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[西餐] 求牛排做法,~~~

Gordon Ramsay这厮的做法:

Use a heavy pan for cooking steak. Cast iron pans work best for this particular meal. Get the pan nice and hot, then add the oil. Wait for the oil to heat up, it should just start to smoke before adding the steak. Add the steak and push it down in the center with your fingers to ensure the entire steak is touching the bottom of the pan.

It’s very important to only flip the steak once during cooking. Moving the steak around while cooking it will only drain it of essential juices and lead to a less than desirable result. For rare, cook 2-3 minutes on the first side, then flip the steak. About 1 1/2 minutes into the second side, melt butter into the pan. Spoon the butter over the steak, ensuring to cover the entire steak. When the steak is just about finished, turn it onto it’s back, fat side down. Cook for about 30 seconds to reduce and soften the strip of fat. Remove steak from pan, and baste again with butter from the pan. Leave to rest, then slice if desired.


[ 本帖最后由 handsomeken 于 2014-10-24 17:04 编辑 ]

