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[新闻] 任天堂:你买了我的东西不代表你有权利上传它


Nintendo to profit from user videos posted to YouTube



原帖由 JordanJoy 于 2013-5-17 07:17 发表



Just another really weird move that does nothing more than control the media for their entire company and piss off a good portion of their loyal fanbase. First they locked down all information on promised Wii U release titles, claiming that the entirety of the first year was considered their ‘launch window’. Then they decided to bail on their E3 conference, which honestly, though it wasn’t the most informative conference, it was definitely the most fun to watch, instead opting for a pre-recorded, controlled, Nintendo Direct video and behind-the-curtain type previews with, what I assume be with a strict NDA at the door. And now they’re pulling this crap.

For what? Ad revenue? A multi-million dollar corporation, worried about a couple thousand channels that make about $4 a year from ads and maybe 10 or 15 of them that maybe make $15-20k if they’re lucky? I’m very interested to see how this will affect some of those bigger channels like KWing, someone who has dedicated his channel to strictly Nintendo and… Batman. And sadly, he was one of the only guys really doing it, most other Youtubers had lost faith in Nintendo’s ability to operate. And what do those few guys get for their loyalty? A slap in the face, all in the name of money and control. If Nintendo won’t back down from this, I wish those Youtuber’s luck adjusting to a new format. It’s quite hard to stop doing what you’ve done for years, to up and change it just to have money to put food on the table and pay the bills you have.
This is a wonderful way to have fans abandon a franchise. I mean, Zack Scotts videos gets hundreds of thousands of views, which means a lot of free advertising, as well as fan hype for new games. I never planned on LPing a Nintendo game because I don’t want to be the 2 millionth person to do a Lets Play Super Mario Bros 3, but when one of the oldest video game companies block their most die hard fans, then it’s a sad day indeed.
All of you are missing the point. Nintendo doesn’t care about making more money. They care about getting every last drop of blood of CONTROL. They stand to gain nothing else with this attack. Remember, an LP is free advertising. It’s video; it isn’t the same MEDIUM as games (no competition). Their attack is that they shove ads THEY created down YouTuber’s throats. The same thing as made by LPers, but Nintendo pays to make the ads, they have to wear the cost of people getting frustrated with their obnoxious presence… the only thing they GET is- a big “f|_|ck you we OWN your channel”. That’s IT. Control. Customers get a worse experience from the advertising process. Nintendo loses money.

They do this because they are former industry leader who is no longer on top. The other companies are catching up and Nintendo can see it. They watch their sales drop, love of their mascots no longer brings in the money it did, and they CAN’T INNOVATE (and still make money) right now. The WiiU is rubbish, and few have got one. Developers have actively said to the media they don’t WANT to make things for the console. The 3DS is not nearly as as successful as the DS. Things are going down for Nintendo (although they’re still pretty good at the moment), so they respond by copying what every major government is doing right now in the same situation:

They say “we can’t solve fatal problems, so let’s clamp down on something. Get CONTROL. The only people who won’t fight us right back are- our OWN people. So we’ll attack them!”. Censoring the internet, decreasing civil liberties, and so on are desperate spasms by governments no longer able to deal with the problems of their world (global warming, species loss, economic catastrophy, etc). Nintendo haven’t remotely similar clout (but still can’t solve their problems), so they do what they CAN- control in what piddling way they can the people who are most dedicated to them. And the folks paying their sallaries. It’s really sad to see them lose control like this. I used to love their games so much.
It’s a shame these big corporate game companies don’t understand the value of internet advertising through social media done by their fans. There’s an authentic air of appreciation instilled in these videos that you can’t generate through a group of employees sitting in a marketing meeting, trying to plan how to present their products to prospective customers.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, has been surpassed by, “If it’s working great, break it completely.”

