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[新闻] MLGB:索尼包含220万个人信息的PSN数据库被挂牌售卖

[color=DarkRed][size=2]posted by wap, platform: iPad[/size][/color]

PSX-Scene论坛上出现了让人震惊的一幕,黑客开始挂牌销售220万个来自索尼PSN网络数据泄漏受害者的个人信息,其中包括姓名、地址、电话号码、信用卡号码甚至后三位CVV2码,这些数据足以让大量用户的信用卡失窃。之前索尼曾表示信用卡信息已经得到加密,但事实上数据库里的内容已经被读出,黑客甚至还炫耀数据库的关键字:fname, lnam, address, zip, country, phone, email, password, dob, ccnum, CVV2, exp date。


没仔细看,12L有补充,黑客打算把这些数据卖回给sony ,但sony拒绝了,都是一些黑市论坛的东西,求带路

[i] 本帖最后由 finalx 于 2011-4-29 11:37 通过手机版编辑 [/i]
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posted by wap, platform: iPad

So was the "credit card" table really encrypted?

Rumors are following thru various underground "credit card" trading forums, and on the new #psnhack twitter list that a large section of the PSN database containing complete personal details along with over 2.2million working credit card numbers with the much-needed CVV2 code are being offer up for sale to the highest-bidder, after the "hackers" tried to sell the DB back to Sony for a price, but they of course didn't answer!

The following information is from Kevin Stevens, Security Researcher in hostile times from his @killercube on Twitter:

Hackers offer to return DB containing 2.2million CC's to Sony for a price, they say NO!

Discussion about #psnhack and possible speculation about the hackers being from Europe Logs - efnet - #ps3dev - 2011-04-26

<Mathieulh>trixter, people I know had a shell on the psn servers

<Mathieulh>did you know that sony didn't disable the function that sets the psn server under maintenance ?

The hackers that hacked PSN are selling off the DB. They reportedly have 2.2 million credits cards with CVVs #psnhack

Sony was supposedly offered a chance to buy the DB back but didn't #psnhack

@mikkohypponen That is what is going around on some underground forums. The DB contains pretty much everything

@the_pc_doc That is what I thought but the guys selling it say that they have CVV2 numbers

@RiquezJP Well not properly securing your server breaks compliance as far as I know.

@RangerRick Yeah, this information about the CVV2 numbers could be bogus. The guys selling the DB could just be making it up.

Supposedly the hackers selling the DB says it has: fname, lnam, address, zip, country, phone, email, password, dob, ccnum, CVV2, exp date

No, I have not seen the DB so I can not verify that it is true
What follows is some 'screenshots' from various 'underground' forums, that suggests the database is complete, and also contains over 150,000 German accounts, so is this just a "Europe" slice of the pie, or did the still unnamed 'hackers' target that country because of what Sony did to the 'scene' in regard to how they were handling the graf_chokolo case!


