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[新闻] PSN 明天恢复

PlayStation Network Expected to Resume Service Tomorrow

Rumours about the current situation regarding the PlayStation Network outage are spreading like wildfire. This could well be due to Sony Computer Entertainment being very tight-lipped about the situation, unwilling to offer comment beyond that most necessary ‘we’re working on it’. However, a source close to the situation is much more optimistic.
As one of the biggest talking points in the videogame industry at present, there’s a constant debate about why the service has been restricted, how long it will take to return and in what form  it will appear when it does come back online. A representative of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE), who made it clear he himself was not working on the issue, has this morning informed Electronic Theatre that the team currently working on restoring the PlayStation Network are aiming to have consumer access back online tomorrow. However, there are no guarantees at this point.
“I know there’s a lot of disappointed gamers out there, but people don’t realise how much issues like this affect the people behind the scenes too,” stated our contact via e-mail. “The amount of man-hours that has gone into restoring the [PlayStation Network] asap is practically insane.”
Our contact was keen to reiterate that he himself is not working on restoring the PlayStation Network, but instead was close to members of the team. Electronic Theatre will keep you updated with all the latest details on the ongoing PlayStation network downtime.

