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[新闻] HALO 4 開發中?Halo The Movie Game?

http://www.msxbox-world.com/xbox ... in-development.html

Speaking with Bungie at an exclusive Microsoft event this month we were informed that there was no rest for the wicked for the team as they were already beavering away at the next Halo game in the franchise. When questioned whether the game would be a prequel, Bungie remained tight lipped as always but we have a hunch that the game might actually be Halo - The Movie Game (insert movie title prefix here). Either way, it's early days considering many are still tackling the single player of Halo 3. With huge sales across the globe for the series, there's no doubt that gamers are in store for more fighting whatever the guise may be.

傳言在exclusive Microsoft event的會場上,從BUNGIE的人員那邊聽來的消息,有一款基於電影的HALO續作正在開發

