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[转]《分裂细胞 5》 无缘PS3

最新一期的杂志除了提供 Xbox 360、PC《分裂细胞 5》的一些资料,也透露了 PS3 无法移植的一些原因,例如光影效果。

Magazine article:

- No more sneaking around in the shadows. Apparently you're going to be more like James Bond and infiltrate buildings in plain daylight. You won't have to use force or sneak around as long as you don't act suspiciously.

不再有利用黑暗潜入的概念,更多的象 007 而且在白天渗透,你不一定非要使用暴力。

- According to the article, every single object that is rendered on screen has physical properties and most of them can be used by Sam. For example, Sam can pick up furniture and use it as a weapon, or throw printers at enemies or papers in the face of enemies to gain the upperhand in fights.


- Melee fights are much more than "press this button to hit" this time around. There's different context sensitive attack buttons and as mentioned before lots of environmental interaction.

搏斗时,更多的是采用<选择按键然后攻击>的方式(类似 QTE?),例如不同按键对应上面提到的不同物品,造成不同的效果

- Some pretty negative comments about the ps3 made by the devs. They state the fact that they are exclusive to the 360 allows them to do much more than if they were multiplatform (duh) but they also state they doubt they would be able to achieve what they're doing with the game on the 360 on the ps3 even if it was ps3 exclusive.

开发人员对 PS3 有不少负面的评价。只有 Xbox 360、PC 版本,让他们能够在游戏中实现更多的设计和想法,而且他们觉得就算让 PS3 独占,也没有 360 独占做出来的效果好

The lead programmer told the magazine he doubts they would have been able to pull of the lightning effects they have right now on the ps3. That's the only thing they say straight out, but they do state they believe they're much better off on the 360.


原帖由 我装错了XBOX360 于 2007-5-13 16:39 发表
不要对我有偏见嘛  我还是很喜欢XO的  要不然我也不会买。大概是爱之深恨之切吧 我希望他好 所以害怕他因为这个失去很多喜欢日式游戏的玩家。。。。我支持XO 但是我什么饭都不是 我是玩家。:D


而且他们觉得就算让 PS3 独占,也没有 360 独占做出来的效果好

LSS因该这么说  龙穴XO独占的话效果不会比PS3版差。分裂独占就要差很多。。

PS。。。开发环境差  就算他好做  效果也不会比XO好。。。UBI就是这个意思吧


  我转的 没考虑太多 后面自己编了一句。。。。没啥意思的。。。表误会

感觉象辩论大会 。。。。什么都要多加注意 不然的话就会被抓出毛病。

