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[新闻] team ninja小弟为wiiu打抱不平,再为您诠释次世代的定义。。

http://www.edge-online.com/news/ ... ly-next-generation/
Yosuke Hayashi, head of Team Ninja and director of Ninja Gaiden 3 and upcoming Wii U revision Razor’s Edge, has poured scorn on the claim last year by Metro: Last Light developer 4A that Nintendo’s new console was hamstrung by a “horrible, slow” CPU.

In an interview to be published later this week, Hayashi suggests that 4A CTO Oleg Shishkovstov was using Wii U‘s perceived lack of horsepower as a smokescreen – and that too much attention has been paid to the components inside Wii U’s casing, when the real appeal lies in what those components actually do.

“The Wii U is an infant that’s just been born,” Hayashi tells us. “It’s a little unfair to compare it to mature platforms that people have been working on for over five years. I’m sure people will find ways to bring out even more power as the platform matures.这段神了!

“To be completely blunt and honest, there’s no way that the Wii U processor is ‘horrible and slow’ compared to other platforms. I think that comment was just 4A trying to find a scapegoat for a simple business decision on their part.”

However, Hayashi does not dispute that Wii U’s spec sheet isn’t much of a leap over current-generation consoles, if it is at all – but argues that the console’s functionality does more than enough for it to be classed as the start of a new generation.

“If you’re basing this simply on processor speed, then it’s not next generation,” he says. “If you’re basing this on Wii U being a new idea that challenges existing platforms, then it definitely is next generation. It is a console videogame platform that is now independent of the TV. Nobody has done that before.

“It’s no mistake to say that we have entered a period where it’s difficult to provide an obvious difference to many players based on processor speed alone. Players want new innovation that includes the environment in which you play and services you use, rather than just raw processor spec.

“Nintendo is at the forefront of that innovation. I’m looking forward to seeing what the other platforms come up with in the future.”









posted by wap, platform: iOS



The Wii U is an infant that’s just been born,” Hayashi tells us. “It’s a little unfair to compare it to mature platforms that people have been working on for over five years. I’m sure people will find ways to bring out even more power as the platform matures


“If you’re basing this simply on processor speed, then it’s not next generation,” he says. “If you’re basing this on Wii U being a new idea that challenges existing platforms, then it definitely is next generation. It is a console videogame platform that is now independent of the TV. Nobody has done that before.






posted by wap, platform: HTC



原帖由 freez 于 2013-1-8 16:32 发表
The Wii U is an infant that’s just been born,” Hayashi tells us. “It’s a little unfair to compare it to mature platforms that people have been working on for over five years. I’m sure people will ...
第一段的用词喷了, 还真贴切:D :D :D





