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(中国上海,2007年7月2日)中国领先的互动娱乐媒体企业上海盛大网络发展有限公司(以下简称“盛大”)今天宣布,与拥有40年电子游戏开发经验的日本游戏开发商TECMO, Inc. (以下简称“TECMO”)签署协议,将在中国内地、香港和澳门地区独家运营网络游戏《死或生 ONLINE》。根据协议,《死或生ONLINE》将由TECMO旗下在线游戏部门Lievo Studio负责开发。盛大也将提供网络游戏领域的经验和技术,协助TECMO开发。如果这些技术在全球发行的《死或生ONLINE》中使用,TECMO和盛大都将获得收益。《死或生 ONLINE》预计于2008年北京奥运会前在中国内地和港澳地区开始商业化。

《死或生》是TECMO下属游戏工作室Team Ninja开发的一款3D格斗游戏,在全世界电子游戏领域被认为是最好的格斗类游戏之一,其系列产品的全球累计销量超过了750万套。该游戏拥有丰富的情景设置、庞大的角色阵容、炫目的格斗场景、华丽的视觉表现以及轻松上手的操作系统。作为第一款基于《死或生》系列的PC在线游戏,《死或生 ONLINE》将面向全世界发行,并首先在中国推出。

    “TECMO的《死或生》系列是目前市场上最好的格斗类游戏之一,盛大很荣幸能够与TECMO公司就该游戏的网络版本进行合作。《死或生 ONLINE》同时支持盛大的PC和EZ平台。它对游戏手柄的支持,将会给玩家带来主机游戏的独特体验,”盛大董事长兼CEO陈天桥表示,“基于盛大强大的运营平台和先进的CSP模式,我们对《死或生 ONLINE》在中国市场的前景充满信心。今后,双方将继续在在线娱乐的相关领域积极寻求进一步的合作机会。”

“《死或生 ONLINE》不是简单的从家用游戏机平台向PC平台的移植,而是一款具备PC在线游戏要素的全新游戏,我们相信这款游戏将成为中国最成功的网络游戏之一,”TECMO CEO安田善巳说,“作为中国最大的网络游戏企业,我们认为盛大是TECMO全球游戏平台‘Lievo’在中国地区的最佳合作伙伴,而TECMO在组织世界性的单机游戏竞赛方面拥有相当的技术实力和实践经验。我们相信,TECMO在游戏策划和开发上的雄厚实力,加上盛大在网络游戏方面的经验和运营能力,将使双方今后的合作取得巨大成功。”

关于TECMO, Inc.

总部位于日本东京的TECMO, LTD成立于1967年,是一家领先的电子游戏软件开发商和发行商,拥有包括《死或生(Dead or Alive)》、《忍者龙剑传(Ninja Gaiden)》等一系列全球知名产品。TECMO在开发、推广街机和游戏机软件方面拥有丰富经验,并开始进入网络游戏和手机游戏等新平台。寓意为“全球和开放”的 “Lievo” 是旗下的网络游戏平台,同时负责向全球推广TECMO的网络游戏产品。TECMO将以服务用户为宗旨,为全球用户提供富有乐趣和创意的娱乐内容。欲知详情,请登陆www.tecmogames.com网站查询。


作为TECMO公司代表作的《死或生》系列,从1996年11月开始作为街机格斗游戏推出,曾经登陆Sega Saturn、PlayStation、PlayStation2、Dreamcast、Xbox和Xbox 360等多个主机,以卓越精致的画面和爽快的操作感获得了很高的评价。而且,该游戏的形象人物具有很高的人气,不仅仅在格斗游戏中,还出现在了作为休闲游戏的《DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme2》系列中以及好莱坞的写实电影中。《死或生》系列在全球的累计销量已超过750万套。


盛大(NASDAQ: SNDA)是中国领先的互动娱乐传媒企业。盛大不断发现与满足用户的普遍娱乐需求,为用户提供多款广受欢迎的大型网络游戏、休闲益智游戏、无线游戏、文学、音乐及其它丰富的互动娱乐内容。盛大的互动娱乐平台凝聚了庞大的用户群体,各年龄层的用户均可以借由盛大互动娱乐平台与其它成千上万的用户互动,体验互动娱乐带来的乐趣。如欲了解有关盛大的更多信息,请访问:http://www.snda.com


此公告包含基于盛大目前的预期、假设、估计和对公司及所在行业预测的前瞻性声明。此公告中除既往事实以外的所有声明均为前瞻性声明包含但不限于《死或生 ONLINE》的开发情况、《死或生 ONLINE》的商业化时间、以及《死或生 ONLINE》对中国用户的吸引力。这些声明中包含各类风险和不确定因素。尽管盛大认为在这些前瞻性声明中所做的预期是合理的,但却无法保证该预期最终一定与事实相符,盛大的实际结果可能会与预期完全不同或比预期更差。可能导致盛大的实际效果与预期完全不同的重大风险和不确定因素包含但不限于《死或生 ONLINE》商业化时间的延迟、《死或生 ONLINE》不吸引中国玩家、以及向美国证监会提交的有关文件(包括盛大根据20-F表格提交的年报)中所提到的风险。



