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Bethesda说五分之一的市场 俺也要做

Q: You product is more adult-orientated, so you must be watching a company like Sega who are trying mature titles like House of the Dead and Mad World on the Wii. Do you see a market for product like that on the Wii?

Sean Brennan: House of the Dead is great brand and the product is great too. I think it’s difficult, I’ve got consoles at home but I wouldn’t sit and play an 18-rated game with my family on the Wii. Is there space in the Wii market for that? I think there is, but again, it’ all about finding out how big that is. Is it 5 per cent? If it’s five per cent of the market and you can own that space it’s worth doing because you can achieve volume. If you can’t own it at five per cent, it’s not worth doing, quite frankly. We are going to make an announcement on a really big Wii game this year, we’ve got a couple of other things in the pipeline, and it’s a format we’re really looking at with the right approach. We’re not going to establish a new range and call if ‘My Girly Game Range’ or whatever these other companies are doing, it’s so me-too and boring.

Q: A number of publishers jumped on the Wii a little too early and didn’t really know what to do with it, and now they trying to get back on it with an adult slant.

Sean Brennan: Yes, and it was a problem with the DS space as well, because as soon as you spot the bandwagon, it’s already too late. People don’t get that. There are still some people jumping on the bandwagon but it’s not within our business philosophy.
[ 本帖最后由 爱姿病 于 2009-5-18 19:34 编辑 ]



肖恩布伦南:死亡之屋是伟大的品牌和产品也很伟大。我认为这是困难的,我有游戏机在家里,但我不会坐下来发挥18级的比赛与我的家人的Wii游戏机。是否有空间, Wii的市场是什么?我认为有,但再次,这是找出所有关于多大的。难道百分之五?如果它的百分之五的市场,你可以自己的空间是值得做的,因为你可以实现音量。如果你不能在自己的百分之五,这是不值得做的,非常坦率。我们将就此作出重要宣布一个非常大Wii游戏机今年,我们有一对夫妇的其他物品的管道,它的格式,我们真的看到了正确的方法。我们不打算建立一个新的范围和要求,如果'我少女游戏幅度'或任何其他公司都这样做,这使我也是和无聊。








