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Eye of Judgment Demonstration
Mr. Watanabe lets us in on Sony Japan's most compelling PS3 title.
by Anoop Gantayat

September 18, 2006 - Now playing over at Sony Computer Entertainment's Play Beyond PS3 preview portal, an interview with Mr. Watanabe. You know, good old "The Eye of Judgment" Watanabe. The site lists his first name as "Senior Game Designer," but we did a search (right here at IGN) and found out that it's actually Yusuke.

Since the interview with the Eye of Judgment game designer is entirely in Japanese, we've provided a quick, dirty translation/summary of his 7 minutes of commentary.

Mr. Watanabe begins with a discussion of how Eye of the Judgment uses technology to spice up the card game genre. "Eye of Judgment is a title that will deliver a brand new experience to the user. It's a difficult concept, and we believe that it is something that can only be achieved on the PlayStation 3."

At around the 30 second mark, Watanabe points to some squares on a couple of cards. "We use technology that can read 2D bar codes called cyber codes. The cards carry codes in this fashion. If the user lays it out in front so that it's picked up by the camera, it recognizes the code and can call out the character that's associated with the card's ID."

Watanabe then pulls of the impressive feat of moving the card around with his hand and having the game reflect the movement in real time. Even better, he shows how you can touch the card's creature directly, as if petting it.

"PlayStation 3 reads the card and automatically handles the game progress and decisions, so anyone can enjoy a deep card game."

Coming onto the 1:55 mark, as part of a section titled "The barrier between real space and virtual space is gone," Watanabe explains the games versus mode, in which two players face off on a 3 x 3 grid and attempt to become the first to take command of five squares. The game will be split into two main modes. Including this versus mode single players will be able to enjoy a catalogue mode where you can view cards interact with creatures. "We're also currently considering something where players battle over the network against overseas players."

Watanabe's team hopes to appeal to everyone with Eye of the Judgment. "For people who've not played card games until now, we believe there are many who will take an interest from the visual impact and will want to try out the game. Also, we're making a real card game, so it will be something that core gamers can get a lot out of."

Now at the 3:32 second mark, the subject changes to "Reality from the mix of CG and real photography." The battle scenes make use of technology and techniques like jet brushes and normal maps, as well as some serious particle effects, Watanabe notes.

"The player selects the card, and puts it in a place where it can be placed. That's it. The controller is not used at all. Only cards. The cards are what you'd call the input interface."

The interview turns, at the 5:01 mark, to a section titled "A community that expands through the network." Watanabe feels that the game's network versus mode will be one of its big selling points. He believes that as players compete with other players throughout the world, the game's community will expand, and that players will be able to explore new worlds and develop new interests. "I believe the players' breadth of play will expand."

Asked about the PlayStation 3 in general, Watanabe has this to say. "The PlayStation 3 can be a new segment of digital entertainment that goes beyond the framework of previous consoles. We're at the point where designers, myself included, can realize ideas that we joked about before."

Finally, Watanabe is asked to respond to the statement that closes up all the PlayBeyond interviews, "The PlayStation 3 according to you." Noting that developers will have to work to keep up with the new technology presented by the PlayStation 3, Watanabe says, "Game creators evolve along with the hardware."

The Eye Toy interface shown in the video is the same prototype that was shown at E3. We're hoping to get a closer look at the final version The Eye of Judgment later this week at the Tokyo Game Show, and will let you know how far Watanabe and his staff have evolved.

