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[新闻] 第3代 XB360开发机提升效率降低价格,支援多台共用 Sidecar 调试和模拟光驱

以前报道过第二代的蓝色 Xbox 360 开发机。现在有新设计。除了提升执行效率、内建 Flash 内存、更大容量硬盘,更重要的是价格更低。据消息称,顶部的 Sidecar 调试工具和光驱模拟外设,可让多台开发机共用。

What's this, you ask? The next generation of Xbox 360 development, that's what. With a shockingly small amount of fanfare, Microsoft has ushered in a striking new Xbox Development Kit, which is purportedly designed to increase efficiency and reduce cost for Xbox 360 dev teams. Aside from boasting an undisclosed uptick in RAM, built-in flash memory, a more capacious hard drive and a slimmer form factor, this XDK will also be sold at a "significantly reduced price from its predecessor." 'Course, the folks in Redmond aren't saying what exactly that sticker will look like, but those interested in taking the plunge regardless will also have the option to license a Sidecar attachment that enables debugging and disc emulation. We're told that said accessory can be shared among multiple XDK consoles, and in turn, it should lower the overall price to create, test, debug, and release an Xbox 360 or Xbox Live Arcade game. It's still a guessing game when it comes to an actual launch date, but it'll become "the standard kit" when new orders are fulfilled in the future. Feel free to peruse the gallery below if you're interested, and toss out a wild guess as to what that Sidecar will go for on eBay during the next century. Aim high, bub!


posted by wap



原帖由 我爱玩机机 于 2011-4-6 18:08 发表
posted by wap


