in the game, and one of the most difficult ones to get to as well. You have to eliminate the entire threat across the nearby bridge before attempting to get this treasure, or you'll get cut to shreds. Thus, be sure all snipers and their light gun-carrying friends are all killed. Then, in the tower with the boards leading over to the bridge, work your way down to the lowest level. You'll find a bridge severed in two down here, and the gap between the two halves of the bridge seems too great for you to jump. But if you assumed that, you'd be wrong. Start running towards the severed bridge, getting a good gallop going. Jump at the last possible moment, and Drake should barely be able to grab the far side of the broken bridge. You can then scurry forward down a ladder, continuing down some stone platforms. You'll see the treasure suspended above you on your left. Shoot it down and claim your prize before continuing.
TREASURE EIGHTY-ONE | Antique Bronze Lion (8/8 & 81/101): Acquiring this treasure is easy, though you should wait until this location is completely devoid of enemies before attempting to go after it. At the far end of the room, you'll need to work your way leftward through a door to end up back outside. Before you do that, look upward along the far wall, and you'll see the shimmer of a treasure hanging above the window. You'll need to shoot it down, but to actually get up to where it falls, use the broken pillar to hoist yourself up high enough where you can leap over to the window sill.
TREASURE EIGHTY-TWO | Tibetan Ritual Vase | (1/9 & 82/101): This treasure is easy to find, and is indeed almost impossible to miss. After the cutscene runs its course and you watched Schaffer (sadly) pass away from his wounds, you'll regain control on the upper catwalk of the starting room. Work your way around to a wooden plank that seems to lead to a drop. However, in the distance you'll see a rope conveniently hanging. Carefully leap towards the rope, and Drake should grab on automatically. The angle at which you initially swing after jumping from the plank should lead directly to a treasure embedded in the pillar you're swinging at. Simply keep an eye for the treasure prompt to appear on-screen and quickly hit Triangle to claim the treasure before you swing away.
TREASURE EIGHTY-THREE | Tibetan Conch Horn (2/9 & 83/101): Once each and every enemy in the hectic fight you just withstood is downed, you can approach this treasure. Be absolutely certain you go after it before you use the levers to go through the nearby door, since you won't be able to backtrack to get this treasure once you do. The idea is to run up the stairs towards the door you need to go through to continue, deviating leftward. This is where the soldier with the RPG was standing, and you likely had to rush this very area just to kill him. Using the height added from this area, you can jump across the stairs below to another platform. Explore the left corner of this area, and you'll find the treasure sitting in the snow.
TREASURE EIGHTY-FOUR | Bronze Oil Lamp (3/9 & 84/101): When all of the enemies here are defeated, you can easily grab another treasure. Thankfully, this treasure's location is actually en route to our next destination, so you can do it all at once. Run back towards the origin-point of this area, where you initially dropped in once you went through the previous door. Nearby should be a green and yellow ladder scaling upward into the half-wrecked building adjacent to you. Climb on up to the topmost floor and move rightward and then forward. The path will eventually drop off. It's at this point that you should look up and to your left. While you might have spotted this treasure from below, at the bottom of the courtyard, here is where you must acquire it. Use a firearm to knock the treasure from its perch, and then pick it up once it's fallen.
TREASURE EIGHTY-FIVE | Ancient Sword Guard (4/9 & 85/101): As soon as you work your way through the window, your eye will no doubt catch the location of yet another treasure, the fourth of nine found here. To acquire it, you must shoot it down, but you can't do so until you've worked your way to the rubble-strewn floor of this building. Once you're there, you can aim upward, shoot the treasure down, and then grab it once it's on the ground. Easy.
TREASURE EIGHTY-SIX | Tibetan Coral Earring (5/9 & 86/101): Once you've shimmied rightward so that you can't go rightward anymore, you'll be able to pull yourself up onto a broken stone pathway. The way forward is directly ahead of you, as you'll have to use the wooden beams sticking out of the side of the building to swing forward. But before doing that, drop down to the area directly below you, to the right. This half-destroyed rooftop is the key to this treasure. Once you've dropped down, look up and to the left. Hanging underneath the stone pathway you were just traversing is this treasure. Simply shoot it down and walk up to it to grab it once it's fallen to the snowy ground.
