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动视ceo Eric Hirshberg即将离职

posted by wap, platform: iPhone
There’s no denying Eric Hirshberg had an impressive run. Since becoming Activision CEO in 2010, Hirshberg launched the Skylanders and Destiny franchises, and oversaw the continued success of Call of Duty. Sure, there were missteps – Skylanders has declined in popularity, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare was a flop with fans, and Destiny 2 is having growing pains – but, in the end, Activision is still on top of the world.

Activision Blizzard is currently looking for a suitable replacement for Hirshberg, so hey, maybe it’s time to polish up your resume.
Marty O'Donnell: Need to update my resume.

本帖最后由 MKIII 于 2018-1-20 22:28 通过手机版编辑

