《Left 4 Dead》是一款不折不扣的恐怖生存游戏,但有别于其它的恐怖生存游戏惯用的手法;Turtle Rock工作室表示,《Left 4 Dead》以小队为基础,4 位玩家手持强大火力与敌人对抗,设法逃离被大批感染者占领的城市。队友之间必须相互合作,如果独自一人行动,玩家将毫无生存机会。 游戏4名主要幸存者包括:越战老兵—比尔、当地电子连锁店主管—路易士、千金大小姐—柔伊,以及高大威猛、吵闹不休的法兰西斯。4人使用不同的武器,包括散弹枪、M16 步枪、猎枪、机关枪、双枪等枪枝。攻击方式除了射击外,还有肉搏战可以选择,不过只能用来让感染者“后退”,爽快地使用武器爆头仍是本作卖点之一。另外,爆炸性武器则有燃烧瓶和钢管炸弹等,方便玩家一次烧杀大批感染者。 游戏共有4大战役,每个战役各有5道关卡,在单机剧情和多人联机模式中都能玩到。多人联机模式中,玩家能和其它3位玩家扮演这4位幸存者(不够则由计算机递补)。 前两大战役主要场景在城市中,玩家必须穿梭于医院、办公室等建筑物,后两大战役则在乡间,每个战役最后都有一场“大战斗”,是游戏最惊险之处。以“医院”这个战役来说,玩家目标是到达大楼楼顶,等候直升机前来救援,但直升机前来这段期间,大批感染者将拼命袭击玩家,玩家可利用顶楼架设的固定机枪座来防守,最后还得与“头目级”的感染者来场生死决斗。 当玩家或其它队友承受一定程度的伤害时,并不会导致立即死亡,而是倒地无法动弹;画面这时会出现一个表示“出血状态”的定时器,如果玩家能在时间限制内用身上的医药包,或是捡到的药丸治疗倒地的队友便能将他救起。 不过,进行急救得花费数秒时间,此时玩家很容易遭受到感染者攻击;万一队友来不及救治玩家,玩家将进入“幽灵”模式,这时会发生两种情形:要是玩家在关卡一开始就死亡,那么将可随机在队友四周重生,继续进行游戏,但若在关卡最后死亡,那么玩家就必须等待队友过关,然后于下一张地图开始重生。
(Left -> Right) Helping Hand - Revive 50 incapacitated Survivors. Field Medic - Heal 25 Survivors with a first aid kit. Pharm-assist - Give pain pills to 10 Survivors. My Bodyguard - Protect any Survivor from an attacking Infected 50 times. Dead Stop - Punch a Hunter as he is pouncing. Cr0wnd - Kill a Witch with a single headshot. Untouchables - No Survivors take damage after contacting the rescue vehicle. Drag and Drop - Rescue a Survivor from a Smoker's tongue before he takes damage. Blind Luck - You or another Survivor take no damage after being vomited on by a Boomer. Akimbo Assassin - Survive an entire campaign using only pistols. Hero Closet - Rescue a Survivor trapped in a closet. Hunter Punter - Shove a Hunter off of a pinned and helpless Survivor. Tongue Twister - Free yourself from a Smoker who has grabbed you with his tongue. No Smoking Section - Kill 10 Smokers as they are pulling helpless Survivors. 101 Cremations - Set 101 Infected on fire. Do Not Disturb -Sneak past all Witches in a campaign without disturbing one. Man vs Tank - Single-handedly kill a Tank. Tankbusters - Kill a Tank without it dealing any damage to a Survivor. Safety First - Play an entire campaign with no Survivors taking friendly fire damage. No-one Left Behind - Beat a campaign with all 4 Survivors. Unbreakable - Finish a campaign without ever being healed. Witch Hunter - Kill a Witch without any Survivor taking damage from her. Red Mist - Kill 1000 Infected with a mounted machine gun. Pyrotechnician - Blow up 20 Infected in a single explosion. Zombie Genocidest - Kill 53,595 Infected. (This is a funny playful poke at the Zombie Genocider achievement from Deadrising, where you had to kill 53,594 Zombies) Dead Giveaway - Heal a fellow Survivor when your own health is below 10. Stand Tall - Survive a campaign without being incapacitated. Zombicidal Maniac - Survive any campaign on Expert. What Are You Trying to Prove? - Survive all campaigns on Expert. Nothing Special - Survive a campaign with no Survivors taking damage from Special Infected. Burn the Witch - Light a Witch with a Molotov. Towering Inferno - Light a Tank with a Molotov. Spinal Tap - Kill an Infected with a single blow from behind. Stomach Upset - All Survivors complete a campaign without being vomited on. Brain Salad - Make 100 headshot kills. Jump Shot - Headshot a Hunter while he's leaping. Mercy Killer - Survive the No Mercy campaign. Back 2 Help - Leave a safe room to save an incapped teammate and bring them back safely. Toll Collector - Survive the Death Toll campaign. Dead Baron - Survive the Dead Air campaign. Grim Reaper - Survive the Blood Harvest campaign. Ground Cover - Save another Survivor from a Special Infected while on the ground. Clean Kill - Shove a Boomer and then kill him without him splashing on anyone. Big Drag - Drag a Survivor 100 feet with your tongue. Chain Smoker - Constrict two Survivors in one life as a Smoker. Barf Bagged - Cover four Survivors with Boomer bile at once. Double Jump - Pounce two different Survivors in one life as a Hunter. All 4 Dead - Kill all four Survivors in one life while playing as a Tank. Dead Wreckening - Dole out 5000 total Survivor damage as a Special Infected. Lamb 2 Slaughter - As an Infected, incap a Survivor who has entered and left a safe room
原帖由 耶稣复临 于 2008-11-7 00:35 发表 瓦靠-0-。。。难道又出神作
原帖由 Inaho 于 2008-11-7 00:41 发表 神作~~~我爱~~必入~~~~~~~ SF无视吧~
原帖由 smilingjudy 于 2008-11-7 00:36 发表 基本属于神作范畴了,太刺激了.就像你只有4个人站在街上,然后一群蛊惑仔像你奔跑着涌来.....数量之大,速度之快
原帖由 耶稣复临 于 2008-11-7 01:00 发表 PC有demo可玩么?
原帖由 clond 于 2008-11-7 01:15 发表 HL2引擎。。。。。 会很晕么
原帖由 wouwou 于 2008-11-7 01:21 发表 大群僵尸出现的时候低于30就要升级机器了
原帖由 RestlessDream 于 2008-11-7 02:49 发表 不可能!这个游戏没有PS3版,无论如何不可能神作,只可能枪车球流!