引用: zhangjingy2008在上个帖子中说 引用:PS3Land: How will the PS3 be able to handle something like GI?(PS3将如何处理GI?)We are well aware that conventional methods for computing global illumination can take hours for typical scenes, even on hardware as powerful as the PS3. However, our technique is extremely efficient and ideal for running on parallel computing hardware. The PS3 is plenty powerful enough to render complex scenes in real-time with global illumination using our technique.(我们很明白对典型场景用常规理论计算GI会花费很多时间,即使是在PS3这样强的硬件上,但是,我们的技术是高效率并且运行在并行计算硬件上非常理想.PS3有足够强的性能利用我们的技术即时演算结合GI的复杂场面)PS3Land: Any personal comments about the Cell processor or RSX graphics Card?(你个人对CELL处理器和RSX有什么评价?)I love the Cell processor. The SPUs are ideal for running our global illumination code, which can also run on the RSX. Having both Cell and RSX gives us a lot of power and flexibility.(我爱死CELL了!SPUs运行GI代码非常理想,代码也可以运行在RSX上。CELL+RSX组合给了我们更多的性能和灵活性)PS3Land: Will Fantasy Lab license the Fantasy Engine or Global illumination technology to other game studios or perhaps Sony to use as a middleware program in their line up of dev tools?(Fantasy Lab会授权幻想引擎或GI技术给其他游戏工作室,或者sony在开发工具中使用中间件?)We would love to offer our global illumination technology as middleware on the PS3. We are actively looking into that.(我们很愿意以中间件形式给PS3提供我们的GI技术,实际上我们正在处理。)PS3Land: In relation to #8, to what extent will the global illumination go on the PS3 hardware? Would something like a high end PC or perhaps the Xbox 360 run GI?(关于#8,PS3硬件将达到何种程度的GI?像高端电脑程度?或者xbox360可能运行GI的程度?)I can say that the PS3 is the very attractive to us, because it is the most powerful hardware that the target audience for our game is likely to own.(我要说的是PS3对我们非常有吸引力,因为它是最强的硬件,喜欢我们的游戏的玩家群体也可能像我们一样被吸引)PS3Land: Any other words you would like to add whether its about your company or the Fantasy Engine or GI or PS3?!(关于你的公司、幻想引擎、GI和PS3还有其他的话要补充吗?)We are very excited about the combination of the PlayStation 3 and our rendering technology. Our artists are able to create game characters and environments that match, and even exceed, their vision of what the character should look like. What we have shown so far is just the tip of the iceberg. Just wait until you see our game!(对于我们的技术和PS3的组合我们非常兴奋,我们的“艺术家们”创造的游戏角色和环境将达到甚至超出角色在现实中的视觉效果。我们目前所展示的只是冰山一角。在看到我们的游戏之前只需等待。)原文连接:http://www.ps3land.com/article-529.php 这人真不像话,竟然敢说PS3是“最强的硬件”,不怕被棒锤轰成渣?棒锤早就说过了,PS3的性能只是7300级别。
引用:PS3Land: How will the PS3 be able to handle something like GI?(PS3将如何处理GI?)We are well aware that conventional methods for computing global illumination can take hours for typical scenes, even on hardware as powerful as the PS3. However, our technique is extremely efficient and ideal for running on parallel computing hardware. The PS3 is plenty powerful enough to render complex scenes in real-time with global illumination using our technique.(我们很明白对典型场景用常规理论计算GI会花费很多时间,即使是在PS3这样强的硬件上,但是,我们的技术是高效率并且运行在并行计算硬件上非常理想.PS3有足够强的性能利用我们的技术即时演算结合GI的复杂场面)PS3Land: Any personal comments about the Cell processor or RSX graphics Card?(你个人对CELL处理器和RSX有什么评价?)I love the Cell processor. The SPUs are ideal for running our global illumination code, which can also run on the RSX. Having both Cell and RSX gives us a lot of power and flexibility.(我爱死CELL了!SPUs运行GI代码非常理想,代码也可以运行在RSX上。CELL+RSX组合给了我们更多的性能和灵活性)PS3Land: Will Fantasy Lab license the Fantasy Engine or Global illumination technology to other game studios or perhaps Sony to use as a middleware program in their line up of dev tools?(Fantasy Lab会授权幻想引擎或GI技术给其他游戏工作室,或者sony在开发工具中使用中间件?)We would love to offer our global illumination technology as middleware on the PS3. We are actively looking into that.(我们很愿意以中间件形式给PS3提供我们的GI技术,实际上我们正在处理。)PS3Land: In relation to #8, to what extent will the global illumination go on the PS3 hardware? Would something like a high end PC or perhaps the Xbox 360 run GI?(关于#8,PS3硬件将达到何种程度的GI?像高端电脑程度?或者xbox360可能运行GI的程度?)I can say that the PS3 is the very attractive to us, because it is the most powerful hardware that the target audience for our game is likely to own.(我要说的是PS3对我们非常有吸引力,因为它是最强的硬件,喜欢我们的游戏的玩家群体也可能像我们一样被吸引)PS3Land: Any other words you would like to add whether its about your company or the Fantasy Engine or GI or PS3?!(关于你的公司、幻想引擎、GI和PS3还有其他的话要补充吗?)We are very excited about the combination of the PlayStation 3 and our rendering technology. Our artists are able to create game characters and environments that match, and even exceed, their vision of what the character should look like. What we have shown so far is just the tip of the iceberg. Just wait until you see our game!(对于我们的技术和PS3的组合我们非常兴奋,我们的“艺术家们”创造的游戏角色和环境将达到甚至超出角色在现实中的视觉效果。我们目前所展示的只是冰山一角。在看到我们的游戏之前只需等待。)原文连接:http://www.ps3land.com/article-529.php
引用: 现在国外论坛普遍认为RSX的性能介于7800和7900之间,与c1各有优势.不过最火的还是RSX最终是否会基于G80的讨论.
引用: 现在国外论坛普遍认为RSX的性能介于7800和7900之间,RSX宽度内存接口是7800的一半,但是拥有高速系统总线Flex IO,能提供CPU to GPU高达20GBps与GPU to CPU高达15GBps,共35GBps的超大带宽,权衡比较后得出上面的结论。与c1比较也各有优势.不过最火的还是RSX最终是否会基于G80的讨论.
引用: zhangjingy2008在上个帖子中说 引用: 现在国外论坛普遍认为RSX的性能介于7800和7900之间,RSX宽度内存接口是7800的一半,但是拥有高速系统总线Flex IO,能提供CPU to GPU高达20GBps与GPU to CPU高达15GBps,共35GBps的超大带宽,权衡比较后得出上面的结论。与c1比较也各有优势.不过最火的还是RSX最终是否会基于G80的讨论. 那是很久以前的事 ,现在我看,普遍认为的 是 7600。 RSX宽度内存接口是7800的一半 带来的性能巨大损失 也绝对不是 总线带宽所能 弥补的。 cell 还有 一个 环型总线 关口,任何 连接 cell的 总线 都得带宽 减半。 不像pc 和xo ,没有那么一个 多余的关口,效率比ps3高多了。
引用: 就那点钱nvidia就能把G80给PS3?而且不是说RSX是单独设计的么?
引用: 纸冰心在上个帖子中说 引用: 就那点钱nvidia就能把G80给PS3?而且不是说RSX是单独设计的么? 独立设计是不可能的,NV乱入时已经没有时间重新设计PS3,只是将G70改良后拿给PS3而已。
引用: PS3出来效果能及现在的7900就可以烧香了...