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Shoppers are finding lots of PlayStation 2s and Microsoft Xbox 360s, expected to do well as substitutes for the newest machines that are in short supply.

One employee at a Target store said the retailer issues a memo a couple of days in advance of Wii and PS3 shipments and passes the information on to shoppers, who sometimes stand in line to secure their booty.

As he spoke, shoppers snapped up PlayStation Portables and Apple Computer iPods.

American Technology Research analyst Paul-Jon McNealy said that since Sony shipment numbers include units in transit or in warehouses, the company's target of 1 million could translate to 600,000 to 800,000 units at retail by year end.

McNealy said investors and game makers tempered their forecasts for the PS3s since initial numbers fell short. He added that the PS3 will likely remain scarce through the June quarter.

"They have to launch in Europe, and they're stretched," said McNealy.

Wii shortages could ease in the March quarter, he said.

Workers at a dozen Southern California stores, including Best Buy, GameStop and Target outlets, said PS3 shipments were small and sporadic this shopping season, ranging from as few as 1 or 2 to 25, and that shoppers snapped up consoles as they arrived.

"We get 1 or 2 every week to week and a half," said a weary Los Angeles GameStop employee.

Nintendo's Wii was selling out fast but reaching stores in greater numbers than the PS3, store clerks said.

The $250 Wii, known for its motion-sensitive controller that can be swung like a tennis racquet or a sword, and the high-end $600 PS3 both launched in the United States in mid-November and take on the year-old Microsoft Xbox 360 in the new generation video game console battle.

Sony's PS2, which has sold more than 106 million units globally, is expected to be a top seller this season.

Toys "R" Us said its 587 U.S. stores expected more than 6,000 PS3s, thousands of Wiis and over 30,000 Microsoft Xbox 360s in the week leading up to Christmas.

http://news.com.com/Next-gen+con ... 9.html?tag=nefd.top

PS3慢慢普及吧 等07年第3方大叛变:D

[ 本帖最后由 某斑建比 于 2006-12-25 16:12 编辑 ]


看不懂的S饭 给你翻译

自推出以来,消费者一直在排队抢购索尼PlayStation 3和任天堂Wii游戏机。一些分析人士预计,在明年3月份或更晚之前,这种供不应求的局面不会得到解决。

American Technology Research的分析师Paul-Jon McNealy,由于索尼销售量数字包含有在运输途中和仓库中的货物,因此其100 万台的销售量计划的“实际销售量”只有60-80万台。他表示,明年第二季度,PS3供应紧张的局面仍然不会得到缓解。索尼还必须在欧洲推出PS3 ,因此供应紧张的局面还会持续下去。Wii供应紧张的情况将在明年第一季度得到缓解。

在南加州,百思买、GameStop、Target等消费电子卖场的员工指出,在圣诞节购物旺季期间,他们无法获得充足的PS3供货,有时一天到货1到2台,最多25台,游戏机一到,马上就被消费者采购一空。洛杉矶GameStop卖场的一名员工表示,他们每一周或一周半批发到的PS3只有1到2台。 零售店员都认为,节假日购物的客人们在这种情况下只好选择PS2或者Xbox 360,甚至PSP和iPod的销量也因此原因上升不少。

据预测,这个圣诞季节的销量冠军会出人意料的罗在“老旧”的PS2头上。著名连锁零售企业玩具反斗城的统计显示,在圣诞节前的最后一周,他们在全美587家连锁店预期将售出PS3 6000台,Wii“数千”台,Xbox 360则有30000台。

[ 本帖最后由 某斑建比 于 2006-12-25 15:41 编辑 ]


原帖由 SonyDown 于 2006-12-25 14:54 发表


原帖由 killmesoftly 于 2006-12-25 15:10 发表
Toys "R" Us said its 587 U.S. stores expected more than 6,000 PS3s, thousands of Wiis and over 30,000 Microsoft Xbox 360s in the week leading up to Christmas.

著名连锁零售企业玩具反 ...
驱动之家的翻译 我已经改了很多了



原帖由 makyoukin 于 2006-12-25 15:14 发表

一会儿缺货是ps3的大问题, 一会儿ps3有货卖不出去??




PS3慢慢普及吧 等07年第3方大叛变:D

