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[电音赏析] 最近被 索尼克全明星赛车 变形 的 BGM 完全洗脑了

posted by wap, platform: Nokia

1. Toot Toot Sonic Warrior,正式歌名是 You Can Do Anything


Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior Deep in space and time
Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior Forever in your mind!
Nothing can survive, the will to stay alive
'Cause if you try, you can do anything!
Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior Always takes a chance
Toot, toot, Sonic Warrior Never says he can't!
Nothing can survive, the will to stay alive
'Cause if you try, you can do anything!

  1.1 Super Sonic Racing


  Everybody's Super Sonic Racing
  Try to keep your feet right on the ground
  When you're Super Sonic Racing
  There's no time to look around
  We're just Super Sonic Racing
  Runnin' to the point of no return
  Everybody's Super Sonic Racing
  Come on, let the fires burn

2. After Burner 2
3. 超级猴子球
4. 战斧第一关 Wilderness
5. Space Harrier
6. Shinobi 忍 Idaten


另外,兽王记 | Altered Beast 的成就我也给捞了,实时 S/L 无压力…印象极其深刻的其实就一句话,rise from your grave…搜了一下,西方人也有很多和我同感,倒是日本人不怎么吃这套…

[ 本帖最后由 Boomer 于 2013-12-30 14:03 编辑 ]


posted by wap, platform: Nokia

另外,2014 年又有全新制作的索尼克动画播出了~


@Nemo_theCaptain 说的是对的。发车的时候,如果你也加到满级 boost,还是会被 AI 直接甩掉,哪怕你选的是加速最快的角色;另外,AI 失误或者是被你故意坑了一把之后,会以你无法做到的速度追上来…所以 AI 一定是作弊了,尤其是最高难度的 AI~不过,在比赛途中尤其是临近终点的时候,AI 会反向作弊,就是放慢速度让你很快赶上一大截(哪怕之前你被甩到连尾灯都看不见),所以只要自己少失误,尤其是接近终点的时候几乎完全不能失误,拿下第一还是压力不大~我早就把除了 Team Sonic 以外的成就都搞定了,Team Sonic 等过年回国找人一起来搞~看到个触手系的外国人可以把难度调最低,然后一控四拿下这个成就,我试了很多次还是不行,最多让 3 个角色跑到前 3,还有一个总是搞不定…