Shanda to Operate TECMO’s Flagship Game, Dead or Alive ONLINE

Shanghai, China—July 2, 2007—Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited (Nasdaq: SNDA), or Shanda, a leading interactive entertainment media company in China, announced today that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with TECMO, LTD., or TECMO, a veteran Japanese developer with over 40 years of video game development experience, to operate the online version of its flagship video game Dead or Alive, or DOA ONLINE, in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao. Under the terms of the agreement, DOA ONLINE will be developed by TECMO's online game development studio “Lievo Studio”, and Shanda will provide its online game-related experiences and technologies to assist development. Both TECMO and Shanda will profit from these technologies when applied globally. The game is expected to enter commercialization in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
Dead or Alive is a 3D fighting game developed by TECMO’s Team NINJA Studio and is considered one of the best fighting games in the worldwide video game industry, with the series' cumulative worldwide sales of over seven and a half million copies. The game features richly-detailed environments where players can select from a large cast of game characters and engage in fast-paced martial arts combat. The game’s stunning graphics and exhilarating feeling of control will ensure that gameplay is visually appealing, action-packed and easy-to-pickup. As the first PC online game adapted from DOA series, DOA ONLINE will be globally published and initially released in China.
“The Dead or Alive series from TECMO is one of the most popular fighting franchises created, and it is a great honor for Shanda to partner with TECMO on the game's online version. DOA ONLINE will be developed on both PC and Shanda's EZ Platform. Its gamepad support will deliver to users a fantastic console gaming experience,” said Tianqiao Chen, Chairman and CEO of Shanda. “By leveraging our strong operating platform and advanced come-stay-pay revenue model, we are confident that DOA ONLINE has the potential to achieve great success in China. In the future, the two parties will continue to actively seek cooperative opportunities in online entertainment-related fields.”

“DOA ONLINE is not a simple replant from the console platform to the PC platform. It is a completely new game featuring the characteristics of a PC online game. We are confident that the game will become one of the most successful online games in China,” said Mr. Yoshimi Yasuda, president and CEO of TECMO. “As China's largest online game company, we believe Shanda is the best partner of TECMO's global game platform "Lievo" in China. Additionally, we have the technical capability and actual achievement to implement worldwide online fighting matches in our competitive fighting game for the console platform. Combining TECMO's strong video game development and designing experience, and Shanda's expertise in online game operation, we are confident that our future cooperation will be a highly successful one.”

About TECMO, Ltd.

    Founded in 1967 and headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, TECMO, Ltd. (the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange) is a leading developer and publisher of revolutionary game software in Japan and well known for million-seller titles such as Dead or Alive and NINJA GAIDEN, which are highly esteemed the world over. Since its inception, TECMO has focused on development and marketing of arcade and console game software, and today, the company expands into the fields of online games, mobile content, and the development of animation content for the liquid-crystal software of pachinko and pachinko-slot machines. In its online gaming business, TECMO has launched an online game platform, Lievo, advocating being "Global and Open," and goes hand-in-hand with many different business enterprises, to aim for the global expansion of TECMO's online game titles through Lievo. From the customer-driven standpoint, TECMO group has the fundamental management principals that aim to contribute to the achievement of bright, delightful, and enriching lifestyles to people all over the world by proposing ingenious entertainment combined with remarkable ideas and playful touches.

    Company Name:            TECMO, LTD. (English Name)
    Founded:                  July, 1967
    Representative:             Yoshimi Yasuda, President and CEO
    Capital:                  5,823 Million yen (as of December, 2006)
    Employees:                  359 (as of December, 2006)
    Consolidated Net Sales:   11,600 Million yen (in Fiscal 2006)
    Consolidated Profit:         1,364 Million yen (in Fiscal 2006)
    Main Business:
    Planning, Development, and Sales of Game Software (Console, Handheld)
    Planning, Development, and Sales of Pachinko & Pachinko-Slot Software
    Planning, Development, and Network Distribution of Mobile Contents
    Planning, Development, Sales and Management of Online Games

About DOA Series

As TECMO's flagship product, the DOA series was initially produced as an arcade fighting game in November 1996. The game then landed on different consoles like Sega Saturn, PlayStation, PlayStation2, Dreamcast, Xbox and Xbox 360, and received high recognition for its striking graphics and exhilarating feeling of control. The characters of the DOA series, which also appeared in TECMO's game software "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme2" that turned the common wisdom of gaming upside down with a vacation theme on a tropical island and a Hollywood featured movie, also enjoyed high popularity among global players. The DOA series has achieved cumulative worldwide sales of over seven and a half million copies since its inception.

About Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited

Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited (Nasdaq: SNDA) is a leading interactive entertainment media company in China. Shanda offers a portfolio of diversified entertainment content including some of the most popular massively multi-player and casual online games in China, along with online chess and board games, network PC games and a variety of cartoons, literature works and music. Shanda’s interactive entertainment platform attracts a large and loyal user base, of which more and more is coming from homes. Each user can interact with thousands of others and enjoy the interactive entertainment content that Shanda provides. Interaction enriches your life. For more information about Shanda, please visit http://www.snda.com.

Safe Harbor Statement

This announcement contains forward-looking statements that are based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about the companies and the industry. All statements other than statements of historical fact in this announcement are forward-looking statements, including but not limited to statements regarding the development of DOA ONLINE, the date DOA ONLINE is set to enter commercialization in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao and the appeal of DOA ONLINE to users in China. These forward-looking statements involve various risks and uncertainties. Although the companies believe that their expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they cannot assure you that their expectations will turn out to be correct. Important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to be materially different from expectations include but are not limited to the risk that commercialization of DOA ONLINE may be delayed, that DOA ONLINE is not well received by users in China and the risks set forth in Shanda's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchanges Commission, including Shanda's annual report on Form 20-F.



Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd.
Daniel Zhang
Chief Financial Officer
Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited
Phone: +86-21-5050-4740 (Shanghai)
E-mail: IR@shanda.com.cn

Crocker Coulson (investors): crocker.coulson@ccgir.com
Elaine Ketchmere (media): elaine.ketchmere@ccgir.com
CCG Elite
Phone: +1-310-231-8600 (USA)


















