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http://e3.gamespot.com/story/621 ... ound-on-ps3-in-2010

Lost Planet 2 found on PS3 in 2010

News by Tom Magrino, GameSpot Jun 2, 2009 4:25 pm PT 17 comments

E3 2009: Capcom's sci-fi shooter will appear on Sony's console in addition to Xbox 360 early next year.

LOS ANGELES--When word first slipped out about Capcom's Lost Planet 2 in January, series producer Keiji Inafune reportedly told Famitsu that the project was in development for "multiple platforms." However, by the time Capcom officially announced the game in February, the publisher did so through Xbox Live, indicating that the multiple platforms in question may be the Xbox 360 and PC--with the PlayStation 3 left out in the proverbial cold.

Today, Sony Computer Entertainment confirmed that such a scenario would not be the case. As part of its news-laden 2009 Electronic Entertainment Expo press conference today, Sony confirmed that Lost Planet 2 would indeed see release on the PS3 in early 2010. It was not immediately clear whether or not the PS3 edition would ship alongside the Xbox 360 version of the game, which Capcom has previously pegged for this winter. The publisher had not responded to requests for comment as of press time.

The original Lost Planet: Extreme Condition was released as a timed exclusive for the Xbox 360, with PC and PS3 editions following six months and one year later, respectively. The original game saw Wayne, a snow pirate, battling the arachnid-like Akrid on the distant frozen world of EDN III. Lost Planet 2 is set 10 years after the events in the original, and in that decade, EDN III underwent substantial bioengineering, with a lush forest replacing portions of the frigid tundra.

Check back later today for GameSpot's all-new impressions of Lost Planet 2 from E3. For more information, check out GameSpot's last look at the game from Capcom's Captivate '09 event.



