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异形契约里 异形蛋的来源官方设定 以及一些补充 "剧透"

posted by wap, platform: Samsung

不是大卫用肖博士尸体做实验生产出来的。他没那个本事。实验只有一些失败品, 只是取出蛋放在一个地方把船长骗来献祭。 沃尔特先于船员登陆星球扫描,没发现病菌或有害物质,黑色粉尘因为没有扩散而未被检测到,电影里为了节奏加快,没有这段沃尔特先去勘探一段时间的剧情。

1:David explains that the Engineers disabled the other ships on the planet when the black liquid was unleashed in order to stop the mutagen spreading off-world. This is why he has not been able to take another ship and leave.


2、When explaining the black liquid and its role in creating the Neomorphs, David goes into greater detail. He explains that the substance was designed to infect any and all non-botanical life, and that its sole drive is to reproduce. As the mutagen and the creatures it spawns reproduce parasitically by killing host organisms, the liquid's ultimate purpose is to cleanse worlds of all fauna. He also states that the mutagen is completely inert while inactive, hence why neither Mother nor David detected it before the team landed.


3、As well as his long, scraggly hair, David also has a beard in the book


4、When the Neomorph attacks Rosenthal, it throws her against the wall, breaking her back and paralysing her. Only then does it lunge with its jaws as in the film, although she is never shown being beheaded and her exact cause of death is left unrevealed


5、The scene where David shows off his lab is longer and contains some notable differences compared to the film. At the beginning of the scene, Oram voices his prejudice against synthetics, pointing out that they should not have the kind of creativity and personality that David possesses, and should be more like machines. David retorts that humanity, with all its free will and perceived superiority, is incapable of collaborating and devotes most of its energy to destroying itself. Shortly thereafter, David tosses a harmless, fossilized sample of Neomorph egg sacks to Oram, noting with amusement the captain's reaction to the potentially deadly substance. Also in the lab are insects being infected by motes preserved in amber, as well as several adult Xenomorph specimens alongside the deformed, Neomorph-like remains.[64] Finally, he shows Oram a fossilized Ovomorph and the dead Facehugger within, pointing out that they are an Engineer creation, engineered long before he arrived on the planet. David goes on to express a desire to play God, stating that he wishes to create a similarly "perfect" lifeform himself. This is in strong contradiction to the film, which instead implies David is the originator of the Xenomorph species.


6、David stabs Walter with his finger in the book. In the film, he uses the flute.


7、After Daniels and Lopé flee the temple, the surviving Neomorph returns, leading to an extended action sequence. Daniels and Lopé fire at the creature as it charges them, but it nimbly dodges their shots. When Daniels runs out of ammunition, she activates the extendable bayonet on her rifle and prepares to make a futile last stand. The Xenomorph born from Oram then arrives, and the two alien creatures engage in a brawl as Daniels and Lopé run to the cargo lift; the Xenomorph quickly disembowels the Neomorph, killing it. The Xenomorph then goes after the survivors, catching Lopé as Daniels tries to lift him aboard, pulling him back off of the craft and further wounding him with its talons. Desperate, Daniels attacks the creature with the bayonet, spilling its acid blood, a few specks of which burn her cheek. At that moment David (posing as Walter) arrives and shoots the Xenomorph, apparently killing it. The trio board the cargo lift, but the Xenomorph rises, merely wounded, and jumps aboard the departing craft as in the film.

在女主Daniels和毁容哥准备跑路时遇到了仅存最后一只Neomorph,在交火过程中,从副舰长破胸的Xenomorph赶到,并已经成为完整体,两只异形开始打斗,结果是Xenomorph完胜, 还是传统抓脸虫寄生人体出来的异形战斗力碾压。


8、Before Daniels fights the Xenomorph aboard the cargo lift, "Walter" informs her that David is not in fact dead and will likely be repairing himself inside the temple


9、Daniels does not realize that David has replaced Walter before going into hypersleep.


[ 本帖最后由 大宋忠臣黄文炳 于 2017-6-17 23:57 编辑 ]


原帖由 I_m_PK 于 2017-6-17 23:21 发表
posted by wap, platform: Android
皇后这个设定我觉得黑历史就好了。 本来设定是一个金字塔形神殿里保存的异形蛋,让这个神秘设定保留多好。

当时卡梅隆的皇后设定让吉格无比失望, 卡梅隆还公开给H.R.吉格致歉了。

[ 本帖最后由 大宋忠臣黄文炳 于 2017-6-18 00:03 编辑 ]

