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[新闻] SONY:KZ2欧洲预定已经超过1.1M

Euro Killzone pre-orders top 1.1 million
Thursday 5-Feb-2009 12:01 PM PS3's flagship shooter is off to a solid start
28 CommentsEuropean pre-orders for Killzone 2 have surpassed 1.1 million units.

"The 1.1m pre-orders are for Europe only and that's [as] of last week," Sony told us after the figure was reported in today's Guardian.

Effectively Killzone 2's already a million seller in Europe then, which isn't bad going, especially seeing as the game's £2 million marketing campaign has yet to get into gear.

A demo's due on PSN at some point today, but in the meantime you can check out our Killzone 2 review ahead of the game's February 27 release

