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[新闻] 鬼佬就是牛!显微镜下的wiiu-gpu兼猜测wiiu和ps720的差距。。


Red are the (presumed) shader clusters. Blue are the (presumed) TMUs.
The rest of the colorization are simply self-similar components that may not be layed down exactly in square blocks, but are still recognizable.

- The die is exactly 11.88 x 12.33mm (146.48mm)

- The large orange block on the left is the 32MB of eDRAM (MEM1). Up: It's 40.72mm, and takes up 27.8% of the die. Judging by Chipworks comments above, and the densities Renesas offers for 40nm eDRAM, it is very likely possible at this point that the MEM1 pool of eDRAM operates with a bandwidth of 70.4GB/s (550MHz on a 1024 bit interface).

Up: - A bit of counting reveals that the main MEM1 pool of eDRAM is composed of 2048 banks, each of which would be 16KB in size. That means that each small orange rectangle you're looking at is 2KB of eDRAM. This may indicate that the above bandwidth estimate is actually incorrect, and it could in fact be 140.8GB/s (550MHz on a 2048 bit interface).

- The smaller orange block above it seems to be about 3MB or 4MB of eDRAM (Up: It's 4.25mm). This might be the framebuffer for Wii mode, or the L2 texture cache, or something else, we're not 100% sure at this point.

8 shader units with 20 alus in each = 160ALUs @ 550mhz = 176GFLOPs
内存带宽为wiiu:22gps+70gps(edram) ps4:176gps 720:68gps+102gps(esram)



原帖由 KoeiSangokushi 于 2013-2-5 08:25 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone


本帖最后由 KoeiSangokushi 于 2013-2-5 08:26 通过手机版编辑  

The eight squarish groupings on the right hand side are possibly the VLIW5 shader clusters. However, due to the apparent increased amount of SRAM there, along with the unusual layout and the general changes to the die, it's entirely possible that the number of shaders in each cluster has changed from R700 dies. In fact, at this point it's even possible that the microarchitecture itself has changed, a la the VLIW4 used in some of AMD's 6000 series GPUs. Therefore, we could have a fairly unusual number of shader cores.