TREASURE EIGHTY-SEVEN | Tibetan Square Ghau (6/9 & 87/101): Before heading back towards the way we came, you'll want to acquire yet another treasure. These treasures have indeed been in quick sequence recently, there's no doubt about that. To get this one, work your way onto the rooftop directly over the area you just traversed, where the decaying floor and wooden furniture were. If you go to the far right end of this rooftop, you'll see some sort of small statue embedded into the side of the building. It's holding something in its hands, and that something is a treasure. Drop down so that you're hanging off of the edge of the roof right next to the statue, and you can acquire this treasure easily.
TREASURE EIGHTY-EIGHT | Carved Bone Ornament (7/9 & 88/101): We call those steps severed because, midway up, you'll come to a huge gap in the steps that will force Drake to jump over them. Before you make the leap, however, look straight upward. You should see the glimmer of a treasure straight above you before jumping to the upper level of the stairs. Shoot the treasure down with a gun of your choice, and grab it once it hits the ground right in front of you.
TREASURE EIGHTY-NINE | Tibetan Hair Ornament (8/9 & 89/101): Once the enemy threat is eliminated, you can find a treasure. If you look at the screens below, you'll see that this particular treasure is located atop a statue in the middle of this location. It's the statue closest to the stationary machinegun nest. The treasure is located on top of the statue's front end. Shoot it down from afar, and it will fall slightly. Then, climb up the back of the statue and work your way over its head so that you're sitting in front of its face. With the treasure shot down from afar, you can grab it easily from here.
TREASURE NINETY | Tibetan Mala Beads (9/9 & 90/101): The ninth and final treasure hidden during this chapter is nearby. After the enemies coming down the steps are felled, don't run up the stairs to proceed... at least, not yet. Instead, run to the right, towards a dead end corner. You'll find the treasure lying in the snow there, so be sure to grab it before running up the stairs, since this is a rather easy treasure to miss and leave behind. And if you do that, you'll have to play through the whole chapter again just to get it. Beware!
本帖最后由 STRIFE 于 2009-10-14 22:31 编辑
10660 小时
490 度
发表于 2009-10-14 21:50
TREASURE NINETY-ONE | Bronze Garuda (1/3 & 91/101): Instead of examining the activated orb, you'll want to get a treasure in this room. Once you examine the orb, you'll catalyze a lengthy cutscene that will ensure you can't find this treasure, so be absolutely, positively certain you get this treasure first. Thankfully, this is an easy treasure to find and examine. Simply search the wall around you, and you'll no doubt spot the treasure's glimmer on the wall. Shoot it down with your pistol, and voila! Acquire your treasure on the ground.
TREASURE NINETY-TWO | Toad Censer (2/3 & 92/101): As soon as you regain control following the lengthy cutscene, you'll be in the vicinity of yet another treasure, so you'll want to be sure to grab it before proceeding. Move forward from the starting point. You'll be forced to veer rightward and jump over a small gap. Once you've jumped over that small gap, the treasure should be right next to you. Simply look rightward along the wall, in the darkened area, and you should find the treasure.
TREASURE NINETY-THREE | Eight Emblems Pendant (3/3 & 93/101): After jumping on the lengthy platform from the flaming skull heads, the third and final treasure found during this chapter can be acquired. To do so, you'll need to first work your way forward, jump leftward, and then venture leftward towards some stairs leading up. Ignore these stairs for now, and instead, work your way carefully to the left side of the staircase. You'll see the glimmer of the treasure you seek there; it's easy enough to acquire without much more of an explanation.
