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[新闻] 卡马克

卡神一向被人认可 有什么问题吗?


DooM大师卡马克 PS3性能强劲前景很乐观

出处:新浪游戏 | 2006-5-16 19:03:55 | 阅读 957 次
  id Software老大John Carmack在日前的E3访问中谈到了他对PS3以及PS3游戏开发的看法。


  JC解释说,要充分利用Cell架构,开发人员必须将代码分割成"很小的部分"(small nuggets)并且要针对多个SPE采用不同的编译器,这使得开发工作十分困难。




卡马克又谈PS3,X360机能了 (转TG)非战帖
字体: 小 中 大 | 打印 发表于: 2007-8-06 13:27    作者: xman    来源: =玩家网=我的空间

Game Informer: When we interviewed you at CES this year, and QuakeCon two years ago you weren't too thrilled with developing for multicore systems. Obviously now, that's the case across all platforms. Were you kind of at the point with id Tech 5 where, you said, "We give in?"

John Carmack: You have to take advantage of what's on the table. Although it's interesting that almost all of the PS3 launch titles hardly used any Cells at all. We hired one of the best PS3 guys around who did the Edge Acceleration technology for Sony - he's on our team now so we've got some of the best PS3 experience here. In fact when we were doing all of the tech demos, we'd bring in the developers and they'd walk over and say, "it's running on the PS3!" (laughs) They'd sit there and stare at it for a while.

There's no doubt that with all of the platforms that we have running here PS3 is the most challenging to develop on. That's what I've been saying from the beginning. It's not that it was a boneheaded decision because they're a lot closer the fact that they can run like this [points to the 4 different gaming stations running Rage] - they're a lot closer than they've ever been before. It's a hell of a lot better than PS2 versus Xbox. But given the choice, we'd rather develop on the Xbox 360. The PS3 still does have in theory more power that could be extracted but it's not smart. We don't feel it's smart to head down that rat hole. In fact, the biggest thing we worry about right now is memory. Microsoft extracts 32 megs for their system stuff and Sony takes 96. That's a big deal because the PS3 is already partitioned memory where the 360 is 512 megs of unified and on the PS3 is 256 of video, 256 of memory minus 96 for their system...stuff. Stuff is not the first thing that came to my mind there. (laughs)

The PS3 is not the favorite platform but it's going to run the game just as good. To some degree there's going to be some lowest common denominator effect because we're going to be testing these every day on all of the platforms, and it's going to be "Dammit it's out of memory on the PS3 again, go crunch some things down" That's probably going to be the sore spot for all of this but because we're continuous builds on all of these we're going to be fighting these battles as we go rather than build these things out and go, "Oh my God we're so far away from running on there." Which is the situation where Enemy Territory is suffering with at a degree right now, and a lot of other people have that.

卡: 你必需充分利用一切,虽然PS3首发的一些游戏并没有发挥出CELL的性能.但我们雇了为PS3开发EDEG的人才,当我们发现DEMO能在PS3上运行时,不禁惊呼:"他能在PS3上跑起来了!" (笑)
虽然比PS2,XB有了很大进步,但我还是稀望能在XB360上开发,PS3理论上(in theory )还是有机能可挖,但我认为这么做不明智.

PS3不是理想的平台.从某种程度说他是最差的效果,和其他平台比起来的话. 我常听到手下喊:"妈的,PS3内存又不够用了.把这些东东去掉吧.....


早点转多好 一天的批斗 卡神都被开除了

