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posted by wap, platform: Android

General Fixes & Polish

Improved general game stability
Prevented players from getting stuck if a weapon video does not play
Addressed an issue where the player could become stuck during the Phantom chase
Addressed an issue where Rivet could spawn without the hammer
Addressed an issue where Rivet could become stuck after collecting Zurpstones in Challenge Mode
Various additional fixes
Disabled automatic 120 Hz display output in Performance modes
Prior to this update, if "Enable 120 Hz Output" was set in the system settings, using the Performance RT or Performance mode would auto-detect a 120 Hz-capable display and use a 120 Hz output mode. While this did not change the game's frame rate, it did reduce input latency by ~8 ms. However, entering this mode introduced visual compatibility issues with some displays that we didn't feel comfortable imposing automatically on players. We're exploring ways to re-introduce this input latency reduction feature  in a future update.