TREASURE NINETY-FOUR | Phurba Thogchag (1/8 & 94/101): When all is finally quiet, you can work your way to the crumbling ruins at the top of this courtyard. When you arrive, you'll find out that you can jump up on top of the pile of rubble, and shimmy your way leftward using the outer facade of the platforms there. When you're able to pull yourself up from the rubble, so that you're on the catwalks overlooking the previous courtyard, you can find this treasure hanging off of one of the statues in your vicinity (more specifically, a statue on your left, if you're facing the rubble below). Shoot it down with a weapon of your choosing, and grab it once it hits the ground.
TREASURE NINETY-FIVE | Clay Yamantaka Head (2/8 & 95/101): After you've obliterated that blue substance hanging on the trees, a staircase will be revealed that heads up to another area. Run along the stairs to the very top, and you'll see a treasure hanging off of the tree roots (or vines, whatever) ahead and on your left. Shoot it down from afar, and then walk up to the location on the ground under the tree roots where you can grab this treasure before proceeding onward.
TREASURE NINETY-SIX | Gold-leaf Statue Head (3/8 & 96/101): As soon as you arrive in this new, beautiful area, drop off of the raised platform you begin on and run rightward. Run rightward until you reach the edge of this area, overlooking a gigantic chasm with some gorgeous waterfalls careening downward in the distance. It's here that this treasure can be found. Explore the corner of this area (still with the waterfalls in the distance), and you'll see it on your right.
TREASURE NINETY-SEVEN | Fibula Thogchag (4/8 & 97/101): As you push forward on the broken platforms overlooking the watery route below, you'll be able to grab another treasure. As you push forward, you'll see treasure's glimmer up above on the building to your left (though, as seen in our screenshot, you can also see it behind you on your right if you pass it). All you have to do is spot the treasure and shoot it down. Then, simply walk to where it lands on one of the broken platforms, and claim it as your own.
TREASURE NINETY-EIGHT | Unusual Bronze Mask (5/8 & 98/101): After hoisting yourself upward with the cart, you can grab another treasure before proceeding. This, the fifth treasure of the chapter, is easy enough to acquire if you know precisely where to look. With your back facing the cart, head rightward and carefully jump to the platform over where you just took out the four enemies. Sitting in a dark corner is the treasure; simply stand around and look for the treasure's glimmer if you're having a difficult time spotting its specific location.
TREASURE NINETY-NINE | Mani Jewel Thogchag (6/8 & 99/101): Acquiring this treasure is easy, though you'll definitely want to wait until the fray in this large chamber has subsided before actually going after it. At the center of the chamber, there's a huge torch surrounded by statues and other ornate objects. If you take a look at all angles of the torch, you'll no doubt spot the treasure in question hanging off of the tip of one of the statues' fingers. Simply shoot it down to ground level and pick it up. You're only a couple of treasures away from having them all!
TREASURE ONE HUNDRED | Wooden Vajrapani Mask (7/8 & 100/101): If you've been following our walkthrough, then this will be the one-hundredth treasure you've encountered, though there's one more after this one. To acquire it, leave the chamber where the fray just occurred (and where you found the 99th treasure), going up the staircase straight across from the stairs you used to enter in the first place. This will ultimately lead you to another series of staircases. As you swing left to go up another staircase, look up and to the right, and you'll see this treasure shimmering on the wall. Shoot it down, walk up the stairs, and grab it. Easy.
TREASURE ONE-HUNDRED ONE | Bronze Statue Head (8/8 & 101/101): Unless you're a completionist, you don't really need a 101st treasure when there's no trophy attached to it, but nonetheless, we'll tell you precisely where it is. From the location of the Wooden Mask you just found, continue to run up the stairs before you. There are no enemies here, so you can keep running up, up, up. When you reach the floor with a huge split in the ground, you're in the right area to get this treasure. Look along the far wall, near some debris, and you can easily acquire this final treasure not only of the chapter, but of the game at large. Congratulations!
本帖最后由 STRIFE 于 2009-10-14 22:38 编辑
10660 小时
110 度
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