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[NBA] 喷了,热火小老板透露:詹姆斯也曾想解雇斯波

原帖由 不当饭 于 2016-1-27 10:56 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
http://bleacherreport.com/articl ... rik-spoelstra-fired

"With the Miami Heat, LeBron James—before and after his four seasons when his contract was up with the team—made it clear that he wanted to dump head coach Erik Spoelstra. At one point, [Heat president] Pat Riley called LeBron into his office said that no one will tell him how to run the organization. Riley told James that Spoelstra is his guy and that firing Spoelstra is out of the question. That was the main reason LeBron returned to Cleveland."
In a follow-up interview, Katz emphasized he did not say James had Blatt fired, just that he's reading between the lines.

"I didn't hear what LeBron and Griffin spoke of, but you can read between the lines," he said.

