原帖由 @wefan 于 2019-6-19 03:29 发表 先抄一段同样来自Reuters的报道: https://www.reuters.com/article/ ... rizonidUSKCN1TF1BK Large companies like Verizon will try to identify patents they might be violating, said Gaston Kroub, a patent lawyer in New York. But that can be a challenge because so many patents are granted every year, Kroub said. “Sophisticated companies like Verizon understand that they could be approached by licensors of any stripe at any time,” Kroub said. The philosophy of wireless carriers and smartphone companies, Kroub said, can be “let’s deal with these claims as they arrive, because we don’t know who will knock on our door next.” Tom Cotter, a professor of patent law at the University of Minnesota, said it was possible Huawei executives believe Verizon has been infringing their U.S. patents for some time but for business reasons waited until now to seek compensation. Patent owners “may not enforce their patents for a period of time, but they can choose do to so whenever they want to,” Cotter said. “It happens all the time.” 接下来是我的个人观点: 1,Rubio的态度和做法代表了现在的最强硬派,会给美国带来很多外国的批评。但美国对外政策一向简单粗暴,他们就不在乎外界批评。。。 2,我不觉得Verzion的“侵犯”专利和华为的“盗窃”专利是一个层面的事情。打个不恰当的比方,好比孩子偷家里钱被打屁股和一个人在路上用棒球棒攻击另外一个人,都是打人,但程度和目的不同。华为今年被FBI搜查因为下面这事,我觉得这不像Verizon那种“专利太多,我也避不开,等着对方上门要钱”。“let’s deal with these claims as they arrive, because we don’t know who will knock on our door next”。华为这是有意明抢:“Sample was returned from Huawei, in pieces. “It came back inside the box, you could hear glass breaking against it,” Khan said. “We open it back up and then putting the pieces together, you could see there was large portions of the glass missing.” “Huawei had blasted the Glass Sample with a 100kilowatt laser, powerful enough to be used as a weapon.” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/f ... ...
原帖由 @心之一方 于 2019-6-18 15:16 发表 你偷过东西被制裁然后宣布你专利无效,说没区别的蠢还是坏
原帖由 @Minstrelboy 于 2019-6-19 07:19 发表 支持美国为此修改法律,使专利无效
原帖由 @lostcup 于 2019-6-19 10:07 发表 首先你得证明偷了东西,然后也用证据定了罪
原帖由 @心之一方 于 2019-6-19 10:38 发表 在你国告专利侵权最近的参考福建晋华,远的就不说了,不要装傻。 说白了你自己干过啥还不清楚,别人一个提案就各种高潮,我不是不支持“参考”别人技术,问题是不要装的跟娘们一样哭诉喊无辜,摸一下就高潮不断,连提案,个人发言,媒体发言,官员表态,法律解释这些都分不清以为just only one立场only one声音的真是你国特色思维。
原帖由 @phoenix9 于 2019-6-18 17:28 发表 已经这么搞了,原先微软法务经常找中小公司告盗版office和windows,小公司基本都是买几套正版然后了事。现在据说中小公司都是随便你,你去告啊这种态度了。