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So, after [the artificially hiked HD-DVD sales blip day and Children of Men being the only worthwhile HD-DVD release in several months/color], the sales of Blu-ray have gone back to a huge majority at DVD Empire.


Same at the Amazon rankings at www.thedvdwars.com. Funny, though. When the HD-DVD fanbyatch sales day blip happened, there were so-called "news" sites widely proclaiming it was all over for Blu-ray, the HD-DVD fanbyatches were drooling over which Blu-ray studio was going to cave in first, and of course, the predictions of the imminent death of the PS3 due to the "failure" of Blu-ray.

Now, the numbers have gone back to where they were before that artificial act of desperation. Where are the "news" sites, chortling about the complete turnaround in sales numbers? This is becoming very tedious and what is difficult to believe are these HD-DVD fan byatches that are so infantile and supposedly grown men. Sad, really.

