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[新闻] 2013.02.14.任天堂直面会(3DS)

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[ 本帖最后由 netnight 于 2013-2-14 19:24 编辑 ]


日版 Nintendo Direct

23:00 The presentation has begun. Iwata is, as expected, wearing a Luigi hat. Luigi first appeared in Mario Bros. in 1983, the same year as as the Famicom.
23:01 This year, 2013, is Luigi's 30th anniversary, making this the Year of Luigi.
23:03 Luigi finally earned a starring role in Luigi's Mansion. Miyamoto appears w/ vacuum! Iwata hands Miyamoto a Luigi hat, making them the Luigi Bros. Miyamoto introduces Luigi's Mansion 2.
23:05 You can really see the depth in the rooms. He explores the dark with a flashlight. Enjoy the different environments in the game. The vacuum is powered-up; vacuum things.
23:06 Try using the vacuum in lots of different ways. Dark light allows you to uncover secrets.
23:07 Luigi explores lots of different, individual buildings. They each have unique features. You have to use different techniques to capture the ghosts. Boo and many others appear.
23:09 "Obaken" is a ghost dog that steals a bone, and you have to chase him down. Comic horror.
23:10 4P all-Luigi co-op in Terror, Hunter, Climber, Chaser Towers. Local, DL, Internet play.
23:11 Next game! Luigi is sleeping peacefully. Let's bother him. Do you know what this is?
23:12 It's the next game in the Mario & Luigi RPG series, which takes place in Luigi's dream. Mario & Luigi RPG 4: Dream Adventure. Summer 2013.
23:13 The next title in the Mario Golf series also includes Luigi. Normal and gimmick courses. Mario Golf: World Tour. Summer 2013.
23:14 NSMBU file select screen has a New Super Luigi U icon. New adventure starring Luigi.
23:15 New Super Luigi U to be made available for download at a later date.
23:16 Band Brothers now. Band Brothers 3DS can also play the over 9000 tracks from the DS version, now under prep.
23:17 Zelda update now. Miiverse has communities for released titles, but not unreleased. Miiverse community for The Legend of Zelda series to be opened. Official Aonuma Mii.
23:19 Donkey Kong Returns 3D under development. Screenshots now. eShop video. Summer 2013, retail and download.
23:20 Thank you for watching! The presentation is now over.

美版 Nintendo Direct
23:21 Style Savvy: Trendsetters 3DS.
23:22 Lego City 3DS, April 21st.
23:23 Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. New free costume update on the way, with ninja missions.
23:23 Wii Street U now available in the eShop.
23:24 HarmoKnight 3DS by Game Freak played with jump and hit actions aligned to the music. Pokemon bonus tracks. March 28th, demo on March 14th.
23:26 Kersploosh on March 7th. Mario & DK: Minis on the Move coming soon to eShop. Rolling Western: The Last Ranger sequel.
23:28 Recruit sidekicks and plan strategies. April 11th.
23:30 GBC games Harvest Moon and Legend of the River King coming to 3DS Virtual Console. Free select DL titles w/ reg. 3DS XL and 1 of 2 titles. See ddp.nintendo.com for Wii U premium discounts.
23:31 ZombiU Wii U set available Feb. 17th for $389.99.
23:32 Bit.Trip Runner. Zen Pinball 2 free download, table trials. Toki Tori 2 in March.
23:34 March 5: Castlevania LOS Mirror of Fate 3DS. Demo on eShop Feb. 28th. MH3U Wii U/3DS March 19th. Demo Feb. 21st. NFSMW Wii U March 19th.
23:35 Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Wii U on March 26th. April 16th: Injustice: Gods Among Us, a DC Comics fighting game @ 60 fps, DLC.
23:37 Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D this summer in North America, too. 3D trailer in the eShop. The presentation is now over.

[ 本帖最后由 netnight 于 2013-2-14 22:56 编辑 ]

